Chapter 887 Sixth-level Dimensional Cracks and the Abyss World

As the heads of the old and top powers, they often think about how to make their family develop better and gain More resources.

A family of military force requires resources to support its operation and expansion.

Therefore, for the news that the Azure Federation has determined the fourth Azure Blue Envoy, except for the younger generations who have the opportunity to become the Honorable Envoy or a member of the Radiant Knight Group, the old forces and the top forces are concerned.

The rest of the people just treated it as hearing a piece of news.

But the news of the cracks in the sixth dimension directly beat the hearts of all the old and top forces present.

Once the Fifth Level dimensional crack is an attack by the dimensional creatures to the main world through the crack, Spiritual Qi professionals can enter the dimensional crack after killing the dimensional creatures that gush out from the dimensional crack .

Obtain resources by searching in the dimensional fissures, and obtain source items and even holy source objects at the dimensional hub.

Then the sixth-level dimensional crack can be defined as the invasion of the dimensional world by the main world.

After the sixth-level dimensional cracks appear, that many dimensional creatures will not gush out like a Fifth Level dimensional crack.

But what kind of strength the dimensional creatures gushing out is not certain.

The six-dimensional rift connects the entire dimensional world.

After the sixth-order dimensional crack is opened, a dimensional film will be condensed in the inner layer of the crack.

Because of this dimensional film, the creatures in the dimensional world will not feel the suction in the dimensional cracks and cannot see the dimensional cracks.

But if you accidentally step into the dimensional crack, you will still be teleported to the main world.

The strength of creatures in the dimensional world is completely uncertain. There may be Level 1 dimensional creatures that are equivalent to the copper-level spiritual object, or there may be ten-dimensional creatures that are equivalent to the creation of the spiritual object. The creature ran out.

There have been only one level six dimensional cracks in the Huiyao Federation, and these six level dimensional cracks just connect the abyss world.

When the sixth-level dimensional crack opened, it happened that two tenth-level demons equivalent to the creation species spiritual object were fighting.

Fortunately, this sixth-dimensional crack hole that connects the abyss world opens in the uninhabited burning sun desert.

The Burning Sun Desert is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the nearest inhabited city, Rolling Stone City, but the battle of two tenth-level demons still spread to Rolling Stone City tens of thousands of kilometers away.

It even seriously affected the terrain of the Burning Desert.

The temperature of the Searing Desert was greatly increased, and the central area was all baked into flowing lava.

In the end, the Lord Bureau Chief Ye from Zhenlingsi personally rushed to contain two tenth-level demons with the equivalent to creation spiritual object strength.

After that, Lord Bureau Chief Ye sent twenty servants to block the cracks in the sixth dimension, while Lord Chief Ye personally led the team into the abyss world.

Kill the demon within thousands of kilometers of the abyss world close to the crack of the sixth dimension, and then order twenty commanders to station in the crack of the sixth dimension.

Prevent another abyssal demon from invading into the main world from within.

Risks often coexist with benefits.

Although the sixth-level dimensional cracks will be accompanied by unpredictable dangers, this risk is simply nothing compared to the harvest.

The dimensional world connected by the sixth-level dimensional crack is completely a big treasure house.

The materials in the dimensional world are much richer than the abyss dimensional cracks. If you can collect resources in the dimensional world through the sixth-level cracks.

Then you will be able to earn a lot of money soon, and let the power development to a higher level.

Because of the particularity of the sixth-dimensional crack, the existence of the sixth-dimensional crack is like a second life world that connects with the continent of Glory.

It is completely possible to build forces in the six-dimensional cracks and develop within the dimensional world.

The forces of the main world and the forces in the dimensional rift form a linkage to continuously move the resources of the dimensional world into the main world.

Of course, if you want to do this, you must have enough strength to support it.

even more how the sixth-level dimensional crack that this hole opens is still the abyss dimensional crack, and the strength of the abyss demon can not be trifled with.

Since the sixth-level abyssal dimensional cracks are connected to the entire dimensional world, if a sixth-level abyssal dimensional crack is opened in the Federation of other continents.

The powerhouses of other federations can also come to the abyss world through the sixth-level abyss dimension crack.

It can be said that the six-dimensional cracks have given the traffic-blocked federations a chance to compete on the same platform.

The minds of the heads of the old and top powers have become active.

Listening to what Wang Tingnei said, could it be said that the sixth-level abyssal crack in the stone flow desert that has been sealed for nearly ten years will be opened to the outside world?

If this is the case, it is simply great news.

At this time, Zuo Ming, the minister in charge of the left, came to the inner palace of Yeyang Palace, walked quickly to Ye Qingyue’s ear and said a few words softly, and then stood behind Ye Qingyue with his hand.

At this moment, the bell in Yeyang Palace rang again.

Ye Qingyue stood up when she heard the bell and said.

“The time for the official meeting of the night club is up, let’s prepare to start the official meeting of the night club.”

As Ye Qingyue’s voice fell, Ye Qingyue’s spirit strength within the body turns abruptly.

Tide-like spirit strength is injected into the dark crystal floor of the Yeyang Inner Palace, and at the same time, a breath of eternal silence is gushing out from Ye Qingyue within the body.

Immediately after the veteran and top power leaders of the Yeyang Inner Palace, as well as the younger generation of the Yeyang Outer Palace, suddenly discovered that the wall and floor began to quickly change shape, splitting and splicing.

The entire Yeyang Palace is like an ingenious palace, reorganized in split and splicing.

In less than a moment, the outer palace and inner palace of Yeyang Palace merged together to form a huge auditorium.

Thirteen top seats are located all around the auditorium, and the thirteen top seats directly surround the entire huge auditorium.

There are a few more seats behind each top seat. The height of these seats is slightly lower than the thirteen top seats.

The number of seats behind each top seat is different.

Some are more, some are less, and some are not yet placed behind the top seats.

Obviously, the number of these seats has been taken care of.

There are also many chairs in the central area of ​​the auditorium. These chairs are a little shorter than the seats behind the thirteen top seats.

There is a gap behind each chair, where one or two people can stand.

In front of these chairs, there is a large podium. The podium is simple and rough in design and inlaid with complete regular spars.

Above the entire auditorium, there was a group of top different fire burning sun sacred fire.

The changes in the Outer Palace of Yeyang Palace left the heads and younger generations of the old and top forces for a long while.

First update.

(End of this chapter)

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