In my opinion, this year's alchemy master assessment is relatively qualified, at least there is no problem with medicine pills, no matter the grade, they have reached the level of intermediate alchemists, but if it is the practical level, I am afraid there are not many people. To be able to compare with me, is worthy of being a member of the heavenly court!

If you let Lian hand over this alchemy technology to him, maybe it can improve the overall strength of my heavenly court.

If it is really possible, then the development of my country will become better and better, this is the task of heaven!This batch of medicinal herbs must be sold out!

Be sure to sell out ASAP!The Jade Emperor had a plan in mind.

the next morning.

Yawn, I must have slept very late last night, it seems that I have to get up early to practice, otherwise I will miss the morning.

Li Xuan stretched and yawned before leaving his room.

But before Li Xuan took two steps, he felt a dizziness in his head and almost fell to the ground.

Oops, I forgot that I was injured last night, and my fall might cause myself a concussion.

Li Xuan thought to himself, and then sat down on the bed with his knees crossed, calming down his injuries.

Outside the mountain gate of Taiqing Temple.

Brother, you are here!

A young man greeted the man in his XNUMXs and XNUMXs outside the mountain gate.


The man responded.

Master, where are they now?The man looks into the distance.

My master is in the back garden!Oh, then I'll go find her.

(Okay Zhao) Well, brother, you go!

In the back garden of Taiqing View, an old man wearing a white Taoist robe was walking in the back garden.


At this moment, a young man dressed in black with a mask on his face emerged from the woods.

who are you?

My name is Li Xuan, and I'm here just to visit you.

Li Xuan saluted slightly and said


Chapter 498 It's hard to say, maybe this little doll is friends with him!

It turned out to be Doctor Li, please come in.

Li Xuan followed the old man into a yard. There were many kinds of flowers and plants planted in the yard. The fragrance of the flowers was refreshing and refreshing.

This is really a holy place for cultivation!Li Xuan sighed.

Ha ha.

The old man smiled.

Didn't you come here today just to chat with the old man?

No, old man, I just have something to discuss with you.

Li Xuan shook his head.

If you have something to discuss with me, let's hear it!the old man asked.

It's like this, I heard that you have a way to make medicine pills, so I want to exchange with you, of course, I'm not asking you to make medicine pills for me to take, because it's too dangerous to do 327, I want to trade with you, no Know if you want to?Li Xuan said directly to the old man.

What do you want to trade?

For my medicinal pills, you only need to help me refine three medicinal pills, and you can set a price!

Okay, I agree, but you have to make sure that every pill is a top-grade pill. If the pill I give you is too low, I won't trade with you. I don't want to be dealt with by you. cheat.

The old man reminded Li Xuan.

Don't worry, although I, Li Xuan, are not a gentleman, I will not joke about other people's lives.

Li Xuan said seriously (bcb).

That's good. My name is Liu Fuan. I don't know your surname?Under Li Xuan, my name can only be called Li Xuan by outsiders.

Well, if that's the case, you can call me Liu Fuan. This is your elixir. This is a contract. The two of us will not interfere with each other's freedom. This is also an agreement between us.

If you violate this agreement, you will be punished by divine condemnation.

Liu Fuan took out a book and handed it to Li Xuan.

After Li Xuan's result book, he saw the "Tian Dao Agreement" written on it, which recorded a series of terms such as the refining method, materials, weight, quality of the pill, and success rate of pill refining.

no problem.

Li Xuan nodded in agreement.

Just take a look!

Liu Fuan pushed the book in front of Li Xuan.

Li Xuan carefully checked the contents of the book. After he read it, he returned the book to Liu Fuan and said, "Okay, since that's the case, let's sign the agreement first!"Well, let's sign the agreement first, and then we can do the transaction.

Liu Fuan nodded.

After the two signed an agreement on the desk, they looked at each other.

Well, now I'll take you to the trading floor!kindness.

Li Xuan responded.

Li Xuan followed Liu Fuan towards the outside of Taiqing Temple.

On the way, Li Xuan noticed a strange thing.

Look, that person turned out to be Liu Fuan, how could he be with a little baby?And also took the little doll to the trading field.

It's hard to say, maybe this little doll is friends with him!

That's not necessarily true. You have to know that he is an alchemist. How can there not be some people around him!That is, just based on the qualifications of that little doll, he is not worthy of being friends with him at all.

makes sense.

By the way, have you noticed that this little doll actually has a special aura.

Special scent?what does it mean?

It is a very strange aura. This aura is very powerful. If I am not mistaken, this aura should be the aura possessed by that little doll.

Chapter 499 Leave him alone this time, let him stay inside for a while, then I'll let him go after a while

No way!

It's absolutely possible, didn't you see that girl just now?She also has a very powerful aura on her body, and she should also be an alchemist.

Alchemist?No!Isn't she just an ordinary person?How could it be an alchemist?

No, this world is full of wonders, you have to remember one sentence, never underestimate anyone in the world.

This is true.

But I am curious about the identity of this little doll. You said, should we go over and investigate?

This little baby is not an ordinary person. He is a very powerful alchemy master, and there are several masters guarding him by his side. If we make a rash move, we will definitely suffer a loss. Let's forget it.

Yes, just do as the ancestors said.

Just as Li Xuan and Liu Fuan were walking towards the trading floor, Li Xuan suddenly stopped and glanced behind Liu Fuan.

What's wrong?Liu Fuan turned to look at Li-xuan suspiciously.

Master, I have something to trade, but I'm worried that my apprentice will be angry, I want you to help me solve this trouble!Oh!then you go!I am waiting for you here!Well, Master, I'll go first, bye.

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he turned and walked in the other direction. He came to a small bridge, stepped on a small bridge with one foot, and then jumped to the opposite small bridge, moving towards the front. gone.

Soon, Li Xuan came to the back mountain of Taiqing Temple.

There are many cliffs and cliffs in the back mountain of Taiqingguan. These cliffs and cliffs have very thick soil, and many elixir are buried in them.

It is here that I refined the Jiuyang Pill.

Li Xuan said that he took out the Jiuyang Dan from his storage ring and placed it on a slate.

After Li Xuan took out the Jiuyang Pill, he took out all the other elixir in the storage ring and placed it on the slate.

After doing this, Li Xuan closed his eyes and sat up in meditation.

Li Xuan is going to retreat for a month this time, refining all these things into Jiuyang Pill.

a month later.


After a while of shaking, the spiritual power around Li Xuan's body became more intense.

Jiuyang Dan is finally about to be successfully refined.

Li Xuan opened his eyes, his face full of joy.


At this time, a golden elixir floated in the air and slowly rotated.

???Ask for flowers???·

Jiuyang Dan!After Li Xuan saw this elixir, he immediately became excited.

Li Xuan reached out and grabbed the medicine pill.

The medicinal pill trembled in Li Xuan's hand, as if he was very excited.

The medicinal pill has been refined by me. From now on, I will no longer need to use medicinal liquid to improve my strength. In the future, with the help of medicinal medicinal herbs, I can easily ascend to the Nascent Soul realm.

Haha.. Li Xuan couldn't help but raised his head and laughed.

At this time, Li Xuan suddenly thought of Liu Fuan, and he couldn't help frowning.

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