In an instant, dozens of blood-colored beams of light suddenly burst into dazzling red light, and as the red beams bloomed, those dozens of blood-colored beams of light burst out immediately, turning into sharp blood-colored blades, towards Li Xuan. chopped off.

Swish swish!

The blood-colored blade, with a fierce wind, whistled and slashed towards Li Xuan.

Chapter 468 Gorefiend, you don't have to brag anymore, wait until then!

In the blood-colored beam of light, there is a terrifying power, and wherever it passes, everything is annihilated.

Seeing the overwhelming blood-colored blade attacking and killing him, Li Xuan secretly cried out in his heart.

The strength of this guy is really too tyrannical.

Just the attack that he released made him feel a huge pressure.

Open to me!Li Xuan roared angrily, and then he displayed the energy of chaos.

One after another, the chaotic energy swept out frantically, forming an incomparably huge 310 chaotic barrier, blocking Li Xuan's body.

Click, click, click!

The blood-colored blade landed on the chaotic barrier, and immediately made a crisp sound. Then, these blades burst one after another, and were smashed into nothingness by the chaotic air, and turned into endless blood.

How can this be?

Looking at the attack he unleashed, Jing Ran was directly disintegrated by the opponent, and the Gorefiend's face was full of disbelief.

He really couldn't believe that the attack he unleashed would be directly neutralized by the other party (bCb). This is simply incredible and completely impossible!How, this taste, it's not good, right?Li Xuan's figure, standing behind the chaotic barrier, stared coldly at the Gorefiend and said.

Boy, don't be complacent. Although you can resist my attack, your strength is too weak after all. You can resist my attack now, just because your strength is not strong enough, wait until you After the strength reaches the ninth floor of the Holy Emperor Realm, at that time, you will understand what is the real strength!The Gorefiend stared at Li Xuan sullenly, and said with a sneer.

Hearing these words, Li Xuan sneered and said lightly: Gorefiend, you don't need to brag anymore, wait until then!I will not listen to your nonsense anymore!I'll just kill you!Let you taste my means!

court death!Hearing Li Xuan's words, the Gorefiend suddenly became furious and roared, and then he waved his hand abruptly, shouting: The blood spirit of the Blood Spirit Race!

In an instant, an incomparably huge blood-sharp aura shot out from his body, forming one after another of blood-shattering blades that bombarded Li Xuan.

bang bang bang bang..

Immediately, countless blood-sharp blades blasted towards Li Xuan, making a deafening sound, and blood-sharp blades bombarded Li Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan's face changed slightly, and he immediately waved his fist, a series of fist shadows, madly bombarded the blade of blood evil, and made a rumbling sound.




Every time Li Xuan punched, his body would take a step back, and the injury on his body was also recovering quickly, but his speed was extremely slow.

Moreover, these bloody blades seem to be endless, and they are continuously charging towards Li Xuan, making Li Xuan feel very difficult, and the injuries on his body are also increasing. of severe pain.

This made him feel very uncomfortable. If this continues, sooner or later, he will not be able to hold on, and will be consumed alive by the other party.

Seeing this, a look of determination flashed in Li Xuan's eyes.


Chapter 469 Boy, I have to admit that you are indeed very powerful, but you think you can stop this attack

With his roar, there was a crackling sound in his body.

At the same time as these voices sounded, scales suddenly appeared on the surface of his skin, and then, these scales quickly spread, covering his whole body.


Li Xuan screamed in the sky, and the dragon scales on his body grew rapidly. In a blink of an eye, his whole body was covered with ferocious black scales, wrapping him in them, like a ferocious creature. Like a monster, it looks extremely weird, extremely ferocious, and heart-pounding!

Every inch of his body swelled up, and blood-red lines appeared on his body, like pieces of extremely hard rock, exuding terrifying power and terrifying aura. .

After these scales covered his body, Li Xuan felt that his whole body was full of power, as if he had endless power. His whole body was filled with a feeling of incomparable power, which made him feel that he was inexhaustible. The power has been increased several times.

