In general, that feeling is very uncomfortable.

Feeling this threat, Heavenly Star Ancestor's face became solemn.

Looking at the long sword in Li Xuan's hand, the gaze of the Tianxing Ancestor also became extremely solemn, because he knew that Li Xuan's long sword was absolutely extraordinary, and Li Xuan's body was very With such a terrifying aura, he really did not expect that Li Xuan's body would contain such a powerful lethal power, which was simply too terrifying.

Chapter 535 The power of Li Xuan's move is far stronger than the Heavenly Star Excalibur

Thinking of this, Tianxing Shengzu quickly waved the long spear in his hand, trying to block Li Xuan's terrifying sword.

However, the silver long spear in the hands of the Heavenly Star Ancestor had just been raised, and the long sword in Li Xuan's hand ruthlessly pierced the tip of the spear in the hands of the Heavenly Star Ancestor.


With a muffled sound, the spear's head was directly stabbed by the long sword in Li Xuan's hand. , a terrifying spark erupted immediately.

Seeing this scene, the face of Tianxing Saint Ancestor became even more ugly. He did not expect that the artifact he had worked so hard to condense was destroyed by Li Xuan like this.

Asshole, you are courting death!

Seeing Li Xuan's sword, he actually destroyed his own artifact like this. Tianxing's eyes instantly turned red, and his heart was full of tyrannical murder. He didn't expect that Li Xuan would dare to do this. Really didn't expect it.

Seeing the anger of the Tianxing Patriarch, Li Xuan sneered. He looked at the Tianxing Patriarch whose face was ashen, as if he was about to be mad, and snorted coldly, saying: I want to see who die first!

Hearing Li Xuan's words, the ancestor of Tianxing couldn't care about continuing to entangle with Li Xuan, because his heart was also very pleasing, he is not Li Xuan's opponent now, and his injuries are not light now, continue to talk to him. If Li Xuan continues to entangle, he is likely to be seriously injured by Li Xuan. Obviously, he is not allowed to accept such a result.

Therefore, now, his best choice is to escape. Only after leaving Tianxing Peak can he regain his strength. Then, he will settle the account with Li Xuan.

Thinking about it this way, the Heavenly Star Ancestor did not hesitate at all, and directly displayed the teleportation technique, wanting to leave in front of Li Xuan.

However, how could Li Xuan let the Heavenly Star Ancestor get what he wanted?hum-

Just as the Heavenly Star Ancestor used the teleportation technique, the Heavenly Star Sword in Li Xuan's hand suddenly released a dazzling light, and then, this ray of light shrouded directly towards the Heavenly Star Sacred Ancestor.

Heavenly Star Ancestor saw the dazzling light released by the long sword in Li Xuan's hand, and his face changed drastically again. He did not expect that Li Xuan's blow was so terrifying that his teleportation technique was directly intercepted. Living.…

Seeing Li Xuan's move, the Heavenly Star Ancestor was also secretly shocked. He didn't expect that Li Xuan's move was so powerful that he could even crack his teleportation technique.

The Heavenly Star Ancestor had no choice but to display his best practice, the Nine Turning Star Falling Jue.

In an instant, Heavenly Star Saint Ancestor was enveloped in a layer of purple light, looking very strange.

However, even the Heavenly Star Ancestor was in extreme danger at the moment. He knew that the power of Li Xuan's move was far more powerful than the Heavenly Star Divine Sword.

Therefore, at this moment, in his heart, he is very worried, he is worried that his life will be completely lost because of this trick.

Heavenly Star Saint Ancestor's current state of 1.8 looks very embarrassed. His face is full of blood, and his body is also covered with scars, and his aura is also very disordered.

However, Li Xuan's attack still did not stop. He activated the spiritual power in his body again, and then blasted towards the body of the Heavenly Star Ancestor.

Feel the pain in your body.

Chapter 536 How could Li Xuan let Tianxing Ancestor escape?

Heavenly Star Ancestor's heart suddenly became more annoyed. He didn't expect that Li Xuanjing wanted to continue attacking him, which made Heavenly Star Sacred Ancestor's heart full of anger. At the same time, he also gritted his teeth. He used a new set of attacks again and attacked Li Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan didn't have any hesitation, he directly waved the long sword in his hand, and then, with this blow, he slashed towards the Heavenly Star Ancestor.


Two powerful supernatural power attacks slammed into each other fiercely. Suddenly, a strong wind swept away and blew wantonly towards the surroundings.

At this moment, the figures of Li Xuan and Tianxing Saint Ancestor were both shrouded in a dazzling light, and it was impossible to see the specific appearance of the two of them.

