However, Li Xuan didn't care about her, and just said lightly: "Okay, I bought this knife, you can take it for appreciation."

After speaking, Li Xuan directly handed the dagger to the woman beside him, and then left directly.

Son, are you really sure you want to use this knife?The woman asked in disbelief.

Of course, sure, you won't regret it, right?You can't cheat!Li Xuan turned around and said.

I... The woman was speechless for a while, because Li Xuan's words made her feel like shooting herself in the foot.

how?Are you trying to cheat?You are the eldest lady of the auction house and cannot do such a thing.

Li Xuan looked at the woman and pretended to be serious.

I... The woman was dumbfounded by Li Xuan.

Seeing that the woman had nothing to say, Li Xuan smiled in satisfaction, then waved his hand, took a jade box placed at the entrance of the auction house, and threw it to the woman, saying: Here!This is your reward.

When the woman saw this jade box, her eyes lit up. Although she was an artifact refiner, she hadn't made a spirit tool for a long time. This top-quality spirit tool made her very happy. The constant trembling showed the excitement in her heart at the moment.

The rank of this sword is too low, and there is nothing special about it, I think it is better not to!At this time, the woman said involuntarily.

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Don't you?"This sword is great!Did you know that the material of this sword is very hard, and it is difficult for ordinary weapons to break it. If you use it to refine a spiritual tool, it is definitely a very powerful existence, and it is a superb spiritual tool...

Hearing what Li Xuan said, the woman couldn't help but stay for a while, and said: Is it true or false?Can you really create a top-quality spirit weapon?

Having said that, that woman didn't care whether Li Xuan really had that ability, she quickly grabbed the black dagger in her hand, and couldn't wait to test whether Li Xuan's methods were competing with him. say the same.

You have to open your eyes and look carefully.

With that said, Li Xuan stretched out his hand, pulled out the black dagger, and swayed a few times in front of the woman.

This. This is impossible, this is impossible!At this moment, the woman couldn't help but widened her eyes and cried out in a gaffe.

1.8 Li Xuan smiled slightly, and then said: You don't believe it, do you?Then I will prove it to you!With that said, Li Xuan directly stabbed the dagger into his wrist.

puff~~!A light sound came out, and immediately, Li Xuan's right arm was cut open with a blood trough, and blood suddenly poured out, staining the black dagger in Li Xuan's hand.



Chapter 506 What qualifications do you have with the Emperor to discuss matters?

Then the light flashed.

Li Xuan came to Chaos Heavenly Palace, where Yuanshi Tianzun lived.

If he can understand this, it will be a very big benefit for his cultivation.

And he can feel that the spiritual energy here is quite sufficient. If he can practice here, it can achieve a multiplier effect.

There are two doors outside the Chaos Heavenly Palace, one of which is the door that leads directly to the place where Yuanshi Tianzun lives, and the other is the door that leads to the place where Li Xuan lives.

The spiritual energy inside the Chaos Heavenly Palace is much richer than the outside, but it is still a little bit worse than the Chaos Space.

This is heaven!Li Xuan was secretly amazed in his heart. It was rumored that Heavenly Court was powerful, but he didn't expect it to exist.

Li Xuan came to the place where Yuanshi Tianzun lived, and he found that he had been teleported to the outside of Yuanshi Tiangong.

Huh?what happened?He suddenly felt a little numb in his body.

Could it be that the law of time suppresses itself?Li Xuan tried to activate the spiritual power in his body, but it was useless. Instead, his face became more and more pale, and the look in his eyes gradually became sluggish, as if he was about to die.

Oops, I'm afraid I'm going to hang up now!Li Xuan said secretly.

At this moment, a powerful will suddenly came from the void.

Who dares to trespass the Yuanshi Tiangong!A majestic voice sounded.

who is it?Li Xuan was puzzled.

But Li Xuan didn't panic, he was just a little surprised.

Because he can clearly sense where the powerful will comes from. This is the law of time, and it is also the rule of heaven. If there is no law of time, it is impossible for this situation to occur. After all, the law of time is the top rule. one.

Who are you, dare to break into Yuanshi Tiangong without authorization!

