Tongtian Sect Master also moved his position to the other side.

"Then ask. Li Yuan said lightly.

Tongtian was on the side, drinking and listening, wanting to know what question Hongjun was going to ask Li Yuan?

Hongjun stared at Li Yuan with burning eyes: "I want you to count me as a person, where is he now?

"Who? Li Yuan is still calm.

Hongjun: "Ancestor Yangmei, have you ever heard of this person?

Li Yuan said lightly:

"I know, isn't it the unfortunate coincidence that together with the ancestors of Qiankun and Taiji, they were tricked by Hongjun to besiege Luohu together, and they almost lost their lives?


Tongtian Sect Master couldn't hold back, and immediately spit out the wine in his mouth.

He even dared to arrange Hongjun in front of Daozu, and he was too bold. I wonder if Daozu would blame him?

However, why did Li Yuan say that the teacher lied to Yangmei ancestors?Didn't they join forces to deal with the Demon Ancestor?

Tongtian Sect Master couldn't help but secretly glanced at Hongjun.

I saw Hongjun twitching at the side listening to it.

At the same time, he was terrified.

He couldn't figure it out, how did Li Yuan know that he had calculated the three ancestors of Yangmei ancestor, Taiji ancestor and Qiankun ancestor?

This matter is a top secret that only he and the fallen Taiji, Qiankun ancestors, and the disappearing Yangmei ancestors know!

Hongjun noticed Tongtian's strange eyes and couldn't help defending himself:

"As far as I know, Daozu joined hands with Yangmei, Taiji, and Qiankun to deal with the demon ancestors in order to prevent the common people from being ruled by demons. They are best friends, how can you say that Daozu deceived the three of them? Woolen cloth?

"Take it down!

Li Yuan said with disdain:

"Hongjun is not for the common people, he is just to compete with Luo Hu for the luck of heaven. Yangmei, Taiji ancestor, Qiankun ancestor was just used by Hongjun as a spearman, what kind of best friend?

"Pfft, cough, cough...

The leader of Tongtian saw that the more Li Yuan said, the more impolite he was. He even described Daozu as a selfish hypocrite, and couldn't help but spit the wine out of his mouth again.

An old face was also flushed from choking, and it was unbearable to hold back.

Li Yuan pretended to be strange and asked Tongtian:

"What's wrong with Daoist Qi Tian? Why are you always spraying wine?

Tongtian Sect Master waved his hand, not knowing what to say.

Is the teacher really a hypocrite?A trace of doubt rose in Tongtian Sect Master's heart.

Of course Hongjun understood why Tongtian sprayed wine.

His face became a little embarrassed.

Come on, my splendid image seems to be shattered in the hearts of my apprentices.

And who is this kid, and why does he know so clearly about the inside story of the dispute between the fairy and the devil?

Hongjun concealed the horror in his heart, he didn't want to continue this topic, otherwise his image might be completely destroyed in the hearts of his apprentices!

He quickly changed the subject and said:

"You haven't said yet, where is the ancestor Yangmei now?

"In the middle of the flood, Li Yuan said lightly by the small bridge and flowing water.

Not only in the flood, but also not far from Chaoge City.When Li Yuan went to the manor on the outskirts of Chaoge City to escape the summer last year, he also saw the ancestor Yangmei turned into an old willow tree, standing leisurely in a village.

Of course, ancestor Yangmei didn't know that Li Yuan found him.

Hongjun looked suspicious:

"How do you know where the ancestor Yangmei is? Do you know him?

Li Yuan said lightly:

"Didn't I say, I know astronomy from top to bottom, geography from top to bottom, everything in the past, half of things in the future, and the location of a mere person can be calculated by pinching a finger.

Seeing Li Yuan's arrogant tone, Hong Jun didn't believe it:

"What you said, even Daozu can't do it, how can you do it?

"Could it be that you are an old monster who can't be reincarnated? The Master Tongtian recalled the world of flowers and chaotic treasures in the yard, and suddenly asked Li Yuan suspiciously.

Li Yuan looked at Tongtian in dissatisfaction and said:

"Why do you curse? I think you two are like old monsters.

Tongtian and Hongjun are both existences who have lived for countless eons, what are they not old monsters?

Although they were scolded, Tongtian and Hongjun were not angry.

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