Therefore, there is no need to worry about their threats at all. Their threats are nothing in Li Xuan's eyes.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, Li Xuan couldn't help shaking his head, this group of people is really sad, their lives are in their own hands, but they are still struggling in vain.

Unfortunately, this struggle is destined to be in vain.

call out!

Afterwards, Li Xuan also chased after these people in the direction where they disappeared.

Soon, the day passed.

In this day, Li Xuan finally caught up with these people.

Seeing that this group of people had been overtaken by Li Xuan, the expressions on the faces of those who were still chattering after being overtaken by Li Xuan stiffened. Immediately, they stopped talking nonsense and turned around and ran away.

However, how could Li Xuan let them get their wish?

With a wave of his sleeves, Li Xuan enveloped these people and imprisoned them in an instant. Although these people are good, their cultivation is too low to resist Li Xuan's attack. .

Afterwards, Li Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to them, and directly put them into his space ring. This time, he finally solved a little trouble.

However, Li Xuan did not stop, he continued to the next location and continued to look for these people.

He didn't want to waste time, so he planned to solve it quickly. After all, he didn't want to waste his precious time, because once he missed it, he would never have this opportunity again. He now had to solve this task in a short time.

On the way, no matter what he encountered, Li Xuan did not hesitate at all. He smashed it with one punch and put it into his space ring. In this way, those people disappeared completely.


Suddenly, Li Xuan frowned slightly.

Because, Li Xuan found a strong fluctuation.

In the front, Li Xuan faintly heard a voice, and listening to this voice, it seemed like someone was talking.

Li Xuan was curious and walked forward involuntarily.

Soon, Li Xuan walked to the front and came to a platform. Standing on the platform, Li Xuan 310 could clearly see that there was an open space in front of him. At this moment, on the open space, there was a man and a woman and two The people were confronting each other there, and it could be judged from the dialogue between the two people that the two of them should know each other, but for some reason, the two of them had to be opposed to each other.

Li Xuan carefully observed the two in front of him, trying to see something.

Who are you and why are you arresting us?

The man among them couldn't help shouting coldly after seeing the woman in front of him, and there was a strong anger flashing in his eyes.

Well, you don't need to know who I am, but you two, you have to go back with me.

The woman snorted coldly.


Chapter 477 Our group of monks is not only these people

Why, why should we go back with you?The other person also shouted angrily.

Because, your little lives are in my hands!You, you have no choice!said the woman.

Haha, what a joke!

After the man heard the woman's words, he couldn't help but sneered, and then sneered: "Miss, in this world, not only the two of us are monks, do you think you are the only monks in this world?"Let me tell you, our group of monks is not just you.

Oh?Not just us monks?

Hearing the man's words, the woman's eyes also showed a look of surprise.

She didn't know about this.

However, she still did not believe that there were so many monks.

After all, there are only thirty or forty monks in this world.

Hmph, there are indeed many monks in this world, but here, they do not belong to the three religions.

At this time, the man continued to sneer and said, you people belong to the Jianghu, those small sects or the sects of loose cultivators, because they all have their own pride and dignity, so they would rather die They are also unwilling to submit to others, and those loose cultivators have no power, because they also have their arrogance and persistence, so it is impossible for you to take us all away.

Well, what you said is quite interesting, and I appreciate your words.

After hearing the man's words, the woman also chuckled lightly.

Hmph, you don't even look at it, what kind of thing are you, why do you say that I am interesting.

The man looked at the woman disdainfully and said, "With your virtue, even in another hundred years, you will not be able to reach our level."

Haha, when the woman heard the man's words, she burst into laughter, but after the laughter, she also said coldly, "What kind of thing am I?"I'd like to take a lesson and see how capable you are.

After saying that, with a wave of the woman's right hand, a long sword flew out and charged towards the man in front of her.

The sword spun rapidly in front of the man, and the long sword also quickly condensed the sword light, as if it turned into substance, and stabbed towards the man.

The power of this sword is extremely tyrannical. If it hits this man's body, I am afraid that this man will be killed in an instant.