Seeing Li Xuan's appearance, Gorefiend's brows were furrowed. He saw Li Xuan's appearance, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. Obviously, he did not expect that Li Xuan would become so powerful. , He originally thought that no matter how high Li Xuan's cultivation base was, he would definitely be wiped away under the attack of his own bloody energy, but now, when he saw Li Xuan, he was still unscathed. In her heart, she was naturally extremely surprised and puzzled.

After all, these blood evil spirits of his are not just ordinary blood evil spirits. This is the strongest attack that he exerted himself. Li Xuan can resist it, which is indeed beyond his expectations.

Boy, I have to admit that you are indeed very strong, but do you think this attack can stop this old man's attack?Dream it, even if you are a thousand times stronger, ten thousand times stronger, it is absolutely impossible for you to be the opponent of this old man!Looking at Li Xuan's fearless appearance, the Gorefiend's face couldn't help but show a ferocious and resentful color, and then he said with a sneer.

If so, then, give it a try!Hearing the words of the Gorefiend, the corner of Li Xuan's mouth immediately drew a hint of sarcasm. His face showed a rich and incomparably sarcastic look. Then, Li Xuan's figure suddenly swayed, and he flew towards the Gorefiend. swept away -.

??·For flowers???·?··

court death!Seeing Li Xuan's actions, a ferocious look appeared on the face of the Gorefiend, and his figure flickered, and he appeared beside Li Xuan.


The next moment, a pair of arms slapped Li Xuan fiercely. Immediately, he saw bloody palm prints flying out of his palms and slapped towards Li Xuan's head.

The bloody palm print was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared beside Li Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan's pupils shrank, and there was a thick and solemn color in his eyes. He knew that the power of these palm prints must be extremely terrifying, if he was hit by these palm prints. , will definitely suffer fatal injuries.

Therefore, he didn't dare to hesitate, even when he was activating the power in his body, he built a layer of body protection qi around his body, trying to resist these bloody palm prints.

Chapter 470 Just relying on your strength, do you want to fight with me?delusional

However, what Li Xuan didn't expect was that when his body was covered with these bloody palm prints, these palm prints penetrated this layer of body-protecting qi with ease and continued to slap towards his body. .

Seeing this, Li Xuan's complexion changed drastically.

You must know that this layer of his body protection is an extremely tyrannical existence, and ordinary attacks cannot break his defenses at all, let alone "Three One Zero", the attack in front of him.

However, now, this blood-colored palm print has easily penetrated his body protection qi, which shows that these palm prints definitely possess extremely terrifying power, and even they are far from ordinary attacks. above.

No, absolutely can not be reckless!Li Xuan secretly screamed that something was wrong. Without any hesitation, he instantly mobilized the power in his body and started the exercise frantically.



The next moment, he heard a huge explosion after another. The surface of Li Xuan's body was covered with countless blood-colored rays of light. These rays of light surrounded his body and released extremely powerful power, just like An invincible god of war.

At the same time, behind Li Xuan, a huge black dragon phantom appeared.

This black dragon phantom, the whole body is pitch black as ink, exudes a strong destructive aura, a pair of dragon eyes opened, releasing a terrifying slaughter aura, it seems to be destroying the whole world, which is extremely frightening and terrifying. shudder.

Seeing the phantom of the black dragon behind Li Xuan, the blood demon king's expression changed slightly. He did not expect that at this age, Li Xuan's strength could reach this level. This is simply too terrifying, you know , At the beginning, he spent a lot of money to cultivate to this point.

Damn, it doesn't seem like it's real, this kid's strength is really good, I can't keep it anymore!Thinking in his heart, the Gorefiend squinted his eyes, and a fierce light burst out.

A strong murderous intent appeared on his face. He stared at Li Xuan and said in a deep voice, "If that's the case, then let you see my true strength!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan nodded immediately. He didn't say much. He took a deep breath and stepped into the void. Immediately, a black hole appeared under his feet. force..


The next moment, Li Xuan's body suddenly plunged into the void and disappeared without a trace.

Huh, want to run away?dream!Seeing Li Xuan get into the void, a sneer appeared on the face of the Gorefiend, his body trembled slightly, and suddenly, a terrifying black mist filled his body, shrouded in His body, in an instant, his figure also disappeared in place.

