The housekeeper said helplessly: "If the son doesn't accept it, where will the villain take her?

Li Yuan: "This is your business, it has nothing to do with me, you can go!

After speaking, Li Yuan walked into the mansion with Notre Dame Jinling.

From the beginning to the end, he did not look at Wen marriage.

Wen marriage originally thought that Li Yuan would accept her, and then humiliated her every day to take revenge.

But she never imagined that Li Yuan didn't care about her at all, and regarded her as a non-existent air.

What is more humiliating than humiliation is ignoring!

Only then did she realize how ridiculous it was in Li Yuan's heart that she looked down on Li Yuan's behavior during the day.

"But where can I go now?


East China Sea.

Sanxian Island.

Since the last time Qiong Xiao came back from Chaoge, she has followed her previous habit and started to meditate and practice.

However, this time, Qiong Xiao was surprised and surprised.

She was horrified to find that when she was running the supernatural cultivation technique, an extremely pure spiritual energy emerged from somewhere in her body, and was quickly absorbed by the meridians, and was easily transformed into the mana in the meridians.

After just sitting for an hour, she resisted the effect of her previous practice for a thousand years.

Such an astonishing vision directly shocked Qiong Xiao to the point of stunned, thinking that there was something wrong with his practice.

However, she carefully checked her Zhoutian meridian, and the mana was actually increasing, and she didn't find any problems with her internal organs and primordial spirit.

Qiong Xiao tried it out, and she found that as long as she meditated and practiced and ran the supernatural exercises, she would automatically generate a pure spiritual energy in her body.

This spiritual energy only needs a little refining, and it can be completely transformed into the mana in the body, so that the cultivation base will increase by one point.

"It's weird, why is it that you can increase your cultivation so much by only cultivating one Zhoutian? Also, where did that extremely pure aura come from?

Although this was a great thing, Qiong Xiao still didn't dare to be careless. She immediately stopped her practice and prepared to tell the two sisters about her abnormal situation and let the two sisters analyze the reason.

However, as soon as Qiong Xiao walked out of the practice room, she found that Yun Xiao and Bi Xiao also happened to come out of the practice room.

Chapter [-] The shock of three nights

Chapter [-] The shock of three nights

The three sisters met face to face and found that the other's breath had grown a lot more than before, and their faces suddenly showed surprises.

The three of them said in unison, "You...

"Let me start by saying, Qiong Xiao shouted: "When I was cultivating, I found that my cultivation was growing very fast. I only practiced for an hour, but it was worth the thousand years of cultivation before.Did this happen to you too?

Yun Xiao said in surprise: "The third sister has the same situation as me?

Bi Xiao exclaimed in surprise, "Me too!

This time, the three sisters looked at each other in shock.

"Why does this happen to the three of us at the same time? Qiong Xiao is puzzled.

Bi Xiao frowned and said, "If one person is like this, it can be said that there is a problem with cultivation, but all three of us are like this, which means that it is not the reason for cultivation.

Yunxiao thought about it:

"Cultivation has skyrocketed, only what elixir spirit fruit we ate, did the three of us eat elixir spirit fruit recently?

"Definitely not, can we not know if we eat it? Qiong Xiao thinks the eldest sister is a little funny, do you need to ask if you eat the elixir or not?

Bi Xiao analyzed:

"In the past few hundred years, we ate some fruit at Li Yuan's house a few days ago, ate another hot pot, and drank a few barrels of Coke, and we didn't eat anything else.

She suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up:

"Is there something wrong with those fruits?

Yun Xiao heard the words, nodded in agreement and said:

"It could only be the reason for those fruits. At the beginning, I thought it was strange that the fruits of the mortal world are more delicious, sweet and juicy than the fairy fruits produced by Biyou Palace...


Suddenly, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao both made a sound of swallowing.

Thinking of the delicious fruits they ate before, they couldn't help but want to eat them again.

Yun Xiao pretended not to hear the voices of the two younger sisters swallowing, and continued to analyze:

"And the peaches we eat are very similar to Pantao, red apricots are also very similar to congenital red apricots, and plums are like yellow plums... Now it seems that this is not a coincidence, but these fruits may really be more than congenital spirit fruits. And precious fairy fruit.

Bi Xiao said in shock:

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