Chapter 1196 One-Man Army and Humanoid Mine

Before Liu Jieduo could think, Liu Jie saw Lin Yuan and the silhouette of the woman behind him raising their hands at the same time.

Amber energy rays gush out from Lin Yuan’s palm, moved towards the green-skin goblin sitting on the ground.

At the moment when the amber energy appeared, the Void Shadow Demon who was standing on the side softened his knees.

Knelt on the ground piously and solemnly.

The whole body of the Void Shadow Demon trembled violently.

This is the first time the Void Shadow Demon has felt such pure source power in his life.

The Void Shadow Demon secretly thought.

“This Level 4 goblin really knows that it is a blessing that has been cultivated in several lifetimes, and it has been appreciated by Sir Ruler!”

“Under the injection of such pure source power , As long as Sir Ruler is not stingy, Level 4 goblins are likely to be promoted to the apostles today.”

But this Void Shadow Demon is not envious.

Because Lin Yuan gave himself the same promise.

At that time, like this goblin, I can accept the pure source power given by Lin Yuan to promote the apostle.

The reason why I have not accepted the original baptism now is just because I want to save some more.

While striving to achieve the apostle through original baptism, double happiness is immortal.

With the infusion of the pure source power on the Level 4 goblin, the gray green on the Level 4 goblin is constantly retreating.

The skin began to become more and more blue.

However, the little goblin still hasn’t grown.

It’s just that the ears become more and more pointed, and the teeth become more and more pointed.

These sharp teeth make it easy for Level 4 goblins to bite hard metal.

After Lin Yuan injected two hundred source powers into the body of the Level 4 goblin, this goblin has completely turned into a blue-skinned dwarf.

And as the source of power continues to be injected, Level 4 goblins begin to appear some tattoo-like clear veins.

The context of at first seems a bit abrupt.

But gradually these veins have become more and more fitting, in Lin Yuan’s view, it is like layered mines.

After Lin Yuan injected the last part of the source power, the 400 source power has been injected.

At the same time as the last source of power was injected, a deep scream came from the Level 4 goblin throat.

An amber Totem suddenly lit up on the nose of the Level 4 goblin.

The amber Totem outlines the towering mine, which has a strong metallic luster.

This Totem is the faith Totem that this Level 4 goblin awakened after being promoted to the apostle, the metal mountain range Totem.

Lin Yuan used real data to view the Level 4 goblin transformed into the apostle.

[Name of alien animal]: Mineral vein goblin

[Life form]: Apostle

[Level of alien animal]: Level 4

[Strength of Faith]: Extremely weak

[Faith Totem]: Metal mountain range Totem

Talent specialties:

[Metal growth]: And a certain metal Sign a contract to absorb the energy in the metal to increase your strength. After the strength is increased, the metal will be fed back to increase the metal. When the swallowed contract metal reaches a certain level, the body will remember the metal, and it can be consumed when the metal is not swallowed. The energy of within the body gives birth to the metal that the body remembers, and one type of metal can be replaced with each step up.

[Mineral vein heart]: When you find an unmined vein, you can use your heart and blood to lift the purest core in the depth of the vein, so that the mineral at the core becomes a mineral spirit , After signing a contract with the mineral spirit, the mineral spirit can be used to mine veins spontaneously. After the mineral vein is mined, the strength can be enhanced by devouring the mineral spirit.

The power of faith:

[Blood people transformation]: By injecting part of the energy in the Totem into the blood people within the body, the blood people’s life form is transformed and the blood people pass The strength of Totem transforms the life form from ordinary dimensional creatures into Benevolent Believers.

It was discovered that this Level 4 goblin bloodline had completely veined and became a vein goblin.

The appearance of the tattoos of the goblins who want to come to Level 4 is because the bloodline has completely evolved into the mineral vein goblin.

After being transformed into the apostle, the talent of mineral vein goblin metal growth has been strengthened.

Originally, the vein goblin could only sign a contract with one metal at a time.

After upgrading the level and changing the contract Metal Attribute type, the original contract metal can no longer grow.

However, now the body of the vein goblin can remember metal.

When the metal that swallows the contract reaches a certain level, the body of the vein goblin can remember the metal.

After that, you can use the energy of your inner body to freely spawn, the metal of body memory.

Although the metal proliferation of the talent is strengthened, there are still few metal types that the vein goblin can remember in their lifetime.

But the vein location accurately did create something from nothing.

As long as the energy keeps up, the metal of body memory can be continuously created.

Make the vein goblin equivalent to a human-shaped mine.

Transformed into Apostle’s newly-appearing talented and special mineral vein heart, so that mineral vein goblins can form an army by themselves.

Take on the work of the mining team with one person.

And afterwards, it can also consume the mineral spirit formed by the spirit of the mineral core without wasting the slightest to enhance the strength.

Lin Yuan was so satisfied that he couldn’t be more satisfied with the Level 4 mineral vein goblin transformed into the apostle.

Under the guidance of the Void Shadow Demon, the mineral vein goblin already regards Lin Yuan as a god.

Although the vein goblin is in Underground World because of its level, I have never heard of the legend of the apostle.

But I also know that Lin Yuan has greatly improved his entire Life Level.

Even if the mineral vein goblin has so many flowers intestines, Lin Yuan should be grateful.

The mineral vein goblin stood up from the ground and bent over and said to Lin Yuan.

“Master, from now on Chongshan only listens to your instructions.”

While speaking, Chongshan also took a look at the Void Shadow Demon, but now Chongshan no longer has the Void Shadow Demon I was so afraid before.

Although the strength of the heavy mountain transformed into the apostle is worse than the Void Shadow Demon, it goes by vast distance.

But the difference in Life Level caused Shige Shan to feel a little contempt for the Void Shadow Demon for no reason.

From a Level 4 goblin who dares to despise the Level 11 Eight Tribulations Void Shadow Demon, it can be seen that the status gap between the Life Levels of the dimensional creatures.

Lin Yuan didn’t expect Level 4 mineral vein goblin to give himself a name before.

From the behavior of the mineral vein goblin naming itself, it can be seen that the vein goblin has a very strong intelligence.

It’s a little strange that it’s just a little dwarf who named himself Zhongshan.

I don’t know how much expectations are contained in this name!

Now the vein goblin has not only changed its bloodline, but its Life Level has been promoted to Apostle level.

From the standpoint of ability alone, the name Chongshan is actually not abrupt at all.

Looking at the vein goblin who bows to express his loyalty to himself, Lin Yuan said with a smile.

“Chongshan, you will have to work hard from now on!”

“By the way, what kind of metal is your current talent and specialty metal growth contract with?”

(End of this chapter)

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