Chapter 1139 is more promising when I turn to me.

As for Hu Tian, ​​you still need to use something else to attract and control.

But Lin Yuan wants more than the loyalty of the three.

Lin Yuan wants the three four-star creators to be loyal to him, but also to ensure that these three four-star creators can work hard for him.

If these three four-star creators are loyal to themselves and then stealthily, the value of these three four-star creators will be infinitely reduced.

even more how he can produce the resources of high-star creators, and Lin Yuan of Legion is not so eager to join the four-star creators like other forces.

After Feng Shuang, Lao He, Hu Tian trembling with fear clean up the soiled ground.

Lin Yuan directly reached out and threw a kit on the ground between the three of them.

Whether it is Feng Shuang, Lao He or Hu Tian, ​​they are all nervous to the extreme at this time.

The fear I just witnessed when the feminine man divided into two was far less true than when I personally dealt with the blood stains of the feminine man.

In the process of clearing the blood on the ground, the three of them felt the imminent death even more.

So when Lin Yuan made the move of dropping the kit, the three bodies trembled together, and subconsciously took a step back.

The three of them immediately looked towards Lin Yuan in confusion, not understanding what it means for Lin Yuan to throw a bag on the ground.

Lin Yuan not at all went to Feng Shuang and Lao He, but turned his eyes to Hu Tian and said.

“You pick up the kit on the ground and open it.”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s instructions, Hu Tian hurriedly bent over and picked up the kit from the ground and took it to his hand. .

It’s just that in the process of unlocking the kit, Hu Tian has a drum in his heart.

I don’t understand why Lin Yuan only singled out the trio to solve the tricks on the ground.

Could it be because Lin Yuan was the slowest when setting up the task?

Is there anything in this kit to punish yourself?

But even if there is something to punish himself in this kit, Hu Tian knows that he is not qualified to refuse to open the kit.

After all, his life is in the hands of others, which makes Lin Yuan unhappy that the next person to become two halves is himself.

But when Hu Tian opened the kit, Hu Tian’s eyes suddenly became round.

My eyes almost stared out of their sockets.

Because Hu Tian discovered that this kit was full of pure Rule Power all at once.

This thing is the Supreme Treasure of all Spiritual Qi professionals yearn for something even in dreams, something that they and the others absolutely cannot deploy.

And not only oneself and the others, even the four-star Peak creator can’t deploy.

Suddenly, a bold guess came out in Hu Tian’s throat.

Could it be said that there is a five-star creator behind the Sky City?

The regular crystals that Hu Tian revealed when he opened the kit also fell in the eyes of Zheng Kaiyan, Feng Shuang and Lao He.

Zheng Kaiyan, Feng Shuang and Lao He all made the same guess when they were surprised.

Although the news that there is a five-star creator in the city of the sky is really shocking.

But since becoming a five-star maker after Moon, the entire Huiyao Federation has not seen a five-star maker for several decades.

It is not impossible to have a five-star creator.

What the five-star creator means is clear to everyone present.

Zheng Kaiyan, Feng Shuang, Lao He, Hu Tian don’t know why the five-star creators of Sky City didn’t report to Wang Ting to announce their identities.

If the five-star creator of the Sky City announces his identity, the Sky City will become a power in the same position as Hehuiyue Hall, Kitchen Shang Palace, and Purple Bamboo Forest.

Heaven knows How many old and top forces will line up to show favor with Sky City.

At this moment, Feng Shuang, Lao He, Hu Tian couldn’t help but give birth to a kind of Zheng Family who is worthy to fight against the Sky City.

The feeling that Zheng Family and Sky City deserve to be destroyed.

Feng Shuang, Lao He, and Hu Tian’s behaviors of Zheng Family have been labelled as a collision five-star creator in their hearts.

Zheng Kaiyan stared at the kit in Hu Tian’s hand for a long time, then turned his head to Lin Yuan cautiously asked.

“Lord, master, can it be said that these rules are crystallized…”

Zheng Kaiyan hadn’t finished speaking yet, and Lin Yuan looked towards himself with stern eyes.

Zheng Kaiyan immediately realized that he had violated.

Just when Zheng Kaiyan was about to admit his mistake, he just listened to Lin coldly said.

“Position you right, you will be notified if you don’t want to know things you should know.”

“You should ask about things you shouldn’t know, and you won’t Get an answer.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan turned his head to look directly at Hu Tian and spoke.

“Following me is much more promising than being in Zheng Family or going to the Miao Family Di Beast Garden.”

“Of course the person who just didn’t follow me is your example. “

When Feng Shuang heard Lin Yuan’s words, Lao He and Hu’s Heavenly Eyes suddenly lit up.

Although Lin Yuan did not admit that the Sky City has a five-star creator in his words to Zheng Kaiyan, he also did not refute it.

Coupled with the bag of rule source crystals containing pure Rule Power just now, the three can already be sure that the Sky City is largely owned by a five-star creator.

If it is the rule source crystal obtained from the moon, Jun Zhu, Zhu Zun, and three adults.

Even if the city of the sky has great face, you can never get so much.

Thinking of this, the three people no longer resisted the overbearing solicitation of Sky City.

Among them, Hu Tian, ​​who cares most about resources and future, is even faintly excited.

Lin Yuan looked at the reactions of Feng Shuang, Lao He and Hu Tian, ​​and tapped the back of the chair with his fingers secretly thought.

It seems that I want to subdue these three people. What is the problem already can’t be considered.

However, even if the three four-star creators accept the pledge to guarantee their loyalty, they will not be able to block the mouths of the three.

Like the news of the five-star creator and the crystallization of rules, Lin Yuan does not want to spread it outside anyway.

All three of them are four-star creators, and what they say is of great weight outside.

If the four people spread the news of the five-star creator and the crystallization of the rules, it will inevitably lead others to doubt.

Although Zheng Kaiyan also knew the news, Lin Yuan didn’t need to worry at all.

A piece of Lin Yuan has gained a certain understanding of Zheng Kaiyan’s character by reading the character history.

It is certain that Zheng Kaiyan will not and dare not let this news out.

A person who does not hesitate to exchange the lives and influence of his family members for freedom in the future, knows the preciousness of freedom and the preciousness of life.

On the other hand, Zheng Kaiyan is not a founder. From outsiders’ eyes, he is just a disabled Zheng Family Young Master who was raised at home.

Therefore, with Zheng Kaiyan’s weight, it is difficult to convince people when they say it.

In addition to the contradiction between Zheng Family and Sky City, Zheng Kaiyan’s words will only make people guess that Zheng Kaiyan can’t stand the stimulus of the death of his family and the destruction of Zheng Family.

This madness can only be made if you lose your heart.

(End of this chapter)

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