Chapter 854 The Battle of Wheels

Because the Iron Prison knows that even if he usually brings resources to ask for help from the Moon, he will definitely not be willing to help himself with spirit transformation.

Although the iron prison is a stick, you still know the iron prison after a month of trouble.

“I gambled!”

The bet between the Iron Prison and Bureau Chief Ye and the moon after hearing the scalp of the veteran and top-notch leaders hemp.

Is this the big brother’s world?

The world so that’s how it is boring and unpretentious!

The bets that casually set up the gambling agreement turned out to be Treasure Item materials and things of the holy source!

You must know that the things of the holy source are things that the old forces have no chance to get.

Even among the top powers, generally only the most powerful house in the family deserves to have it.


When betting at the Iron Prison of the Yeyang Palace and Ye Qingyue after the moon, the children of the top and old forces who had been hesitant before Wu Lie listened Going to the Iron Prison is like being beaten with blood.

Liu Jie’s face behind the mask of Zhen Lingsi on the ring slightly condensed.

Knowing that after saying this in the Iron Prison, those who will challenge themselves on stage are destined to go crazy.

But not only did Liu Jie not feel nervous at this point, on the contrary, the madness of his opponent was exactly what Liu Jie wanted.

Only a strong opponent can make Liu Jie clearly realize how strong he is now and where his limits are.

Soon, someone boarded the Wuchai again.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Ming announced the official start of the third match of Wu Lei.

The third person who boarded Wu Lei looked at the 30 neighing blade worms in front of Liu Jie and immediately felt that he was really impulsive.

But the words under the iron crown just now make it hard not to be impulsive.

The youth immediately summoned the spiritual object of their contract.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yuan used real data to check the three tiger spiritual objects produced by the youth summon.

The tiger spiritual object is potentially capable of mentioning on equal terms with the dragon spiritual object.

It’s just that the tiger’s spiritual object is undoubtedly much rarer than the huge and diverse types of dragon’s spiritual objects.

Two of the three tiger spiritual objects in this youth contract have been promoted to fantasy spiritual objects.

The strongest tiger spiritual object has even reached the level of diamond level 1 fantasy.

This kind of strength is obviously much better than Wang Anqiang, who had just been in the ring with Gao Feng.

If you really want to fight, this young man who has contracted three tiger spiritual objects can fight Wang An at least three.

The strength of these three tiger-like spiritual objects can barely compete with the 30 diamond-level tenth-level blade worms that Liu Jie has placed on the surface.

The exclusive characteristics of the Queen of Blades. Although the vicious female bee can guarantee that the blade worm’s position will not drop, after the transformation, every diamond-level tenth-level blade worm is equivalent to a perfect quality. spiritual object.

In this way, every diamond-level tenth-level blade worm is equivalent to the platinum-level Level 3 fantasy spiritual object.

At the moment when the three tiger spiritual objects were summoned out of summon, thirty platinum level 3 fantasy blade worms directly collided with the youth’s two fantasy tiger spiritual objects. together.

This young man’s strongest diamond-level Level 1 fantasy tiger spiritual object is undoubtedly much stronger than the lava dragon lizard contracted by Zhou Luo.

But the lava dragon lizard is a defensive spiritual object, relying on the shield on the body can effectively defend the blade worms relying on the blade horny to attack.

At that time, Zhou Luo was able to defeat that many blade worms with the lava dragon lizard. On the one hand, because of the exclusive characteristic of the lava dragon lizard, unyielding iron bone, each hit can enhance its defensive power ability.

On the other hand, Lin Yuan gave Zhou Luo a lot of Fire Attribute and Earth Attribute elemental pearls.

Allow Zhou Luo to use the pure elemental energy to regenerate the skill shield of the lava dragon lizard to improve the endurance in battle.

And the tiger spiritual object of this youth contract is a spiritual object with relatively weak defensive power.

Every time the tiger claw swung at the blade worm, the tiger claw would be scratched by the black blade horn on the blade worm.

Such an injury is nothing to the diamond-level Level 1 fantasy tiger spiritual object.

But through the effect of cursing the bee venom through the Queen of Blades skills, every time the blade horny damages, the spiritual object of this tiger is continuously attached with mental toxins and curses.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Liu Jie waved his hand gently.

Immediately from the dimension lamp moth within the body, five shield beetles were swayed again, and the shield beetles joined the battle group to protect the blade worm from attacking the tiger spiritual object.

The ferocious tiger spiritual object slowly fell under the attack of the insect swarm.

Finally, after Liu Jie commanded the Queen of Blades to use skills to disintegrate and infect a severely injured blade worm that basically lost its combat capability, a large amount of psychotoxin was sprayed on the body of the tiger spiritual object.

At this time, the tiger spiritual object disturbed by the mental toxin has already begun to become weak, and the tiger spiritual object is superimposed with an unknown number of curse effects.

The diamond-level Level 1 fantasy tiger spiritual object was directly knocked to the ground by the blade worm whose power of disintegration and infestation multiplied.

Seeing that the spiritual object of his contract had no ability to resist, it was also impossible to threaten Liu Jie.

The young man standing opposite Liu Jie immediately chose to admit defeat.

After the youth retired from the martial arts challenge, one of the uniform blade worms in the military challenge now has one dead and seven severely wounded on the ground.

The remaining 23 were also injured.

There are five more Shield Beetles who joined the battle and were torn apart by sharp claw.

Liu Jie experienced a battle without any panic, so calm and composed stood behind these blade worms.

This scene also made the younger generation of the old and top forces under the martial arts fierce.

At this time, several youths headed by Du Shuo were exchanging their eyes, and everyone could see the situation in the martial arts competition at this time.

Although the weaker veteran and top power children are not enough to defeat Liu Jie, they can cause injury to Liu Jie’s blade worm swarm.

According to the current situation, the wounds suffered by Blade Worm cannot be cured by the cancer spiritual object Queen of Blades.

And every time the Queen Blade lays eggs, it takes a long time.

In the martial arts competition, the Queen of Blades simply won’t leave a second chance to lay eggs, so the wheel fight is the best choice to fight these blade worms.

So several youths headed by Du Shuo scattered all around, each moved towards the other players who participated in the martial arts challenge.

These youths are all from the top forces.

Soon under the lobbying of these young people, the veteran forces and the children of the top forces under the martial arts united.

The weaker players are not so easy to pick up Liu Jie’s head, so these people become the best candidates for the wheel warfare and are responsible for the consumption of the blade worm.

The second update.

(End of this chapter)

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