Chapter 806 The Transformation of Celestial Council Members

Bei Xu woke up from the stone mound he had built, and immediately keenly heard a slight rustling outside the pile.

Hearing this rustling voice, Bei Xu only felt that the hairs all over his body stood up.

This kind of rustling sound is a urging spell in Underground World of the cave continent. It is the sound of knives rubbing thread centipedes.

Knife-wrapping centipede is not a spiritual object, the only way to attack is the big mouth like a knife-wrapping.

As long as an adult is careful not to be bitten by the big mouth of the knife, he can trample the knife to death with a few feet.

The reason why Bei Xu thinks have one’s hair stand on end is because Bei Xu thought of a legend.

Knife rubbing thread centipede actually doesn’t like eating flesh and blood, but like scraping metal spirit material with its big mouth.

It is rumored that the place where the knives rubbing the thread centipede group appears is likely to open the next elementary crack.

For anyone who does not have a spiritual object in the cave continent, the underground crack is a funeral that is impossible to escape.

Just when Bei Xu suddenly remembered that Lin Yuan had sent a spiritual object for him from the Celestial Assembly, a black shadow directly stuck on Bei Xu’s face and frightened Bei Xu.

Bei Xu took a closer look and found out that the shadow was a bat with only his own palm-size.

Seeing the spiritual object Lin Yuan passed to him, Bei Xu was first happy, and realized that he was finally going to become a Spiritual Qi professional.

But then Bei Xu became desperate.

Even if I now contract the spiritual object in my hand, can relying on this newly acquired spiritual object really survive in front of the massive underground creatures that gush out of the rift in the earth?

Seeing a knife rubbing a centipede in the gap of the rock pile, Bei Xu immediately moved his spiritual strength jerky and contracted with the bat spiritual object in his hand.

Under this contract, Bei Xu’s eyes almost didn’t go out of his eyes.

Bei Xuti’s request was only to change from Lin Yuan’s hands to a spiritual object, but didn’t expect Lin Yuan to give himself such a powerful spiritual object.

In Bei Xu’s eyes, there was a deep sense of gratitude, surprise and longing.

Feeling the skill of Fengying Youbat, Bei Xu finally knew why Lin Yuan said “you can” to himself at the time.

With the presence of Fengying Youbat, the curse mark “Stone Worm” on his body will no longer be the confinement of his identity.

Just after Beixu’s contract with Fengying Youbat, Bei Xu discovered a black ring engraved with bat patterns on the ground through the spirit strength connected to Fengying Youbat and two copies in a crystal bottle. In the spirit fluid.

Bei Xu, who has been mining since his birth, only knows the scarcity of Underground World spiritual objects in the cave continent.

For the black bat-shaped ring and two bottles of spiritual liquid sent by Lin Yuan on the ground, Bei Xu didn’t know what it was useful for.

However, North Permit confirmed that these two things are part of Lin Yuan’s surprise.

The worm wings just obtained from the ground of Bei Xu cautiously wrapped the black ring and spiritual liquid in his arms.

Then stood up in the stones pile, and directed the Fengying Youbat to use the wing shadow blade to kill the knives that had penetrated into the cracks one by one.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Bei Xu’s habitual summon came out of the will rune of the combination of shadow and sharpness he had previously understood, but he didn’t expect the front shadow Youbat that he had just contracted to do. I hit the will rune that I just came out of summon.

Immediately after, Bei Xu’s mouth grew bigger and bigger, and even suspicious liquid dripped from his lips.

Bei Xu found out that the front shadow Youbat he contracted was getting stronger and stronger.

Bei Xu was completely confused about the changes of the front shadow Youbat, but Bei Xu knew that the will rune that he understood after the front shadow Youbat became stronger has disappeared.

Feeling the strength of the Fengying Youbat after it has become stronger, Bei Xu felt that even if it really opened the Level 1 ground, the next time Yuanqiang might kill a bloody road by relying on the Fengying Youbat.

At this time, Lin Yuan, if he has the perspective of God, can see the situation of Bei Xu, I am afraid that he will directly spew a mouthful of old blood.

Because Lin Yuan had forgotten that due to the disparity between knowledge and information, Bei Xu simply didn’t know the use of the diamond-level trap box and the two bottles of spiritual liquid without telling him.

The things that made Bei Xu improve his strength have become a burden that Bei Xu needs to protect him at all times.

Because of his identity as a “stone worm”, Bei Xu has no idea about the quality and rank division of spiritual objects, as well as the relationship between will rune and fantasy spiritual objects. These common senses that everyone knows in the Huiyao Federation .

Even Bei Xulian, when his spiritual object, Fengying Youbat, was promoted to a fantasy species, unexpectedly inspired the Sovereign bloodline of the spiritual object of bat species. It was transformed into the monarch Youbat. .

But fortunately, with the fantasy monarch Youbat, Beixu has the ability to survive in the cave continent Underground World.


On the other side, Yin Lin woke up from the soft bed.

After waking up, Yinlin’s heart, peng~ peng~ peng~, was beating, and Yinlin, who knew that he had seen the light again, not at all immediately eyes opened.

It took a long time for Yin Lin’s eyes to secretly open a gap.

Only from this gap, Yinlin saw a world that made oneself both familiar and unfamiliar. Everywhere in his sight was an indescribable beauty and reality.

Colors, shapes, and subtle textures are all specific to the current Yinlin.

Such a world fascinates Yin Lin at a glance.

A lot of tears gushed out from Yin Lin’s eye sockets.

Tears slid down Yinlin’s nose, which was unusually warm.

At this moment when tears were streaming down, Yin Lin’s face showed a brilliant smile to the extreme.

This smile perfectly explains what is called crying for joy.

At this time, there was a sound of a string from the door of Yinlin’s room. Obviously, even if someone walked on the fur carpet, they were still afraid of making noises that would make Yinlin noisy.

Yin Lin only saw his mother walk in from the door.

Yin Lin’s mother Guan Da walked in and wanted to cover Yin Lin with a quilt, but didn’t expect Yin Lin was already awake.

Guanda was stunned when she saw Yin Lin’s moment.

Because Guan Da discovered that Yinlin not only has a blue leopard-shaped Totem on his left cheek, but also a white leopard-shaped Totem on his right cheek that is smaller than the blue leopard-shaped Totem. Lion Totem.

Guan Da, who was born in the five-star Aristocratic Family, can face doesn’t change even before the mountain collapse, but after seeing the Totem appearing on Yinlin’s left and right cheeks, she can no longer help her body shake .

Guan Da has always felt that her daughter Yinlin’s life is very bitter.

But now even if Yinlin’s eyes still can’t see anything, in Guanda’s heart Yinlin is also the luckiest person in this world.

Guan Da didn’t expect Yin Lin unexpectedly awakened the four-star Aristocratic Family Yin Family’s most precious white lion spirit pattern in a nap, and at the same time awakened the azure blue of the five-star family Guan Family Clouded leopard spirit pattern.

First update.

(End of this chapter)

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