Hearing the majestic voice, Li Xuan froze in his heart. The owner of this voice is definitely a master at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

My name is Li Xuan, and I'm here to discuss important matters with Emperor Tian!Li Xuan said.

Looking for Tiandi to discuss matters?The majestic voice asked: What qualifications do you have to ask the Emperor to discuss matters?

My identity is extraordinary, if you don't believe me, you can go and find out, as long as you ask how many people in heaven and earth dare to talk to the emperor like this!Li Xuan said arrogantly.

Oh?Your identity is extraordinary. What is your identity?The majestic voice continued to ask.

Li Xuan smiled smugly in his heart, he knew that he would definitely get through this time.

My name is Li Xuan, the great devil of the heavens, and the master of the havoc in the heavenly palace. My goal is to unify these three worlds.

Li Xuan said proudly.

It turned out to be the case.

The majestic voice said: Since your identity is extraordinary and you are the enemy of our heaven, then you must abide by the rules of the heaven.

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, this sentence sounded a bit strange, but he didn't think much about it, he just thought it was the rules of heaven, so he nodded and agreed.

Well, now I declare that there are two people in heaven who must die.

One is Yuanshi Tianzun, and the other is Tongtian Sect Master.

What?Li Xuan's eyes widened, you want to kill Yuanshi Tianzun?Yes!The majestic voice answered affirmatively.

Why?Li Xuan asked.

By his foul!The majestic voice said: The rules in the Heavenly Palace are that killing is not allowed, but he violated the Heavenly Palace's rules. If he violated the Heavenly Palace's rules, he must die, and there is no place for burial.

Chapter 507 "I said that you are not the demon king of the heavens, you are Li Xuan of the demon clan, so you are going to take revenge?

This... Li Xuan felt a little uncomfortable, he felt as if he had been tricked.

But if you think about it carefully, he was indeed tricked, because before he left the heavenly court, he once left a trace of breath outside the residence of Yuanshi Tianzun. As soon as he came, he would immediately be noticed by Yuanshi Tianzun's heavenly thoughts. If this is the case , it will arouse Yuanshi Tianzun's vigilance.

Apart from a very few people, not even Taihao knew about his departure from the heavenly court, so the aura he left outside could not be concealed from Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi.

snort!He snorted coldly.

I will definitely avenge this revenge!

Although he was very angry, Li Xuan still had no impulse. He had more important things to do, and that was to go to Chaos Sea to find Yuanshi Tianzun to settle accounts.

Yuanshi Tianzun killed his brother and imprisoned his wife and children. He will never let it go!I don't care, my status is special, I'm going to Yuanshi Tiangong, I'm going to Yuanshi Tianzun to take revenge!Li Xuan said.

This is your choice!The majestic voice Tan Mo said: You can enter the Yuanshi Tiangong now, but after entering the Yuanshi Tiangong, you will be punished by the heavenly court. If you insist on entering, then you can choose to leave the Tiangong!

I quit?Li Xuan sneered, how could my dignified demon king in the heavens quit if he said he would quit, and Yuanshi Tianzun killed my brother, I must find him to settle the account.

Ha ha!

The majestic voice laughed, I said that you are not the devil of the heavens, you are Li Xuan of the demon clan, so you have to take revenge?Demon clan?Li Xuan was shocked, and then asked: Who are you, I have never heard of any demon clan?

The majestic voice snorted coldly: I am the will of Heaven in Heaven, and the rules of Heaven do not allow the killing of demon clan, so if you go in, you will be punished by Heaven, and then you will be wiped out, no Reexist, have you thought about it?

Heaven's Will?

Li Xuan was shocked. He imagined that he had encountered the will of heaven and earth here. It seems that this regulation is really powerful. It is indeed the regulation of heaven. The will of heaven is really omnipotent. The sky is the limit.

Li Xuan didn't care about the rules of Heavenly Court, but after hearing that Heavenly Dao's will actually said that he was a monster, he was a little worried. He was a monster. If it was really the will of Tiandao, he would definitely be taken away. .

