Chapter 1131 I want two pieces of world crystallization!

Zhai Wancheng and Gu Han had a personal relationship in the early years, knowing that Gu Han would not target him just because he released his aura.

The remark that Gu Han said to himself was to tell himself not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

This also explains from the side that the Sky City is not to be trifled with.

Seeing Miao Zhenshan’s gaze, Zhai Wancheng was shrugged first and then shook the head.

Seeing Zhai Wancheng’s reaction, Miao Zhenshan’s bloody eyes darkened.

Then he turned his head and stared at Lin Yuan tightly for a long time before speaking.

“Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan are both meritorious people in my Miao family. It should be our Miao family to take them in for their burial.”

“Our Miao family Corresponding compensation will be made to the Sky City. At the same time, our Miao family can also use some resources in exchange for Zheng Kaiyuan’s chance to survive.”

“Zheng Kaiyuan’s life is insignificant to the Sky City, so ……”

Before Miao Zhenshan’s words were finished, Lin Yuan interrupted directly and playfully.

“The head of the Miao family is worthy of being the head of the Miao family. It really is a careful calculation.”

“You Miao family want to help Zheng Family participate in the powerhouse for the Miao family in a word. Keep your body, the abacus is very good! “

“Don’t say anything else, I haven’t dug out the world crystals in the heads of the earth-centered dragons and snails and the ghost dome beasts.”


“The compensation given to me by the Miao Family Di Beast Garden to the Sky City is more than the two world crystals?”

“At this time, I still think about white prostitution, I don’t know. When your Miao family cooperates with other forces, you will be anxious to take advantage of other forces. “

Lin Yuan’s words suddenly changed Miao Zhenshan’s expression.

What I said clearly was for Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan to close up, and did not mention the geocentric dragon snail and the ghost nightmare beast.

But Lin Yuan secretly changed the concept of his own words, and at this time used the words to bring the Di Beast Garden to the army.

“Miao’s Di Animal Garden loves white prostitution.” This is what a reporter from Star Network will report tomorrow.

I am afraid that the top forces and established forces that are currently cooperating with the Miao Family Di Animal Garden will quickly withdraw from their cooperation in order to take into account the influence.

As the head of the dignified Miao family, I cannot explain or explain at this time.

I can’t make it clear that I don’t care about the bodies of the Geocentric Dragon Snail and the Ghost Sky Nightmare.

Geocentric dragons and snails and ghost dome beasts are also the main battle spiritual object of Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan.

It directly shows that no matter what, it will appear to be unreasonable and unreasonable.

Just when Miao Zhenshan was about to divert the topic, he just listened to Lin Yuan to continue.

“You only said to save Zheng Kaiyuan, then Miao Zhi won’t save it?”

“Compared with Zheng Kaiyuan, Miao Zhi is your Miao family, right!”

Lin Yuan’s words fiercely slapped Miao Zhenshan’s face like a slap, and Miao Zhenshan really planned that.

But this kind of thing is pointed out clearly, Miao Zhenshan must brace oneself immediately to argue in order to influence.

“Both of them are my Miao family, so naturally I must save them.”

Upon hearing Miao Zhenshan’s words, Lin Yuan said with a loud laugh.

“I know the value emotion, value friendship of the Miao Family Di Animal Garden, and I will not let my own people be killed.”

“But Zheng Kaiyuan and Miao Zhi are not cheap, they want I need two world crystals to save Zheng Kaiyuan and Miao Zhi at the same time.”

“Of course, you Miao family don’t think about saving Liu Yanshan and Hantianhe.”

If it hadn’t been the completion of the evolution of the red thorn last night, the tongue of the sacrificial offering had acquired the ability to control the dead body in a living state through that weird plant seed.

As long as the Miao Family’s Di Beast Garden comes up with sufficient resources, Lin Yuan is willing to return Han Tianhe and Liu Yanshan, as well as the spiritual objects contracted by them, the Geocentric Dragon Snail and the Ghost Sky Nightmare to the Miao Family.

After all, if you can use Han Tianhe, Liu Yanshan, Ghost Sky Nightmare, and Geocentric Dragon Snail’s body in exchange for a few world crystals, it is still fragrant.

But now, compared with the temptation of two imperial humanoid weapons, even the ten world crystals, Lin Yuan, would not even consider it.

even more how Miao Family Di Beast Garden does not necessarily take out ten world crystals.

Hearing Lin Yuan’s request, Miao Zhenshan snapped his teeth.

The whole cheeks were bulging up under this bite, which shows how angry Miao Zhenshan is.

Miao Zhenshan took a deep breath and said.

“Are you sky city blackmailing our Miao family?”

“Two pieces of the world are crystallized! You can figure it out for your sky city!”

Lin Yuan hearing this ignores Miao Zhenshan, turns his head to the side endless summer ordered.

“Endless Xia, give the Miao Family Patriarch three seconds to think. If you don’t agree within three seconds, you will be deemed to disagree with the transaction.”

“At that time, you will directly Miao Zhi, Zheng Kaiyuan can handle it.”

After giving instructions to Endless Xia, Lin Yuan spoke to Gu Han.

“Senior, if the Miao family tries to block it again for a while, it is deliberately breaking the rules of the Extreme Arena.”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Gu Han said immediately.

“If someone breaks the rules of Jidouchang, twelve Jidou guards will immediately execute those who break the rules.”

In Guhan while speaking, two Xia Zhi shot the spear suddenly moved towards Zheng Kaiyuan and Miao Zhi.

The moment Xia Zhi’s gun pierced the bodies of Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan, Miao Zhenshan made a difficult decision to speak out.

“I agree to your request of Sky City!”

When Miao Zhenshan’s voice just sounded, he stabbed Zheng Kaiyuan and Miao Zhi within the body of Xia Zhi’s gun Suddenly dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Miao Zhenshan felt as if he was taken over by the Sky City.

The other party seemed to have expected that he would take out two world crystals to rescue Zheng Kaiyuan and Miao Zhi.

This feeling of being clearly understood made Miao Zhenshan feel fear.

Hearing what Miao Zhenshan said, Lin Yuan raised his hand and gently clapped his palms.

“As expected of the Patriarch of the Miao Family! It is really refreshing!”

“Wait for you in five minutes, and after five minutes, you will exchange two world crystals for your belt in the Extreme Arena. With Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan leaving.”

While speaking, Lin Yuan feels that his bundling sales you did good.

I just bound Miao Zhi and Zheng Kaiyuan together, and obtained a world crystal from the Miao family.

I am afraid that Miao Zhenshan must be in pain at this time.

Miao Zhenshan turned his head and looked towards Old Lady standing behind him.

There was a hesitant expression on Old Lady’s face.

In the end, the Old Lady flew back to Miao’s house when he saw Miao Zhenshan’s expression resolutely.

Lin Yuan has already begun to use the diamond-step trapped spirit box under Miao Zhenshan’s red eyes to fill the Jidou grounds, Han Tianhe, Liu Yanshan, the earth-centered dragon snail, and the ghost dome The beast was split into two halves.

The blood of the creation-species spiritual object is as thick as mercury, and will not evaporate or penetrate below the ground when it drops on the ground.

The blood Lin Yuan was also carefully collected.

The blood of the two creation species of spiritual objects can be regarded as excellent head materials among the resources currently controlled by Lin Yuan.

The blood of the creation-species spiritual object is more precious than the heavenly elemental pearl by several levels.

(End of this chapter)

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