At this moment, both of them are doing their best, attacking each other fiercely, trying to defeat each other.

Although Li Xuan's strength is not as good as that of the Heavenly Star Ancestor, with the long sword in his hand and his strength, he can completely compete with the Heavenly Star Sacred Ancestor. Therefore, the current Li Xuan does not have any fear. color.

The same is true of the Heavenly Star Ancestor.

Between the two, the battle is already heated up, and neither of them give in half a step. They all want to defeat each other, then kill each other and take away what they want, but the current Heavenly Star Ancestor has suffered. With an extremely serious injury, his strength is not Li Xuan's opponent at all.

As for Li Xuan, because he had consumed a lot of mental and physical strength on the Tianxing Peak before, he is already at the end of the shot, and now, he has no means to resist this magical attack of the Tianxing Ancestor. .

In this case, he had to run away quickly.

Otherwise, what awaits him is death.

Thinking of this, Heavenly Star Ancestor's heart was full of anger, because he never imagined that Li Xuan would be so difficult to deal with, and the long sword in his hand had been forced to retreat by Li Xuan.

Heavenly Star Ancestor saw that Li Xuan's magical attack was about to fall on him, and his heart suddenly became flustered. However, there was a flash of determination on his face. Then, he swooped towards Li Xuan, wanting to take the lead and hide this magical power.

However, how could Li Xuan let Tianxing Ancestor escape?

When he saw the Heavenly Star Ancestor rushing over, Li Xuan suddenly swung the long sword in his hand, and a powerful divine energy was released, and attacked the Heavenly Star Sacred Ancestor fiercely.


Suddenly, a thunderstorm suddenly resounded, and then, this thunderbolt slammed into Tianxing Shengzu's body, and 357 Tianxing Shengzu was smashed into the air and rolled in the air. After several laps, it finally hit the ground heavily and fell to the ground.

And the clothes on Tianxing Saint Ancestor were directly blown to pieces, revealing his body.

His body was covered with countless wounds, and even a deep visible bone scar appeared on his shoulder, and blood was slowly flowing out.

Seeing the Heavenly Star Ancestor like this, Li Xuan couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, Li Xuan finally defeated the Heavenly Star Ancestor, and also chopped off his body, making the Heavenly Star Sacred Ancestor completely dead.


Chapter 537 You are in front of me, are you not letting me be slaughtered?

Looking at the Heavenly Star Ancestor, Li Xuan said with a sneer: Heavenly Star Sacred Ancestor, I have already told you, let you obediently admit defeat!You just didn't listen, and now, you're dead.

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Tianxing Shengzu couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face. He knew that Li Xuan was right, he was indeed dead, but now he had no room for regret.


Suddenly, a mouthful of blood sprayed out from the mouth of the Heavenly Star Ancestor. Then, a dazzling ray of light burst out from the Heavenly Star Ancestor's body. At the moment when this light appeared, a huge star phantom appeared. , then flew out of the body of the Celestial Star Ancestor, and in an instant, he charged towards Li Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan's complexion immediately solidified, and an incredible look appeared on his face.

This is the power of the stars of the Star Continent, the ancestor of the stars, you, you have grasped the power of the stars in the Star Continent, and your cultivation base has risen to the half-step Tianjun level.

Li Xuan said involuntarily.

Hearing Li Xuan's words, the expression on Tianxing's face suddenly became more gloomy.

Li Xuan's words made his heart very uncomfortable.

Because, although his current realm is in the early stage of Tianzun, his strength is comparable to the powerhouse of the high-level peak of Tianzun. At this level, he is enough to sweep any powerhouse in the world at the peak of Tianzun, but now , Li Xuanjing was not afraid of him at all, and dared to ridicule him, which made Tianxing Saint Ancestor feel very depressed and aggrieved.

snort!Now that you have discovered it, there is no need for me to hide it.

Heavenly Star Ancestor snorted coldly, and then said coldly.

Li Xuan, let me tell you, my ancestor of Tianxing is a direct disciple of the Xingchen family, and I have a very powerful force in the star field of the Xingchen family, and I still have a good position in the Xingchen family. .

So, even if I can't defeat you today, but when I return to the Xingchen family, I believe that I will be able to find a way to get rid of you, you wait, and soon, it will be your death.

The Heavenly Star Ancestor said, and between the words, a strong killing intent was written on his face.

Hearing the words of the Heavenly Star Ancestor, Li Xuan's mouth suddenly showed a sarcastic smile, and said, "Hehe, I said Heavenly Star Ancestor, you are too naive!Don't you think you can find a way to deal with me when you return to the Xingchen family?Simply delusional.

