"He knew that the murder of Ancestor Hongyun was the secret of catching up and covering up, and he also invented a game of Go with heaven and earth as the plate and Yin and Yang as children.

Thinking of losing to a maid several times, Lao Tzu's face suddenly showed a hint of unwillingness.

"The murder of Hongyun turned out to be a secret hidden by Yingyin and Zhunti! Yuanshi Tianzun was greatly surprised.

Sanqing always thought that this was what Nuwa did.After all, Nuwa originally belonged to the demon clan, and was most closely related to the interests of the demon clan.

"Li Yuan is only a cultivator of the Earth Immortal period, how could he know such a secret thing? Yuanshi Tianzun was very puzzled.

Chapter [-]: Nu Wa was tragically painted tortoises

Chapter [-]: Nu Wa was tragically painted tortoises

Lao Tzu: "There are a lot of secrets about this son, and we have to observe it slowly. However, the most important thing now is the third junior brother. I didn't expect that he has not only cultivated to the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but also has a private connection with the teacher. I am worried about the seal. In the things of God, things will change.

"What? Yuanshi Tianzun was shocked and said: "The third brother actually cultivated to the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?how come?

While shocked, he also looked extremely lost:

I'm still in the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how can Tongtian's cultivation surpass me!

Lao Tzu: "We have to deduce the matter of conferring gods to see if there are any loopholes.


some time thereafter.

Nuwa often came to Li Yuan to drink and play chess.

Li Yuan saw that there was a beautiful woman accompanying him, of course he was so happy.

However, after playing countless Go games, Nuwa never won once, which made her annoyed.

Until one day, when Nuwa saw that she was about to lose again, she finally couldn't take it anymore, so she messed up the chess pieces and said madly:

"Ah, why do I keep losing, do you still have any tricks that you haven't given to me?

Li Yuan laughed and said: "Is there a trick, don't you know? It's just that your skills are not as good as others, so you don't need to make excuses.

Seeing that Li Yuan didn't know how to comfort her, Nuwa mocked her for not being as good as others, and immediately said angrily:

"I have decided that I will never play chess with you again!

Li Yuan:

"Really? Originally, I was going to teach you another simple gobang. Since you don't want to play it, then forget it...

When Nuwa heard Gobang, she immediately showed interest, and she hurriedly said:

"Teach me, I want to learn, I just don't want to play Go with you!

Li Yuan did not deliberately try to displease Nuwa, he explained to Nuwa:

"Gomoku is also played against the board and pieces of Go. Whoever gets the five pieces into a straight line first will win. There are two rules in Gomoku, one forbidden and one for non-forbidden. Nearly sure to win. Let's try the unstoppable move first.

Li Yuan played a game of backgammon with Nuwa, and Nuwa was the first mover.

The first player in Gobang has a very large advantage. As long as there are no major mistakes, the first player will almost certainly win.

This time, Nu Wa finally defeated Li Yuan, she jumped up with joy, and swept away the depression just now:

"Haha, this chess is much more interesting than Go, let's play Gobang in the future.

Li Yuan said:

"The first player in Gobang will have a big advantage, so the fair way to play is to play three or three banned hands, or five hands and two dozen.

Three or three forbidden hands, refers to the black (first move) after the second move (that is, the total third move), White can choose whether to exchange with black, and after the exchange, the original white is black. .

Five hands and two dozen means that after Black and White have made two moves each, Black will play two places on the third move (total fifth move), and White will choose to keep one and take the other.

Both of these rules are designed to limit Black's first mover advantage and make the game more fair.

Nuwa won a game, and she was full of confidence at this moment, she couldn't wait to say:

"Come on, I think Gobang is my forte.

Seeing that Nuwa was so confident, Li Yuan moved in his heart and suddenly thought of an interesting gameplay.

In the past, he often played with his sister, but unfortunately, Daji has learned so much that he is no longer fooled.

He smiled and said to Nuwa: "It's boring to bet like this, let's bet more than us.

"What are you betting on? Nu Wa asked curiously.

Li Yuan: "If you lose, let the other party draw a stroke on his face.

When Nuwa heard this bet, she only thought it was very interesting: "Okay, I must paint you a big face today.

Seeing Nuwa take the bait, Li Yuan laughed secretly.

So the two started to fight.

However, what made Nuwa collapse was that after the ban was set, the difficulty of backgammon suddenly increased several times, which was far less easy than she thought.

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