Chapter 1159 Lin Yuan’s goals

“Lin Yuan, the number of spiritual objects controlled by my insect mother has basically reached the bottleneck.”

“In a short time I don’t need to go to the land of the spirit town anymore to let the worm mother control other worm cancer spiritual objects.”

“My Master and I asked for leave. I had nothing else to do before the Huiyao Baizi sequence. Be busy.”

“When you return to the Huiyao Federation, I can always stay in the divine wood Federation to help you guard.”

At this time, Liu Jie is wearing a half-length armor. , The material of this half-length armor is extremely ordinary.

Wearing on Liu Jie’s body makes Liu Jie look like an ordinary adventurer.

Seeing Liu Jie’s dress, Lin Yuan felt that his dress really didn’t look like an adventurer.

On the contrary, it looks like the little Young Master from Great Family.

Before going to the divine wood federation experience, Lin Yuan had already done his homework.

I have a certain understanding of the entire horror pattern continent in advance.

The appearance characteristics of himself and Liu Jie are different from the appearance characteristics of the natives of the Divine Wood Federation and the Hammer Federation.

Just like Lin Yuan was able to recognize at a glance that those people were not from the Glory Federation in the rift in the upgraded water world.

The aborigines of the divine wood federation and the hammer federation can easily see Lin Yuan as an Outsider.

But for this Lin Yuan does not need to deliberately use those spiritual objects that can change his appearance to deliberately adjust his facial features.

Because the appearance characteristics of the Deep Brahma Federation are the same as those of the Huiyao Federation, with black hair and black eyes.

However, it is said that the people of the Divine Wood Federation and the Hammer Federation are not friendly to the Deep Brahma Federation people who are good at business.

No less attacking and killing the deep-Vatican Federation’s trade group to snatch supplies and set blame on each other.

I want to see that the looks of myself and Liu Jie shouldn’t be mixed in the divine wood federation!

Lin Yuan has his own goal to go to the Divine Wood Federation or to the Continent of Hacken.

The three major federations of the Territory Continent are adjacent to each other, forming a unique civilization.

This civilization is completely different from the civilization of the Glory Federation.

Lin Yuan wants to try to see if he can integrate the resources of the three federations of divine wood, hammer, and deep Brahma.

It is good to use the resources of divine wood, hammer, and Deep Brahma Federation to make your sky city grow quickly.

Then let Sky City have the ability to fight the legendary tower code.

Of course this is only Lin Yuan’s goal, after all, Lin Yuan has not really set foot on the land of the divine wood federation.

Walking all the way through the tunnel in the underground space, Lin Yuan watched the spirit masters portray the beast Totem on the rock wall of the tunnel.

Totem, the wolf and beast scream at the moon, the tiger and beast buried hill, the deer and beast are hidden in the forest, and the elephant beast pulls up wood.

Each beast has its own vivid posture in the hands of the smith.

Lin Yuan used to have hundreds of Heaven and Earth Spirit Object Mirror Lotus.

After the cultivation of master Hongshen, these lotus flowers have been placed in the underground space.

The roots and hairs of the newly born P. glabra are closely connected with the roots of the mother plant of P. glabra in Qianjiao Lake, using the sunlight absorbed by the mother plant.

Make the entire underground space bright as day.

Lin Yuan feels a bit pity looking at the Mirror Lotus who releases rays of light.

Although the lotus in the sun can absorb sunlight and store it.

But when it is released again, it is no longer pure sunlight.

Some of the components in sunlight are used as nutrients, which have been absorbed by Lotus in the sun.

Therefore, the rays of light released by the Royal Lotus in the sun can’t be considered. It is a sunny weather, and the gray can’t be absorbed.

Otherwise, the 99 plants of Yingri Wanglian will absorb sunlight together, and will soon be able to upgrade the gray level and the weather into the formidable power of skills.

At this time, Hu Quan didn’t know whether Lin Yuan was looking at Yingri Wanglian and sighing or looking at the wall.

Hu Quan subconsciously thought that Lin Yuan didn’t like the Totem carved on the wall, and quickly explained.

“Lin Yuan, take a closer look at these beasts Totems portrayed on the wall. Each beast Totem has one of 20% of the lines depicting triangular lines.”

“These triangular lines, through my special design and combination, can make the wall stronger.”

Hearing Hu Quan’s explanation, Lin Yuan said with a smile.

“Wait for the divine wood federation side, it is better to copy the wall Totem currently designed by Uncle Hu directly.”

“Now we are building an underground space under the manor. It’s for shielding exploration, and secondly it’s for convenience.”

“It’s not in the divine wood federation than in the glorious federation, where is not our chassis.”

“the construction over there We also need to enhance some defensive capabilities, and better anti-detection capabilities.”

Hu Quan hearing this excited nodded.

The more Lin Yuan requires, the better the spirit material he will use, and the more challenging he will be.

At that time, I will feel more fulfilled after I finish the work.

Walk all the way to the end of the underground space.

Lin Yuan found that the place he specifically requested was much more reliable than outside.

Obviously Hu Quan spent a lot of thought on this.

Lin Yuan brings out the ethereal jellyfish summon to let the ethereal jellyfish perceive.

As a result, the ethereal jellyfish felt it for a long time before faintly feeling the faintly discernable space fluctuation inside the wall.

Hu Quan said confidently.

“Young Master, I added a lot of soft silver threads in this wall.”

“In addition to leaving the soft silver for spiritual object cars, the rest I have used all the soft silver silk thread here.”

“I also specially found the mother of the blood bath and endless summer for some perception.”

“They are not Space Attribute’s spiritual object, therefore, the abnormality of the mountain within the body was found outside the mountain without the spirit strength running.”

“Even when the endless summer is running the spirit strength, it will Only after the hand touches the body of the mountain to perceive, can you feel that the mountain within the body is hollow.”

Listening to Hu Quan’s words, look at the expression on Hu Quan’s face.

Lin Yuan immediately heard another meaning from Hu Quan’s words.

That is, if the anti-detection effect on the divine wood federation is to be so good, it needs to get more airborne Softbank.

And now Lin Yuan doesn’t have such a metallic spirit material as Softbank.

However, Lin Yuan also prepared some spirit materials produced in the Glory Federation that have an isolation effect on space.

And those spirit materials that are not available in the Brilliance Federation can be collected in the Divine Wood Federation by themselves.

Many spiritual objects in the divine wood federation are strange and unknown to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan first took out the half shell of the mother shell of the holy source object space from the lock spirit space.

Then order the ethereal jellyfish to release its exclusive characteristic space tunnel.

Lin Yuan felt a violent space fluctuation appearing in front of him in an instant.

A crack suddenly opened in the space in front of him.

Lin Yuan threw half of the shell of the space mother into this crack.

When the shell of the holy source material space mother shell is in Lin Yuan’s hands, it is like an ordinary silver decoration, and there is no response.

It can be thrown into the ripped space and activated by Space Power.

The Space Power released by the half shells of the Space Mother immediately pierced the distance between the Huiyao Federation and the Divine Wood Federation.

(End of this chapter)

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