Seeing the sword flying towards him, the man did not panic. Instead, he had a mocking smile on his face.Then, seeing the sword, it directly penetrated his body.

what? !

At this time, the man's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, and at the same time, a blood arrow splattered down the corner of the man's mouth.

That sword actually pierced through his body like this was too shocking.

Hmph, vultures are small (good) skills.

The man said with a look of disdain, but then he felt that the spiritual power in his body was rapidly disappearing, and his life was gradually weakening.

Seeing the spiritual power that was escaping in this man's body, Li Xuan couldn't help frowning.

It seems that this man was indeed injured by the sword of the woman.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate.


Chapter 478 Was the Jade Emperor sent you here?

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he sucked the man into his hand, and then, with a wave of his hand, he was thrown into the distance. At the same time, Li Xuan also spit out a mouthful of pure magic essence.

Although the man was severely injured, he was still alive, and the spiritual power that had passed away in his body would soon recover.

After doing all this, Li Xuan waved his hand, grabbed the woman in his hand, and took it away.

And after Li Xuan and the woman left together, the man hurriedly said: No, no!Please, please, let us go, we are willing to surrender, we are willing to go with you, please, spare us.

After hearing the man's words, Li Xuan showed an impatient look on his face. At the same time, he also said coldly: Hmph, wouldn't it be better to do this earlier?It's too late now.

After speaking, Li Xuan took the woman directly and left.

Li Xuan didn't kill the woman, Bi Jing, this woman was his friend, and he didn't want to kill her.

Li Xuan took the two of them to an inn, and after arranging the two of them, he left directly.


Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he was so scared that he was sweating all over. If the woman's (bcb) move was more powerful, then he might have directly killed the man.

However, Li Xuan also did not expect that he casually rescued a stranger who was actually a monk at the early stage of the prefecture level, which really surprised him.

The world is truly amazing.

snort!Boy, you are ruthless!

At this time, not far from Li Xuan, the man said with a displeased expression.

This man is the last of the Taishang Laojun's side, and he is the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

The strength of the whole body is also quite good.

In particular, the light that shines out of the two eyes is definitely not something ordinary people can possess.

Li Xuan's eyes only showed a cold glow for a moment.

"You really don't know how to fight me to the end.

, "Did the Jade Emperor sent you here?"

The man said coldly: Hmph, yes, you guessed it right!

Since he sent you here, then I'll take you on the road today.

With that said, Li Xuan's right fist waved, the fist wind burst, and in an instant, a violent energy wave burst out from Li Xuan's right fist.


Immediately, that violent fist attacked the man instantly.

After seeing this scene, the man was also slightly startled, and then he quickly raised the long sword in his hand.

With a wave of the long sword, it blocked Li Xuan's punch in an instant.

However, the power of Li Xuan's punch was obviously much greater than the power of the long sword in the man's hand before. At the same time, the man's whole body flew upside down, and finally landed on a tree not far away, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out of his mouth.


After the man coughed a few times, he spat out a few teeth from his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the man's face became extremely ugly. He did not expect that he would be defeated so thoroughly.

you.. who are you?

The man asked with an ugly face,


Chapter 479 Boy, is everything you say true?Can you really help me regain my strength?Can I improve my strength?

Li Xuan glanced at him and said lightly: My name is Li Xuan, I come from Heaven, and I am the apprentice of His Majesty the Jade Emperor. This time I came to trouble you at His Majesty's order.

After hearing Li Xuan's words, the man was stunned for a moment, and then a bitter expression appeared on his face, and he said, "I didn't expect you to be the apprentice of His Majesty the Jade Emperor.

After hearing the man's words, Li Xuan also nodded and said, "Well, do you know my master?Your Majesty the Jade Emperor?

After hearing Li Xuan's words, the man was also slightly taken aback. He never thought that he would meet the apprentice of His Majesty the Jade Emperor.

However, he quickly responded.

It turned out to be Jade Emperor Lao'er's apprentice, I said, how can you have such strength, hehe, it turned out to be his apprentice.

The man said with a wry smile on his face.

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