The next moment, his figure was already in the void, chasing Li Xuan's breath and entering the void.

Hmph, just based on your strength, do you want to fight me?How delusional!Seeing Li Xuan's action 1.8, Gorefiend's face immediately showed a strong look of contempt. In his opinion, Li Xuan's action was completely beyond his own power, no matter how he struggled, will not have any effect.

Soon, the figures of Li Xuan and Gorefiend appeared in the void, separated by a distance of more than ten kilometers, suspended there.


next time

Chapter 471 Once you use this move, you will definitely be able to instantly kill your opponent!

Boy, today, I will let you know what a real powerhouse is!Looking at Li Xuan, the Gorefiend shouted in a deep voice. As he spoke, his body shook violently, and the surrounding body suddenly released

One after another, blood-colored waves spread out in all directions.

Immediately, this blood-colored wave turned into blood-colored claws, grabbing in all directions, and in an instant, it slapped Li Xuan's body fiercely.

Seeing the huge blood-colored claws, Li Xuan's complexion changed slightly at 12 o'clock.


The next moment, these huge blood-colored claws slammed on Li Xuan's body. Immediately, Li Xuan's body was covered with a layer of blood-colored light, and all those blood-colored claws were completely covered. resisted.

Hahaha, it's useless, boy, although your body is not bad, it's too far from my body, it's not my opponent at all, die!Seeing this scene of Li Xuan, the Gorefiend suddenly couldn't help laughing.

snort!Whether it is, we will see it soon, but I want to see if your body is strong, or mine is powerful!Li Xuan snorted coldly, and immediately, his hands formed seals, and in an instant, countless blood-colored runes shone on the surface of his body again, and these runes appeared on his body one by one. , is combined into a strange pattern, and then, these blood-colored patterns are slowly twisted, and then, turned into a blood-red beam of light, ferociously soaring into the sky, instantly piercing the sky, towards The bloody ocean below fell down and smashed into the bloody ocean.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​blood boiled and rolled.

Immediately afterwards, under the bombardment of the blood-red beam of light, in the sea of ​​blood, endless black flames, as if they had been summoned by some kind, all converged towards the blood-colored beam of light. The flames were condensed together and turned into a huge spear. Above the spear, a blazing black flame was burning, which looked very terrifying.

Black flame is the unique kung fu of the Gorefiend. Under this move, the Gorefiend not only possesses unparalleled power, but also has the terrifying fire attribute power. These fire attribute powers can not only burn everything, but also It can burn a living being, let the blood and skin of the living being evaporate quickly, and instantly corrode the blood and skin of the living being, thus turning it into a mummified corpse.

Therefore, once you use this move, you will definitely be able to instantly kill your opponent!

Moreover, the most important thing is that his bloodline is very strange. The power of his bloodline is the original power of the blood sea. With this move, he can instantly absorb the endless blood energy in the blood sea and strengthen himself, making His strength increased rapidly by 310, and after he performed this move, his realm could also be greatly improved.

So, this is one of his strongest cards.

At this moment, if he activates all the source power of the blood sea, and then cooperates with the bloody formation, if he uses this move, he believes that Li Xuan can't resist his attack at all.

call out!

The blood-colored spear pierced into the void, and immediately, the void was torn apart, and there was a shrill sound of breaking through the air. Then, this huge blood-colored spear was ruthlessly directed towards Li Xuan. through the hole,

Chapter 472 How is it possible?How did you know my sea of ​​blood?

snort!The tricks of carving insects are not enough!Feeling the power of this long spear, Li Xuan's mouth showed a disdainful smile, and then, a blue light appeared on his body. In an instant, the blue light changed. It made an extremely ferocious green snake, swung its teeth and danced its claws, and bit the blood-colored spear fiercely.



The next moment, the blood-colored spear was bitten by a cyan poisonous snake. Then, I saw that the blood-colored spear exploded in an instant, turning into a cloud of blood and dissipating. between heaven and earth.

The smug look on the Gorefiend's face instantly stiffened, replaced by an unbelievably horrified look.

He never dreamed that this move of his was actually cracked by Li Xuan, and he also beat the sea of ​​blood to collapse and dissipated between heaven and earth.

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