"It seems that this thing is not simple.

There was a golden light in Li Xuan's two eyes, and the momentum all over his body burst out... Could it be that there is something hidden inside?

Thinking of this, Li Xuan quickly rushed to the bottom of the huge mountain, and then put his right arm into the soil, ready to dig the golden grass.


Suddenly, a strong golden light shot out from Li Xuan's right hand, instantly illuminating the entire huge mountain.

On Li Xuan's right hand, a faint golden light appeared, and in that golden light, there was a golden mask, the mask was golden, and there were simple runes flowing on it. These simple runes , is flashing a faint golden light, obviously, this golden mask is very hard, even Li Xuan, the existence of the Immortal Emperor level, can't dig this mask at all.

What a tough defense!

Seeing this mask, Li Xuan couldn't help crying out in surprise.

1.8 This golden mask looks very simple, but it can withstand the punch of a master at the level of the Immortal Emperor.

Li Xuan then flashed his body and floated towards the distance, and then Li Xuan's feet stepped on the ground, and a majestic force erupted from Li Xuan's feet, and then violently Push forward hard.


Li Xuan's legs slammed into the golden mask, making a deafening sound.

Chapter 486 The humanoid creature also reacted at once, and at the same time rushed towards Li Xuan.


After another impact, the golden mask was still very hard. Li Xuan had already used XNUMX% of his strength at this time, and the golden mask was still very strong. Li Xuan wanted to break it. It is estimated that it will take a little time and energy, but Li Xuan is not going to give up. He wants to attack it with all his strength, but he wants to see how reliable it is.

So, Li Xuan used XNUMX% of his strength again. This time, Li Xuan's hands were clenched tightly, and then his legs used strength again, hitting the mask.

bang bang bang,

Li Xuan's legs also kept kicking on the golden mask. Then Li Xuan opened his mouth and let out a low roar12. This low roar seemed to carry magic power, and it reached the place directly. Inside the golden mask, the golden mask swayed slightly.

Seeing this situation, Li Xuan was instantly overjoyed, and then added strength again, constantly attacking the golden mask.

Boom~ Boom~ Boom~ Heart~

Following Li Xuan's frantic attack, cracks slowly appeared on the golden mask, and this golden mask was about to be destroyed by Li Xuan.


At this time, there was another loud noise. The sound was very loud, and the whole space was shaking. The golden mask also disappeared in an instant. The golden mask was so easily It was destroyed by Li Xuan, which made Li Xuan very happy.

Then, a cyan figure suddenly descended here.

The appearance of this figure looks a bit strange. I saw a black horn growing on his forehead at this moment. This horn looks a bit like a lizard's tail, and he also has four claws.

Li Xuan was also slightly taken aback when he saw this figure.

ss~~ sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Just when Li Xuan was stunned, the humanoid's mouth made a sound similar to that of a snake spitting out a letter. In his eyes, icy eyes flashed, and he looked at the person in front of him with a sense of sternness. .


Just when he opened his mouth to speak, Li Xuan heard a harsh sound from his mouth, his tongue was constantly wriggling, and a black-red liquid was flowing from the corner of his mouth, his scarlet His eyes also turned blood red at this moment.

This state looks very scary. If it is seen by outsiders, I am afraid that many people will be scared to death. This is the ability of this creature. The ability of this creature is very strange. Attacks and spit letters, and the power of spitting letters is very powerful, and can kill the enemy in an instant.

Seeing the appearance of this humanoid creature in front of him, Li Xuan did not dare to be careless, he knew that he had met a formidable enemy.


The ability of this creature is very powerful, and it is very fast. Li Xuan must be prepared for defense. He doesn't want to be bitten by someone's sharp teeth and then torn to pieces.

As a result, Li Xuan's feet also stomped violently, and his body instantly turned into an afterimage, rushing directly towards the humanoid creature.

The humanoid creature also reacted at once, and at the same time rushed towards Li Xuan.

Li Xuan didn't dare to care too much, the speed of this creature was too fast, and he couldn't dodge his attack at all.

So Li Xuan's body turned into thousands of afterimages in an instant, and each afterimage was the figure of Li Xuan's deity, and this figure was real.

Chapter 487 It's so difficult to deal with, could it be that this guy can still control his voice?

At this moment, Li Xuan's body kept changing directions. At the same time, his fists also contained incomparably majestic True Essence. This True Essence was also very rich, burning continuously in the air.


Li Xuan's right arm directly bombarded the chest of the humanoid creature.


Under Li Xuan's punch, the humanoid's body was also knocked back a few steps by Li Xuan's fist.


There was a painful cry from the mouth of the humanoid creature, and his body also slammed violently, and at the same time, terrifying fluctuations were released from his body.


At this moment, the aura released by the humanoid creature suppressed Li Xuan in an instant, and at this time, the humanoid creature also raised its head and used fierce eyes to shy away from Li Xuan. His teeth were also shaking constantly at this moment, obviously some kind of attack was brewing, and a black-red light was faintly exuding from his teeth, which was obviously ready to go.

