Chapter 860 Li Xuan is not jealous, right?

Although Iron Prison still felt pain in his heart at this time, he was dissatisfied that he had won his holy source thing after the moon.

But I thought of helping myself look at the spiritual object after the month, and preparing myself to create a boundary spar.

It means that after the month, I have two spiritual objects to help myself break through that boundary.

Compared to the improvement of one’s own strength, an uncontracted holy source thing is not so important in the heart of Iron Hell.

The Iron Prison has become a little bit complicated about Yue Zai, but in the heart I am already grateful for Yue Zai.

Behind the mobile phone on the top of the thirteen top seats, there is an old man sitting on the king’s lounge chair.

When the old man heard the words of the month later, there was an unexpected expression on Zheng’s face, and then the accident turned into relief.

At the beginning, that had become Zhao Yiyue, who was still going his own way, but now that she became a Master, she finally started to think about the emotions of other people.

The old man has never seen the discipline after the month, but he heard the cicada cicadas talk about the name of the discipline after the month is Lin Yuan.

I also know which one of the outer palaces of Yeyang Palace is Lin Yuan.

The gaze of the old man looked towards Lin Yuan, a little surprised at the magical power of this seemingly young boy.

It was unexpectedly able to change the character and temper of the month after the month with unnoticeable influence.

At this time, the veteran forces and top forces in the Yeyang Inner Palace looked a little disappointed.

The martial arts challenge has ended, and the discipline of Bureau Chief Ye won the first place.

Speaking under the crown has always promised a lot of money, which shows that the Iron Prison Impossible is still collecting the discipline at the night meeting.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the veteran powers and the top power leaders all fell on Gao Pei a little angrily.

There are compliments from Ye Qingyue, recommendation from the end of the month, and Cicada Ming also personally said that Gao Feng has a relationship.

Gao Feng, Gao Pei’s son, was accepted as a discipline by cicadas.

At this moment, only a surprise sound from the Yeyang Outer Palace suddenly sounded.

“Yeah! My Gao Feng turned out to be the second place in Wu Lei!”

After hearing Gao Feng’s voice, the challengers who chose to give up in Wu Le looked at each other in blank dismay.

These challengers didn’t mean to congratulate Gao Feng at all. They only felt that Gao Feng walked the lucky dog ​​excrement.

Wang An, who was fighting against Gao Feng, heard Gao Feng’s voice and almost couldn’t help but slap his two big slap in the flace.

At that time, if it wasn’t for me to show off my strength, Wu Li’s second place would be my own.

At this time, the right-in-chief minister, Youzhe, was walking out of the area of ​​the literary test, followed by Long Tao and a very ordinary woman.

This woman looks about 24~25 years old, which is about the same as Long Tao.

The woman still holds a thick book in her hand, and she looks a bit like a silly bookworm with her calm expression on her face.

But no one dared to despise this very ordinary woman.

At this time, the woman and Long Tao left the Wen Lei competition area behind the right-in-chief minister You Zhe, which means that this ordinary-looking woman and Long Tao have completed the exam questions and passed the Wen Lei Test.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Lang had already returned to the outer palace of Yeyang Palace a long time ago, the number of people who passed the literary competition has reached three.

Putting it that way Wen Lei’s competition has also ended.

I just don’t know, who is the second place in Wen Lei and who is the third place in Wen Lei between Long Tao and this very ordinary woman.

After the right sting brought Long Tao and a very ordinary woman through the promenade, the children of the top and old forces who participated in the literary contest and failed to complete the exam also left the literary in frustration. Competition area.

After the literary challenge is over, these challengers who have not completed the exam questions lose the opportunity to continue to complete the exam questions in the Yeyang Palace Cultivation Room.

Long Tao came to the outer palace through the promenade, and at a glance he saw Gu Lang standing beside Zongze talking and laughing.

Seeing Gu Lang’s Long Tao expression moved slightly, but there was no unexpected expression on Long Tao’s face.

Long Tao had already anticipated that Gu Lang would come out in front of him.

However, at this time, Long Tao is eager to know when Gu Lang will complete the test questions.

Use this to measure the gap between me and Gu Lang.

Right Sting brought Long Tao and the very ordinary-looking woman back to the outer palace, then turned and moved towards Zuo Ming’s side and walked.

Zuo Ming and You Zhe only presided over Wen Cha and Wu Cha, regardless of whether it was Wen Cha or Wu Cha, do not need Zuo Ming and Right P to read.

By the time the Division Night Conference begins, these challengers who have won the ranking will naturally be honored and rewarded by Master Division Chief.

Just when this ordinary-looking woman was about to find a corner with no one to sit down and look at the heavy book in her hand, Long Tao grabbed her wrist at once.

There was a trace of confusion on the face of this very ordinary woman, and she looked towards Long Tao with some incomprehension.

However, he stopped and stood beside Long Tao generously.

Although the woman didn’t speak, the expression on her face was obviously asking Long Tao to stop herself.

Standing on Lin Yuan side, Gao Fengzheng waited for Long Tao with excitement, so he could come over and ask Long Tao Wen Lei’s exam questions.

The assessment method of the double challenge of civil and military competition is the same as that of the competition of civil and military competition.

The competition between civil and martial arts can be regarded as an integration of literary and martial arts assessment.

And Lin Yuan is going to take part in the civil and martial arts competition in a while, now ask Long Tao Wen Lei’s test questions so that Lin Yuan has a bottom line.

But Gao Feng didn’t expect that he actually saw Long Tao grabbing the wrist of a girl in the crowd.

“Lin Yuan, you said that Long Tao wouldn’t be the woman who came out with him?”

Hearing Gao Feng’s words, Lin Yuan reached out and touched The hair on the back of the head didn’t know how to answer for a while.

Li Xuan, who had never had a sense of presence beside Lin Yuan, couldn’t help but cough violently when he heard Gao Feng’s words. He coughed for a long time before speaking.

“Don’t worry, Long Tao is impossible for someone else.”

Li Xuan said that as the hair of Long Tao, Li Xuan knows Long Tao too well. Up.

Long Tao has been a senior face control since he was a child. When he was young, he was a Little Fatty. After he lost weight at the age of six, his face value began to reach the standard.

It was at that time that Long Tao began to play with himself.

Long Tao is so harsh on boys’ looks, even more how girls.

Moreover, even if Long Tao changes his aesthetics and no longer does a face control, it is impossible to talk about emotions with Long Tao’s stability on this occasion.

So Long Tao’s behavior must have some other purpose.

The faint Li Xuan felt as if he had guessed what Long Tao’s purpose was.

Gao Feng glanced suspiciously at Li Xuan when he heard Li Xuan’s answer. He secretly said in one’s heart.

This Li Xuan is not jealous, right?

The second update.

(End of this chapter)

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