Wen Zhong thought to himself.


After a while, Fei Zhong and You Hun recovered from their shock.

The faces of the two have turned ashen.

They never expected it to end like this.

"Okay, very good, Fei Zhong was trembling with anger," It turned out that he dared to look beyond the king's law with a little brute force. If you commit a crime, I will go back and mobilize the Imperial Forest Army to see how arrogant you are.

"Just wait for the army to suppress you! You Hun shouted viciously.

The two were about to go back to mobilize the army when a thick voice suddenly sounded.

"You wait.

Hearing this familiar voice, Fei Zhong and You couldn't help shaking.

The two looked at the corridor on the third floor in horror, and immediately saw Wen Zhong, Shang Rong, Bi Gan, King Wu Cheng, and Deng Jiugong looking at them with bad expressions.

"Smell, smell, smell Master!

"Why are you always here?

Seeing Wen Zhong who was glaring at him, Fei Zhong and You Hun were speechless.

Wen Zhong was the elder of the three dynasties, and the minister of the late emperor. He fought in the south and the north all his life, and never lost in a hundred battles. He made immortal achievements for Chengtang Jiangshan. His prestige was unparalleled in the court. .

In addition, Wen Zhong has a hot temper and cannot rub the sand in his eyes. Fei Zhong and You Hun are not afraid of the Prime Minister's negotiation, and they are not afraid of Bigan, the sub-prime minister and the uncle of the emperor, but Wen Zhong alone.

Wen Zhong looked at Fei Zhong and You Hun with a bad face, and yelled loudly:

"The Imperial Forest Army is the troop guarding the imperial city, and privately mobilizing it is equivalent to treason, are you planning to be treacherous?

Fei Zhong was frightened and shouted injustice:

"Teacher is wronged, we are loyal to King Zhou, how could we rebel?

You Hun said with a look of grievance:

"Taishi Mingjian, mainly because this group of mischievous people refuses to accept discipline, commits the following crimes, beats court officials wantonly, or has unruly intentions, so we are ready to send troops to suppress them.

Wen Zhong said coldly:

"How can people have unruly intentions when they open a store well? It's obviously because you were wrong first, and that's why others counterattack, and you have the face to talk nonsense.

Seeing Wen Zhong being so partial, Fei Zhong and You Hun both blushed with embarrassment.

"We are wrong...

The two were about to argue, but Wen Zhong didn't want to say anything more to these two villains, and saw him wave his sleeves impatiently:

"You can get out, remember, you are not allowed to make trouble in Happy Forest in the future, otherwise don't blame the old man for being ruthless.

Although Fei Zhong and You Hun were extremely unwilling, they had to turn around and leave.

However, after they turned around, they found that there were two running halls blocking their way with expressionless faces.

"What do you mean? Fei Zhong asked the hall angrily.

Paotang didn't say a word, just didn't let Fei Zhong and You Hun leave.

No matter how Fei Zhong and You Hun pushed each other, the running hall remained motionless.

Shopkeeper Zhu glanced at Li Yuan.

Li Yuan had planned to teach Fei Zhong and You Hun a good lesson. If he dared to come to Happy Forest to make trouble, he would of course be punished.

However, since Wen Zhong had already asked the two to leave, Li Yuan had no choice but to do it again.

Forget it, just sell Wen Zhong a face!

Thinking of this, Li Yuan immediately nodded to Shopkeeper Zhu.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper wished to make a look at the two running halls.

Only then did the two runners let them go and let Fei Zhong and You Hun leave in a daze.

Chapter [-] Fighting for Son-in-law

Chapter [-] Fighting for Son-in-law

Wen Zhong saw all this in his eyes, and couldn't help but glisten.

"Li Yuan Xiaoyou, you guys are simply obedient to you, even the army can't do this.

Li Yuan said lightly:

"They also have the advantage of being obedient.

Wen Zhong shook his head and said:

"Your requirements are too high. If you guys are placed in my army, you can at least be a side general. Otherwise, you can leave these guys to me?

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