However, Li Xuan quickly calmed down. Since the other party has already admitted that it is the will of Tiandao, his life is already in the hands of the other party. As long as he is obedient, he will definitely let himself survive.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan sneered in his heart.

He knew that he had no way to escape, and the only thing he could do now was to enter Yuanshi Tiangong first and then make plans.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan flew towards Fang (alright, alright) in Yuanshi Tiangong.

Not long after, Li Xuan entered the Yuanshi Tiangong.

The buildings of Yuanshi Tiangong are very magnificent, occupying the entire mountain range. This mountain is as high as XNUMX feet. Various sculptures are carved on the peak. In the center of the mountain is a huge dragon, which opens a blood basin. It growled loudly, as if to devour everything in the world, its mouth was like a planet, surprisingly large, capable of engulfing everything in the world.


Chapter 508 Leave this matter to me, don't worry, I will definitely be able to lure Li Xuan to the Nine Netherworld!

On the head of this giant dragon is an old man. His appearance is very ordinary, but his body is XNUMX meters high, wearing golden armor, holding a giant axe in his hand, and his body exudes monstrous sky. domineering.

Li Xuan looked at the old man and felt a little nervous. The old man's cultivation base was unfathomable, and his aura was very strong, giving Li Xuan an extremely dangerous feeling. He even felt that if the old man wanted to, he could easily Squeeze him to death.

Such an existence is actually just an ordinary bodyguard in the heavenly court, so how many powerful beings are hidden in this heavenly palace?

Li Xuan was full of curiosity, he felt as if he had returned to the prehistoric era, back to the era when the demons and the human race were fighting, and he was the demon emperor of that period and the great demon emperor of that period, ruling the world All the demons of the 343 clan, commanding all the demons, are majestic and powerful, and now Li Xuan is just a little demon emperor.

See adults!Li Xuan bowed respectfully and shouted respectfully.

The majestic voice said indifferently: Well, you don't need to be more polite, I just pass (bcb) the will of Yuanshi Tianzun. Now we open the Yuanshi Tiangong, let you go to Yuanshi Tianzun and ask him to see Yuanshi Tianzun. To solve your puzzles!

After speaking, the voice disappeared, and the Yuanshi Tiangong closed immediately, disappearing from Li Xuan's sight.

Yuanshi Tianzun!Li Xuan muttered to himself, this name is quite domineering, but how should I find Yuanshi Tianzun now?Li Xuan had a headache. Although he was the great demon emperor of the demon clan, he still didn't know what Yuanshi Tianzun looked like.

Alas, no matter what, soldiers come to block water and earth to cover, soldiers come to block water and earth to cover!Li Xuan secretly decided in his heart, anyway, now that he has no way out, since he has nowhere to go, he will directly face the difficulty.

After thinking about it, Li Xuan flew directly towards Yuanshi Tiangong, ready to go to Yuanshi Tianzun to ask clearly.

This guy is quite arrogant!A mysterious man in the Tiandi Palace looked at Li Xuan's leaving back and said with a sneer.

He looked at the majestic voice: Yuanshi Tianzun actually asked him to come to me, is he provoking me?Humph, Yuanshi Tianzun dare not come to me, just let him test me, I will show him how terrifying I am, then he will be frightened, haha...

The voice said: Since Yuanshi Tianzun has ordered you to do so, then you can do it with confidence. If this Li Xuan is really the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, then you will succeed. After all, the will of Heaven will not deceive us, so you don't have to worry too much. .

kindness!The majestic voice said: Since that is the case, then I will wait for Li Xuan to come and visit.

Before that, though, you still need to do a few things!The voice continued: "It's up to you to carry out this matter. You want to lure Li Xuan to the Nine Netherworlds, and then you will let him stay in the Nine Netherworlds forever. Your goal is his fleshly body and Yuanshibao." body, then you can kill him!

No problem, this time I will let him know the fate of offending our Heavenly Court!The voice laughed.

it is good!The voice replied with a smile, and then he said: Leave this matter to me, don't worry, I will definitely be able to lure Li Xuan to the Nine Netherworld!After speaking, the voice disappeared.


Chapter 509 Does this Yuanshi Tianzun also want to deal with me?

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