Chapter 810 The car after the moon

At this moment, Changyue only saw Lin Yuan handing a cloud-shaped diamond-level spiritual box to the moon.

This action made Cangyue slightly startled.

Not only Cang Yue was stunned, but Xuan Yue, who had just returned from Foreign Domain, was also stunned.

Xuanyue, who had just returned to the Hall of Huiyue for a short time, felt a little confused.

In the past, the adults after the moon tried their best to give things to the little majesty. From what point did the little majesty start to give things to the majesty the moon?

Months later, I wanted to subconsciously refuse, but looking at the solemn expression on Lin Yuan’s face, I remembered how I felt when I was rejected when I gave Lin Yuan something.

A month later, I reached out and took the cloud-shaped diamond-level sleepy box that Lin Yuan handed over.

After receiving the cloud-shaped diamond-level sleepy box, I immediately became sleepy. The contents of the spirit box were checked.

From this look, Moon Queen’s expression was surprised at first, and then she smiled.

In the end, the smile turned into full of pride and wonder.

Months later, the discipline that I didn’t expect to collect has grown to such an extent unconsciously.

The Golden Lotus Jin Zhuyue in this diamond-level haunted chest can see the doorway at a glance.

It can be said that the Golden Lotus which Lin Yuan has given to the month later is a precious treasure for the month later.

At this time, there was a subtle feeling in the heart of Moon Queen.

It’s like something that I carefully irrigated and cared for as an eyeball has grown up, and I don’t need myself so much.

The stubborn Little Brat in front of him has been able to give himself back even without accepting his own help. This feeling is the first time in his life after a month.

Melancholy and proud and proud, as if the torch of inheritance passed down from one’s hands.

That’s a feeling of passing on.

Looking at Lin Yuan lightly said with a smile a month later.

“Master likes the things in this diamond-level sleepy chest. Master, this is going to go to Yeyang Palace in advance with Xuanyue and Cangyue.”

Master, follow Master to the Moon Stable.”

Neither Xuan Yue nor Cang Yue knew what was in the diamond-level trap that Lin Yuan handed over to the moon.

But when she heard that Lin Yuan was going to the moon stable after Yue Yue, Xuan Yue’s eyes lit up immediately.

I know that after the month, the adults are going to give the spiritual object carefully prepared for the spiritual object cart to the small highness.

Xuanyue remembered the spiritual object that Lin Yuan’s spiritual object had prepared for Lin Yuan’s spiritual object after the month, and couldn’t help but swallowed saliva and said.

At this time, Xuanyue couldn’t help but imagine in her mind what the spiritual object that the adults prepared for Lin Yuan after the month should be like when they are flying and dancing.

Lin Yuan immediately turned around and followed the moon after hearing the words of the moon.

“Let’s go, Master, I’ll send you off.”

Lin Yuan has always been in the Huiyue Hall unimpeded, the core area of ​​the Lunar Flower Corridor in the Lin Huiyue Hall. Yuan can come and go freely.

And a month later, he also set up an incubation room for Lin Yuan in the Moonlight Corridor.

Lin Yuan will always go to the training room of Yuehua Corridor to sort out the knowledge he has learned after conducting quiz with Yuehou.

For the first time, Lin Yuan could not help but secretly smack his tongue when he saw the arrangement for himself in the cultivation room after a month.

The walls of the entire cultivation room are inlaid with large transparent woods.

It is the four-star creator who has worked diligently day and night to save resources for about ten years before it is possible to buy a fist-sized transparent wood.

Tolerant wood is of great benefit to creators, and it can purify Spiritual Qi.

It’s just that such a luxury thing as Touling Wood is of no use to Lin Yuan, but this arrangement also shows the Master’s dedication to himself in the next month.

Lin Yuan is very familiar with Huiyue Hall, but I haven’t wandered around in Lin Yuan normally in Qingyue Mountain.

Lin Yuan, at most, walks from the Huiyue Hall to the attic where he normally lives, or goes to Chuci’s residence in the Huiyue Hall to find Chuci.

The Moon Stable is the place where Huiyue Hall stores spiritual object cars. Lin Yuan has never been to this kind of place.

However, after seeing Li Xuan’s spiritual object car and Long Family as Substitute Patriarch’s spiritual object car, Lin Yuan likes the spiritual object car more and more.

And Lin Yuan has already thought about what kind of pull cart should be prepared for his spiritual object cart.

It is not an easy task to choose a spiritual object to pull the cart. First, consider the protective effect that the spiritual object attaches to the spiritual object.

In fact, it is the shielding effect of the internal environment of the spiritual object and the hard power of pulling the spiritual object.

Finally, we must consider whether the spiritual object can pull the style.

So many points need to be considered one by one, so Lin Yuan has no clue for a while.

Therefore, Lin Yuan is quite curious about the spiritual object car in the Moon Stable of Qingyue Mountain.

Lin Yuan feels very comfortable watching the scenery on Qingyue Mountain and watching the treasured spiritual objects that can be seen everywhere.

At this time, it has been a while since the end of the New Year.

It was warm and cold, and the season changed from midwinter to early spring.

In this early spring, the very Qingyue Mountain is filled with the fragrance of orchid buds. Just a smell of this fragrance makes people feel like they have been comforted by bursts of spirit.

When he arrived at the moon stable, Lin Yuan found two huge silhouettes standing in the doorway of the moon stable completely hidden under the moon-colored robes.

These two huge silhouettes are three meters high. Just by seeing these two huge silhouettes Lin Yuan, you can confirm that under the moon-colored robe is not a human Spiritual Qi professional.

It is an existence formed by an unusually huge spiritual object.

These two huge silhouettes directly one-knee kneels on the ground after seeing the moon, and then these two huge silhouettes owed their heads to Lin Yuan while kneeling on one knee.

However, Lin Yuan keenly discovered that these two huge silhouettes did not salute Cang Yue and Xuan Yue.

At this time, Lin Yuan only heard his Master speak after a month.

“Go and pull out the Ling Hanyue Pagoda cart, this time you two will follow me to the Yeyang Palace.”

After the month, while speaking, Lin Yuan was still a little strange , Spiritual object cars have always been pulled by spiritual objects.

But why did his Master let these two huge silhouettes hidden under the moonlight robes pull out the spiritual object car?

Thinking of Lin Yuan’s heart startled, he suddenly looked towards these two huge silhouettes kneeling on the ground.

Lin Yuan saw the two huge silhouettes directly raised their heads and let out a neigh similar to a snake-like spiritual object.

It’s just that these two neighs are different from the vicious and tyrannical neighs of ordinary snakes.

These two snake-like neighs are filled with an inexplicable Immortal Qi.

When the two huge silhouettes lifts the head neigh, Lin Yuan discovered that the silhouette hidden under the moonlight robe had two beautiful faces.

Immediately after, Lin Yuan saw one of the silhouettes rushing to the sky like a blazing moonlight, transforming into a white giant snake stretching nearly 1000 meters long.

Another silhouette follow closely from behind, transforming into an azure snake that stretches nearly 1000 meters in Tiantian.

Lin Yuan’s pupils shrank suddenly, and subconsciously checked the one white, one azure two giant snakes using the real data of Mobius’ skills.

Make up the second update yesterday.

The third one will be very late, so everyone goes to bed earlier.

I am a bit late after finishing the change today.

(End of this chapter)

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