Chapter 1137 Dominates the Four-Star Creator

Zheng Family lost to the Sky City in the Blood Oath Fight, and all Zheng Family members should die.

Lin Yuan’s words indicate that if he does not immediately prove his worth, he will follow in the footsteps of other Zheng Family members.

At the same time, Lin Yuan mentioned that he was smart when he was a child, indicating that Lin Yuan had investigated himself.

Lin Yuan has investigated that he is willing to come again, proving that Lin Yuan is willing to give himself a chance to survive.

I just have to prove my worth first.

But at this moment Zheng Kaiyan racked his brains and couldn’t think of what kind of value he could have.

Now the expert of Zheng Family has been slaughtered by Sky City, leaving only three members of the Night Dire team around him.

is not enough to support the overall situation of Zheng Family.

Suddenly Zheng Kaiyan’s thoughts moved, thinking that the Miao family had loaned two imperial powerhouses from the Zheng Family.

Presumably, the current Sky City has already forged a feud with the Miao family after killing two imperial powerhouses of the Miao family.

“My lord, I have collected many secrets about the Miao Family Di Beast Garden.”

“These secrets should be useful when used by adults against the Miao Family. Besides…”


Before Zheng Kaiyan finished speaking, Lin Yuan coldly interrupted him.

“Two tigers are fighting, the rabbit has no time to breathe.”

“Don’t be distracted, Miao Jiadi Animal Park is a tiger in your eyes, but in my eyes No.”

“You still don’t know what you have for it?”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Zheng Kaiyan’s cold sweat came out.

Zheng Kaiyan not at all means that the city of the sky and the Miao family are at war.

But obviously Lin Yuan misunderstood him.

Zheng Kaiyan’s head quickly pondered, and finally Zheng Kaiyan said heartily.

“My lord, I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future.”

“Everything about me is subject to the arrangements of the adults.”

Lin Yuan hearing this slightly smiled.

“The first thing you need to do next is to cooperate with Chamber of Commerce to absorb all the luxury offline and online resources of Miaojia Di Animal Garden to Chamber of Commerce.”

“The second thing is to stabilize the overall situation of Zheng Family. Can you do these two things?”

Zheng Kaiyan hearing this hastily promised.

“My lord, I can strive for these two things.”

“Just let the Chamber of Commerce take over Zheng Family’s luxury online and offline resources, I I’m afraid that some people will have opinions.”

“When I act, I will also have resistance.”

Lin Yuan hearing this said lightly.

“As a direct descendant of a veteran force, you don’t know when making decisions as a superior person.”

“How should you deal with those who disobey the decision maker? “

After hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Zheng Kaiyan heart startled.

“My lord, now Zheng Family has four four-star creators.”

“These four four-star creators normally cultivate high-end luxury goods for Zheng Family. I am afraid that these four four-star creators will have opinions.”

Lin Yuan hearing this coldly snorted.

“You will arrange it later. I want to meet these four four-star creators.”

“I will settle the matter of these four four-star creators.”

“If I solve these four four-star creators, you can’t absolutely control the overall situation of Zheng Family.”

“Then you really have no value at all. “

Zheng Kaiyan promised with fear.

“My lord, if there is no resistance from these four four-star creators, I will be able to grasp the endgame of the Zheng Family immediately.”

“The task that your lord will arrange for me then I must be able to do beautifully.”

“After completing these tasks, I will try my best to provide the greatest value to adults with Zheng Family.”

Hear Zheng Kaiyan Lin Yuan put the ice water in his hand on the table and stood up and said.

“Being a servant is sometimes not a bad thing.”

“You did good maybe you can leave the iron bump behind you.”

Lin Yuan’s words are like a gospel that spread into Zheng Kaiyan’s heart.

Zheng Kaiyan immediately swore with will rune and became Lin Yuan’s servant.

At the same time, Zheng Kaiyan was very surprised, because if Lin Yuan’s second half of the sentence was not lying to himself.

Then, as long as you work hard for Lin Yuan in the future, you have the possibility to stand up.

Zheng Kaiyan dreams of being able to stand up and walk on the ground with his feet.

If at the moment of becoming Lin Yuan’s servant, Zheng Kaiyan has the power and freedom of thought in the Zheng Family.

Now Lin Yuan’s words give Zheng Kaiyan physical freedom.

Seeing the excited expression on Zheng Kaiyan’s face, the expression on Lin Yuan’s face did not change at all.

Sky City killed most of the Zheng Family. It can be said that Sky City and Zheng Kaiyan have blood.

Even if Zheng Kaiyan is now his servant, Lin Yuan will not reuse Zheng Kaiyan.

Although the four four-star creators of the Zheng Family are not named Zheng, they have lived in the Zheng Family for decades and are no different from the Zheng Family members.

After the results of the Blood Oath Fight are announced, these people can choose to leave the Zheng Family to develop other forces.

Because these people do not have the surname Zheng, even if Sky City wins the Zheng Family.

These people are not the assets of the Zheng Family, and Sky City cannot be controlled casually.

However, Lin Yuan, who has experienced power struggles, knows that these four four-star creators have lived in Zheng Family for such a long time, and they certainly have feelings for Zheng Family.

These four four-star creators are destined to hate the city in the sky that slaughtered the Zheng Family.

Therefore, if these four four-star creators cannot use them for their own use, Lin Yuan will not let this potential enemy survive.

Lin Yuan does not want to waste too much effort in Dian Cang City because of Zheng Family.

Lin Yuan directly asked Zheng Kaiyan to take him to meet the four four-star creators.

When following Zheng Kaiyan all the way to Zheng Family, news of the battle between Sky City and Zheng Family has appeared on the Star Network.

Presumably all the people who are staying in the Zheng Family old house know the result of the blood oath.

The four four-star creators like Zheng Family are normally not the Zheng Family Third Young Master of Zheng Kaiyan.

Now that this is happening, Zheng Kaiyan is the only remaining bloodline of the Zheng Family.

Therefore, when Zheng Kaiyan summoned these four four-star creators, none of the four four-star creators refused.

The four people gathered in Zheng Kaiyan’s study.

Zheng Kaiyan sat on the master seat of the study, and Lin Yuan sat aside with a drink of steaming tea.

At this time, the last female four-star creator who entered the door saw Lin Yuan and said to Zheng Kaiyan with dissatisfaction.

“Third Young Master, now at this time calling us over but letting an outsider sit in the study.”

“You obviously disrespect us.”

“In this case, I don’t think I need to stay in Zheng Family anymore.”

The woman’s words immediately aroused the agreement of the old man beside her.

“I think so too. What do you think of us when bringing an outsider to the meeting at this time?”

“If you leave Feng Shuang, I will follow you.”

Lin Yuan showed a playful expression on his face when he heard the words of the old man and the woman named Feng Shuang.

(End of this chapter)

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