Chapter 1171 The Flowery Youth

spoil things through excessive enthusiasm is not a good thing.

While Yinhua was playing with Lin Yuan, his eyes suddenly saw the insect mother in Liu Jie’s arms.

Yinhua directly flapped the three pairs of wings behind him, moved towards the insect mother and flew over.

With Yinhua’s initiative to make friends, Yinhua and Chongmu soon became friends.

Yinhua invited the insect mother to play in the sea of ​​white bone lotus flowers.

Seeing his worm mother and Yinhua get along, Liu Jie smiled.

Hehe, Lin Yuan and I have such a good relationship!

The relationship between my spiritual object and Lin Yuan’s spiritual object is so good!

So satisfying!

Suddenly Liu Jie’s pupil light condensed, and he walked to Lin Yuan and said.

“Lin Yuan, the large forces of the Kryya Pirates Group can’t wait.”

“Half an hour ago you rang my cell phone three or four times, and now Kyaya The thieves of the king regiment began to march.”

Lin Yuan hearing this took out his mobile phone that he had placed in an amber button-shaped diamond-level spiritual box.

I saw five or six missed calls on the mobile phone stolen from the five people who didn’t know who.

Lin Yuan stretched his eyebrows and looked towards the far east.


The sun is hanging high, and the large troops in vine armor are marching steadily among the trees.

A yellow-brown elephant-like spiritual object keeps pulling its nose out of a small tree in the forest, and sending it to the mouth for chewing.

After chewing two bites, it seems that the small trees in the forest taste bad.

He spit the sawdust from his mouth on the forest ground in disgust.

Two white ivory waves from time to time, leaving a half-meter deep hole in the trunk of the giant tree in the forest.

I owe a lot!

The brown-yellow elephant-like spiritual object has a tent on the back, which can block the glare from the sun in the forest.

It can also effectively block leaves, branches and fruits falling from high altitude in the forest.

A woman in a silk gown sits in the tent.

The women’s silk gown is painted with flowers of various colors, and the flowers are decorated with vine leaves.

Too much decoration makes this silk gown with a good texture look a bit tacky.

Lost the original lightness of silk gown.

The silk gown is also wrapped in a purple fur cloak.

The animal hair on the Greatcloak is very long, but the animal fur on the edge of the Greatcloak is not very smooth.

Many hairs on the edges are tangled together.

It shows that this great cloak should have been made in a short time.

The wind blowing and sun shining of only time have made the fur on the edge of the cloak lack oil.

In the divine wood federation, dressing is very particular.

The wearing of costumes often symbolizes a person’s status.

The clothes that ordinary persons wear are coarse hemp costumes made of hemp silk drawn from plants.

And some servants, or people who can’t make ends meet, want to wear linen clothes, but they don’t have to wear them.

You can only wear plant branches into clothes and wear them.

These clothes made of tattered branches and leaves will fall apart in a few days.

It is very troublesome to knit again.

After all, the divine wood federation has the most plant spiritual object resources.

The divine wood federation is also the same as the hammer federation in terms of power composition.

Builders can build families of different classes according to their professional level.

The family members built by the creators have always been called nobles in the divine wood federation.

These people should be more particular about dressing.

The divine wood federation is rich in plant spiritual objects but also has a wealth of insect spiritual object resources.

The nobles prefer to wear Spiritual Qi costumes made of insect-like spiritual objects and spit out silk threads.

They will also make complex decorations on plain silk clothing.

In addition to silk clothing, the most sought after by nobles is the spiritual Qi clothing of fur.

The beast spiritual object in the divine wood federation is very rare, and every nobleman is proud of having a good leather Spiritual Qi costume.

While the woman in the tent sat down, she also deliberately placed the fur cloak aside.

Fear of being pressed to the fur cloak makes the fur fur cloak not as upright and fluffy as before.

Excluding the dress, the girl looks medium.

But there is heavy makeup on her face.

The arrogance that radiated from the woman’s body was tinged with a trace of dust.

At this time, the woman’s teeth clenched “cackling”.

While looking at the road ahead, he hummed coldly.

“It’s best for the five of you to have something wrong and be eaten by the wild beast in the forest.”

“If you five dare to come back, wait for you to be beaten by the vine. Muddy meat!”

Just when the woman was bored, she only heard a soft but loud voice shouting from below.

“Luoya Young Lady, the banana wood elephant is hungry all the way, it’s time to feed something!”

“Don’t feed the banana wood elephant anymore, the banana wood elephant is hungry, see you Going to the Fruit Tree is likely to go crazy!”

Luoya waved this, and summon produced a huge pale-yellow moth.

This moth has a wingspan of two meters, but its body is very bloated.

There is no pattern on the wings but with dense flocculent powder.

This makes this butterfly spiritual object look not a trace of beauty, even a bit disgusting.

Luo Ya jumped onto the moth spiritual object and let the moth spiritual object carry herself to the ground.

Luo Ya frowned and said to the tall long haired man in front of her.

“Fu Di, this banana wood elephant I fed the spiritual liquid I got from my father, and I have the opportunity to break through the golden stage in a short time.”

“You one When you know how to feed, feed the banana elephants and eat more nutritious things.”

Long haired man Fu Di is the leader of the dry cliff Pirate King group, and Luo Ya’s faithful licking dog. He is talented. Not bad.

After getting in touch with Luo Ya, he coaxed Luo Ya to become the deputy head of the Withered Cliff Pirates.

Through Luo Ya’s relationship, he has obtained a lot of creator resources.

The banana wood elephant is not Luoya’s spiritual object, but the property of the dry cliff thief king group.

The banana wood elephant’s promotion to the golden rank is important for the entire dry cliff thief king group. It’s all a great thing.

Fu Di’s heart was surprised, so Fu Di habitually licked Luo Ya.

“Luo Ya Young Lady, wait to find the caravan of the Deep Brahma Federation.”

“I let the brothers kill the ugly and old ones.”

“Those who are handsome and young are taken into custody by Luo Ya Young Lady.”

Luo Ya hearing this said indifferently.

“A small caravan goes north and south to trade supplies, what good stuff can you get after wind blowing and sun shining?”

Thinking about this, Luo Ya feels that this action has changed. Got bored.

Luo Ya devotes creator resources to the King of the Kouya Pirates to strengthen the King of Kouya Pirates, not for the more than 300 licking dogs.

Born in the Luoya two-star family, she is an absolute noble girl in the small city where she lives.

Luo Ya would have been persuaded by Fu Di, and became the deputy head of the Dry Cliff Pirates Group precisely because Fu Di promised to find good stuff for Luo Ya.

But as Luo Ya played more, Luo Ya’s vision became higher and higher.

The goods that I thought were good a few years ago are no longer in Loya’s eyes.

This makes Luo Ya’s heart unusually irritable.

While Luo Ya was investigating all around a large number of environments, he suddenly saw a silhouette hurriedly running towards the King of Dry Cliffs.

(End of this chapter)

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