Chapter 884 I’m not as good as him

When he said to himself “Lin Yuan, you won”, Lin Yuan’s face showed an expression of remembrance.

When Lin Yuan just supported the spiritual object shop alone in Xia County that year, Lin Yuan tried to move a pot of green leaves.

It can be said that every time Lin Yuan buried the energy ore in the Qingluo basin, he insisted on gritting his teeth.

A plant of Cheongsop, which is not even an Ordinary Level spiritual object, is not too heavy, but the root system of Cheongsop is very developed. If Cheongsho grows well, you need to grow it in a large pot.

A Qingluo pot weighs almost 15 jin after the soil is filled, which is a great burden for Lin Yuan, who could not even sense Spiritual Qi at that time.

Lin Yuan needs to sit down and take a breath every time he picks up a pot of green pineapple and puts it on the shelf. The days go by.

At that time, Lin Yuan’s dream and vision was to maintain the small shop by himself and get food and clothing, and then save some federal currency for Chuci to complete his studies.

For the younger sister of a female compatriot, Lin Yuan does not intend to be educated even if it is extremely difficult.

Even if Lin Yuan can’t get a powerful spiritual object for Chuci by relying on a small spiritual object shop alone, but saving a province for Chuci, he still has a defensive spiritual object suitable for team combat. possible.

But who would have thought that the mediocre one would stand on the stage of the Civil and Martial Arts doubles at the Si Ye Conference eight months later, winning the crown and receiving cheers and applause.

Lin Yuan feels like a miracle along the way!

Although the opportunity has not been missed, Lin Yuan still has to say something hard to his previous self.

In the past eight months, Lin Yuan has almost no time to stop and enjoy himself. As long as he is free, he will strengthen the spirit transformation in the spiritual lock space.

The mediocrity is more than mediocrity, Peak not content with Peak.

Lin Yuan is not an arrogant person, but Lin Yuan still feels that he can no longer be described as mediocre.

In short, no matter what, as always, the original intention remains the same.

The eight-month period is just the beginning, just to give yourself more confidence to take a look at this vast world.

In Lin Yuan’s memory, he suddenly felt that someone was holding his arms and legs and lifting himself up.

Lin Yuan turned his head and looked down and found that Liu Jie, Gao Feng, Long Tao, and Li Xuan had already rushed to the ring.

Before Lin Yuan could speak, Lin Yuan was thrown away by Liu Jie, Gao Feng, Long Tao, and Li Xuan.

Lin Yuan, who has mastered almost all the fighting skills and martial arts moves in the world through the grassroots of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Object body Super Memories, will be able to land steadily on the ground with just one turn over.

However, Lin Yuan didn’t do it at all, but smiled and enjoyed the celebration of friends.

I only feel that the nerves that I thought were tense in the battle have relaxed.

Gu Lang under the stage looked at Liu Jie, Gao Feng, Long Tao, and Li Xuan when he ran towards the ring, not at all immediately followed.

However, Gu Lang still walked to the ring at this time.

Gu Lang walked to Zongze’s side and said, looking at Zongze whose face was calm.

“You don’t lose unjustly, even if you directly use the holy source thing heaven red torch to threw away after you board the ring, you still have no chance of winning.”

“But if Lin Yuan directly uses the last trick you just used, you simply have no room to resist.”

“Left Senior Ming will directly protect you and announce that you have lost the competition. “

Since Zongze finished the fight, his eyes have been on Lin Yuan’s body and never left.

Listening to Gu Lang’s words, Zong Ze said directly.

“I’m not as good as him!”

“I would also like to thank him, if it weren’t for him, my heaven would be impossible to achieve long-term.”

” After losing this opportunity, Heavenly Scarlet Fire wants to transform into a long stage, but I don’t know how long it will take.”

Gu Lang heard Zongze’s words startled, and he has known Zongze for more than ten years. Langzhi Dao Sect how proud of Ze’s in the bones.

Gu Lang didn’t expect Zongze, such a proud person, would admit that he is not as good as someone of his generation.

Because of this battle, Zongze’s holy source thing Heaven Red Fire has transformed into a four-star growth period, and Zongze will also enter the stage of the fastest increase in strength.

You can use resources to directly pile up the stars of the Red Fire Heaven of the Holy Source.

In the battle just now, Gu Lang keenly discovered that after Zong Ze brought out the holy source summon, Lin Yuan’s body was still affected by the Fire Element energy even if it had strong Fire Element resistance.

Lin Yuan has always been leaning against the massive life force from within the body.

Let Lin Yuan’s injury speed and recovery speed maintain a delicate balance.

If Zongze Tiantian Chihuo’s star rating is higher, Lin Yuan’s flame resistance and the life force gushing from within the body will not work.

Just when Gu Lang was about to comfort Zongze with a few words, Gu Lang found that Zongze had strode forward and ran towards Lin Yuan.

Joining the lineup of Liu Jie, Gao Feng, Long Tao, and Li Xuan, Gu Lang couldn’t help but wonder.

Before Zongze took himself to take the initiative to get to know Lin Yuan, it no longer fits Zongze’s style of work.

After a fight, how did Zongze’s relationship with Lin Yuan become so good?

At this time, Sheng Yin looked at Lin Yuan’s complex sighed, who was thrown high on the ring.

Regardless of Lin Yuan’s identity, Lin Yuan has now received a Glory Medal in his hand and is qualified to compete for the position of the Glory Envoy and the Glory Knight.

Sheng Yin has been working hard all these years to become a member of the Glow Knight group.

Sheng Yin understands that it is simply unrealistic to compete for the position of the Radiant Envoy with her pure healing ability.

But now that Lin Yuan has received the Glory Medal, he has another strong competitor.

If Lin Yuan were to compete for the position of the Glory Ambassador, he would squeeze one person down, thereby increasing the pressure on the selection of the Glory Knight team.

If Lin Yuan is not enough to become a shining envoy, he will occupy another spot in the shining knight group.

There are still more than two years before the selection of the Radiant Envoy and the Radiant Knights, but according to Lin Yuan’s just demonstrated strength, even if Lin Yuan stays in place for two years and wants to occupy There is still no suspense about the place of the Knight Group of Glow.

Just when Sheng Yin felt the pressure was great, she only heard Zhuang Qianhui speaking from her side.

“Sister Sheng Yin, I have decided! Lin Yuan will be my man from now on!”

“I will let my old fogey go to propose marriage when I get home.”

Sheng Yin hearing this gave Zhuang Qianhui a stunned look, and then said earnestly.

“Qianhui! Some pros are not so easy to mention, and where do you let your old fogey go to propose to Lin Yuan?”

Sheng Yin has always known that Zhuang Qianhui has been a child Spoiled by the family, not only a little princess, but also some nympho.

But Zhuang Qianhui will never be so tigery!

So Sheng Yin planned to see if Zhuang Qianhui had guessed Lin Yuan’s identity.

First update.

(End of this chapter)

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