At this moment, Li Xuan's expression also became solemn. He felt that the strength of the humanoid creature in front of him far exceeded his expectations. He did not expect that the strength of the humanoid creature in front of him was so tyrannical, and he also I didn't expect that this guy would be so cunning. Just when Li Xuan showed his ability and wanted to crack the golden mask in front of him, this guy suddenly attacked.

Although Li Xuan's current strength is very strong, the strength of this guy should not be underestimated. His speed is very fast, and his attack method is also very strange. The attack method of this humanoid creature is just like those of lizards. The people are exactly the same, and the scales on their bodies, as well as his eyes, are exactly the same, this kind of creature is simply a replica of the Lizardman.

hiss~ hiss~

The humanoid creature saw that Li Xuan's face was a bit wrong, so he roared again, this time his voice was sharper than before.

After Li Xuan heard the voice, he couldn't help covering his ears, and then he frowned.

The roar of this kind of creature is amazing. Li Xuan felt a little pain in his eardrums when he heard it. This guy is so difficult to deal with. Could it be that this guy can still control his own voice?

This thought flashed across Li Xuan's mind like lightning.

Immediately, Li Xuan shook his head. He felt that his thinking was too simplistic. Here, he thought of such a problem, and he actually felt that this guy really seemed to be able to do it.

However, Li Xuan is not worried now, because this guy's body must be filled with a huge amount of blood, so his roar will also consume a lot of blood, his roar, for other creatures It might be a shock, but it was not for Li Xuan, he wasn't (good enough) affected by these roars at all.

hiss! ! !

At this moment, this humanoid creature, which was also a jump, rushed towards Li Xuan, and Li Xuan also reacted at the first time. Above his double fists, two dazzling white lights shot out violently. , these two white lights instantly turned into two white lines, stabbing at the body and throat of the humanoid creature. The distance between them was very close. Li Xuan only needed to hit the throat of the humanoid creature.

Chapter 488 You bastards, you dare to attack my cave, you are just courting death!

The distance between them will become thirty feet.


At this moment, the throat of this humanoid creature suddenly opened, and at the same time his tongue was rolled up towards Li Xuan's neck.

Li Xuan's speed was very fast. At this time, his body also dodged quickly, and a long sword appeared in his hand, and then stabbed directly at the neck of this humanoid creature. At this moment, Li Xuan felt The skin of this humanoid creature turned out to be very hard.


A more powerful figure descended here.

The face of the person who came was quite majestic, and there was an incomparably cold aura all over his body.

This person is the Jade Emperor.

There was a murderous aura in Li Xuan's eyes, staring at the Jade Emperor.

Beside the Jade Emperor, 310 followed an old man who seemed to be the Jade Emperor's personal guard.

Beside this guard, stood some other senior monks. These monks are all the top masters in the world.

You bastards, you dare to attack my cave, you are simply courting death!The Jade Emperor looked directly at the humanoid creature in front of him, and said coldly.

hiss! !

After hearing this sentence, the humanoid creature actually hissed and screamed.

Li Xuan glanced at this humanoid creature. The strength of this humanoid creature (bcb) is very powerful, even comparable to the gods. With such strength, even the heavenly court can do nothing about this guy. After all, the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals of heaven, It is also impossible to be this guy's opponent.


At this time, Li Xuan's body disappeared in an instant. When Li Xuan appeared in front of this guy, he was already holding a long spear in his hand. No matter how hard this guy's body is, he stabbed it directly.

Seeing this scene, the Jade Emperor's face suddenly turned gloomy.

boom! !

At this time, the muscles on the neck of this humanoid creature swelled up instantly. Two rows of dense fangs suddenly grew on his neck, and they were still growing rapidly. This time, directly It blocked Li Xuan's shot, and when Li Xuan's shot stabbed this guy's throat, Li Xuan felt a violent impact.

The throat of this humanoid creature is so hard that it makes people tongue-tied. Such a piece of bone can actually withstand Li Xuan's shot. This kind of thing also makes Li Xuan feel

Very surprised.

Moreover, this guy's Adam's apple has thick scales. The scales look very strong. Even Li Xuan can't easily tear the scales.

A shot, just pierced a little bit.

Li Xuan's heart was also slightly startled. Looking at this humanoid creature, he also had a trace of fear in his heart.

snort!Bug carving tricks! !

Seeing that Li Xuan only stabbed in a little, the humanoid also sneered disdainfully.

Li Xuan's complexion changed, and his palms also exerted force again. At this time, the scales on the throat of this humanoid creature finally began to crack.

Crack clap clap...


Chapter 489 I don't want to say nonsense like this a second time. If that's the case, then I'll send you on your way!

The scales on the throat of this humanoid creature quickly shattered, and this guy also let out a scream, and his neck was quickly retracting, but at this time, Li Xuan also Didn't give him any chance.

At this time, Li Xuan's right leg kicked, and he rushed out. On his left hand, a fireball condensed, and then his right hand shot out quickly. The humanoid roared away from its neck.

boom! !

The flames fell on this guy's neck, and there was a muffled sound. A thick smoke burst out from the neck of this humanoid creature, and a scream came from his throat.

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