
Yin Li suddenly let out a terrifying scream, and saw that his hands and legs were automatically twisted into twists, as if a pair of invisible giant hands were manipulating them.

The limbs were instantly abolished, and the bones shattered into powder.

Yin Li was sweating profusely from the pain immediately, and saw that he looked terrified, his eyes were full of anger, and he roared wildly at Li Yuan:

"Ah, my hand, how dare you hurt the royal family, you are doomed, I will let the king smash you into pieces.

Facing Yin Li's roar, Li Yuan's expression never changed, his eyes were as calm as water, without a trace of waves.

The dragon will not respond to the roar of the ants.

With a move in his heart, the floating sword suddenly flew to Yin Li's cheek, and with one stroke and one stroke, the word "slave" was slowly engraved.

The blood instantly stained Yin Li's cheeks, the heart-piercing pain almost devoured his soul, and boundless fear filled his pupils.

"Ah, stop now!

"Please stop!

At this moment, Yin Li finally knew that he was afraid.

It may be too late.

Wen marriage on the side was already stunned.

I saw her pupils widened, looking at this terrifying scene stupidly, so scared that her breathing almost stopped.


"The moment the word slave was engraved, the sword fell to the ground automatically.

Yin Li's legs were abolished, and without Li Yuan's mana support, he also collapsed on the ground, wailing and growling like a wounded wolf.

Li Yuan glanced at Wen marriage indifferently.

Wen Yin was so frightened that her whole body stiffened, and she cried out in horror: "What do you want to do? Don't come here!

Li Yuan wants to vomit!

If someone who doesn't know the truth hears it, they will think that he is hungry!

He also disdain for a woman to do something, so he turned and left the room.

However, just as he walked to the corridor by the door, he suddenly met two acquaintances.

"Li Yuan Xiaoyou! Wen Zhong shouted to Li Yuan with a look of surprise.

"Brother Li, why are you here? The Virgin of the Golden Spirit next to me showed an unexpected look.

Li Yuan was also surprised when he saw Wen Zhong and Notre Dame Jin Ling:

"Why are you here?

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit pointed at Wen Zhong and said:

"This is the apprentice I told you. He said that there is a unique restaurant here, so he brought me here to have a look. I didn't expect to meet Brother Li, and I didn't expect you to know each other.

Chapter Thirty-Three Openly Covering Up

Chapter Thirty-Three Openly Covering Up

At this moment, Wen Zhong felt a huge shock in his heart like a river overturning the sea.

He actually heard the Virgin of the Golden Spirit calling Li Yuan as Brother Li.

How can this be?

Isn't his master a peerless master who has existed for hundreds of millions of years, why would he call Li Yuan his brother?

Master has all been friends with Li Yuanping, and it is disrespectful to call himself Li Yuan Xiaoyou?

Wen Zhong suddenly felt that he was going crazy.

In fact, the reason why the Virgin of the Golden Spirit is called Li Yuan Li brother is because of the Tongtian sect master.

The Tongtian sect master and Li Yuan's peers get along, so that the Virgin of Jinling doesn't know how to call Li Yuan directly.

Calling Daoist Li Yuan or the name is not appropriate, it seems to be disrespectful to the Tongtian sect master.

In the end, she simply followed Daji and called Li Yuan her brother.

Moreover, after seeing Li Yuan's piano skills, the heart of the Virgin of Jinling also had a ripple on Li Yuan, and Daji's proposal could not help but be thought of in his mind.

"If I really become a Taoist partner with Li Yuan, and my husband is my wife's guide, it is not unacceptable to call Li Yuan Li brother!

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit saw several guards lying down at the door and the mourning from the room, and said to Li Yuan curiously:

"What happened here?

Li Yuan said lightly:

"Less a lesson in arrogant rubbish.

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