I admit that your strength is good, but you should understand that the gap between you and me is simply insurmountable. Even if you return to the Xingchen family, so what?I can still kill you, and send your body back to your star family, let them clean up you, and let them take revenge.

I think they should be very happy, because (good Li Zhao) in their eyes, my potential has far surpassed yours. If I succeed in breaking through to the level of Tianzun in the future, then you will be with me. In front of you, are you not letting me be slaughtered?

Speaking of this, a mocking expression appeared on Li Xuan's face. At this moment, he felt that his status was noble, and he did not take the threat of the Heavenly Star Ancestor seriously at all, even if the Heavenly Star Ancestor returned. When it comes to the Xingchen family, it is definitely not his opponent.

T Shang


Chapter 538 You must also think too highly of your star family!

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Tianxing's face suddenly became more gloomy, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes. At this moment, he really wanted to kill Li Xuan immediately. , However, he does not have that strength, his body has been severely damaged, and now, he is exhausted, and he can no longer support it for long.

Looking at the Heavenly Star Ancestor, Li Xuan smiled disdainfully and said, "Why, now, don't you dare to refute me?Didn't you say that you are not afraid of death?Why don't you dare to speak now?Li Xuan said that his feet also moved, and he continued to rush towards the Tianxing Ancestor, wanting to completely kill the Tianxing Ancestor to 357.

Seeing Li Xuan rushing towards him with a ferocious face, the face of the Heavenly Star Ancestor couldn't help but become extremely ugly, and the anger and murderous intent in his eyes became more intense. At this moment, he felt It was like there were thousands of ants biting on his chest, causing him to suffer unbearably.

His heart was also filled with deep anger.

Heavenly Star Ancestor, a dignified Heavenly Venerate-level powerhouse, will be humiliated, provoked, and insulted with words. This is the disgrace of Heavenly Venerate powerful people, and it is also the greatest humiliation to Heavenly Star Saint Ancestor (bcb).

So, now, the Heavenly Star Ancestor has really been thoroughly provoked.

Li Xuan, you are really crazy.

The Heavenly Star Ancestor snorted coldly, and immediately, his palm quickly formed a seal, and then, above his head, a huge star suddenly appeared, emitting a dazzling silver light, a huge The power of the stars was immediately released from the stars and shrouded the surroundings.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan was immediately stunned, and his face was also full of shock.

He never thought that the Heavenly Star Ancestor could really mobilize the power of the stars of the Xingchen family.

This old guy is indeed a direct disciple of the Xingchen family!

It is incredible that a powerhouse of this level still has such a terrifying baby, which makes Li Xuan have to sigh, the Heavenly Star Ancestor is really lucky that he was able to worship such a sect and become like this Awesome presence.

Boy, now, you know how powerful our Xingchen family is!Now, I advise you to kneel down immediately and let me go, otherwise, I don't mind tearing you to pieces.

The Heavenly Star Ancestor looked at Li Xuan coldly and said, his face was full of arrogance, as if he already had the chance to win.

Seeing the desolate appearance of the Heavenly Star Ancestor, Li Xuan couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Hmph, you probably think too highly of your Star Clan!Even if your power of stars is really good, but I think it's useless, because I also have my own means.

Hearing Li Xuan's words, the ancestor of Tianxing couldn't help but stunned for a moment. Then, he looked at Li Xuan, and his face became very ugly. He really did not expect that this guy was so arrogant, even the power of the stars. The power of it doesn't matter at all.

How did Li Xuan do it?This is too incredible.

Looking at Li Xuan's face, the Heavenly Star Ancestor's brows furrowed tightly, and he was also full of fear for Li Xuan in his heart.

Even the Heavenly Star Ancestor has never seen anyone whose body can withstand his attack. After all, in his opinion, Li Xuan is just an ordinary Heavenly Emperor.

Chapter 539 I don't mind killing you and then destroying the inheritance of your star family!

However, Li Xuan's body was able to resist the power of his stars. All of this was too unreasonable. Therefore, at this moment, the heart of the Heavenly Star Ancestor was full of jealousy towards Li Xuan.

don't you believe it?If you don't believe it, try it.

Seeing the expression on the face of Tianxing Saint Ancestor, Li Xuan laughed lightly. The smile on his face was so strange and chilling.

Seeing Li Xuan's appearance, the face of the ancestor of Tianxing became even more difficult to look. He really did not expect that Li Xuan's body would be so powerful. In front of him, it didn't play any role at all, such a thing is really too surprising.

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