Chapter [-] I Haven't Seen the World

Spicy mixed with various spices and the unique meat aroma of fat cows exploded together on the tip of Sanxiao's tongue, causing a strong impact on the taste buds of the three people.

At first, the three of them felt a little uncomfortable with the spicy taste, but after eating it, an unprecedented sense of refreshment and satisfaction filled Sanxiao's stomach and heart.

"My God, it smells so good!

"This is hot pot, it's really delicious.

"Having lived for a million years, this is the first time I have eaten such delicious food!

"It turns out that the food can still be so delicious, it was really a waste of time before!


Sanxiao danced with excitement, as if she had never seen the world before.

After tasting it, the three of them couldn't stop.

Fat beef, hairy belly, yellow throat, mutton rolls... all kinds of dishes are quickly disappearing from their eyes, just like when they ate Chaos Spirit Fruit before.

Li Yuan's hot pot is completely made according to the methods of later generations, and the ingredients are more particular than those of later generations, which makes Sanxiao who is the first to taste delicious food unstoppable.

Compared with the excitement of Sanxiao, Li Yuan's eating is much more elegant.

For him, food enjoyment is the process, not eating more or less.

"Hey, it's spicy, but delicious.

"Hoohoo, it's too spicy, but I still want to eat it!

"I think the more spicy it is, the more enjoyable it is.


After eating for a while, Sanxiao was so hot that his face flushed and he spit out his tongue.

Seeing this, Li Yuan immediately brought a glass of iced Coke to the three of them and said:

"Eating hot pot has to be accompanied by iced Coke, and drinking Coke will not be so spicy!

The production method of cola is very simple, that is, syrup + water + carbon dioxide, which is not difficult for Li Yuan, who is already the highest road.

"Gollum, Gollum!

Sanxiao heard that Coke can relieve spicy food, so he quickly took a sip of Coke.

The strong stimulation brought by nitrogen dioxide, sugar water and ice cubes made them feel as if thousands of pores all over their body were stretched together, and they were indescribably refreshed. This was a completely different enjoyment from the spicy taste!


The three involuntarily hiccupped.Then feel even more happy!

"It tastes weird, but it's inexplicably delicious!

"What kind of cola is this, it's really spicy!



The meal was over for the four of us for more than two hours.

There were thousands of empty dishes and ten barrels of cola. Most of the thousands of dishes and ten barrels of cola were consumed after three nights.

Sanxiao looked at the graceful and slender, but they were all big golden immortals. If you let them eat, let alone a thousand dishes, even a planet could eat them.

The thousand dishes were the result of Sanxiao's deliberate restraint in order to maintain the image of a lady in front of Li Yuan.

In fact, the three nights have not eaten enough yet!


Li Yuan and Sanxiao were eating hot pot.

At this moment, the two sons, Fei Ji and You Hun, have been brought back to Fei Zhong's mansion together for treatment.

Fei Zhong and You Hun were furious when they learned that their precious son had been beaten.

Especially when they saw Fei Ji and You Bao's swollen heads like pigs' heads, they couldn't tell which was their son for a while.

It wasn't until Fei Ji and You Hun cried that they could tell who was who.

"Father, you must avenge your child!

"Woohoo, the baby almost didn't see his father!

"Who is so lawless that even my Fei Zhong's son dares to beat me? Fei Zhong roared loudly to the servants.

You Hun's face was even more gloomy.

"The two sons were beaten in Happy Forest...

Some servants who knew the situation quickly told Fei Zhong and You Hun what had happened.

"Happy Forest!

Hearing this, You Hun couldn't help but laugh angrily:

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