"Li Xuan, are you alright, let me see how your wound is.


"Don't worry, I don't have anything to do with 233 here, but it just started to hurt a little. Later, I used the power of the Azure Dragon and it has recovered, you don't have to worry.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't expect you to use the power of Qinglong in such a place, presumably Qinglong will definitely die.

"Li Xuan said viciously to Pangu after hearing this.

"I think you, this guy, just needs to clean up, I will kill you now, and now we can relax a little.


Just when Li Xuan was about to rush up, he was originally stained with Li Xuan's blood, but suddenly transformed into two different forces and came to the door. Everyone looked at such a scene and could be said to be very dazed. They were behind them. More unexpected things.

It was just that the mud on the bodies of the two Kaitian lions seemed to be falling off all of a sudden, and the strength on their bodies was revealed. Li Xuandun felt a little scared for a while, and said slowly to Pangu.

"What is the situation now, why is it like this, aren't these two sculptures? Why do they look like living things.

" Pangu looked at Li Xuan's smile and wanted to laugh, so he said slowly to Li Xuan.

"I really didn't expect you to be scared, I thought you were the type of guy who doesn't take pictures of the sky and isn't afraid of the ground, I never thought you would be scared too.

"Don't worry (bcb), they won't hurt you, especially you, you are their original master, do you think they will hurt you?" "

When Pangu spoke, his tone became much lower. Li Xuan didn't hear what Pangu was saying at all. Li Xuan thought that Pangu was abusing himself, and spoke slowly to Pangu.

"I said why are you talking in such a low voice, you are not speaking ill of me, I want to ask why they become the same, whether it is true or false.


Pangu looked at Li Xuan with disdain and said slowly.

"You kid, don't you say you don't know which sealing technique? Now these open lions are the sealing technique that will appear here, because your blood has awakened them now.


After hearing this, Li Xuan was very excited and spoke slowly to Pangu.

"If you say that, my blood is a technique that can lift the seals of many people, right? I really didn't expect my blood to be so powerful.


Pangu did not explain too much after hearing that, when Li Xuan was happy with himself, when Luo Chengxue wanted to interrupt Li Xuan's fantasy, Qin Muxue said slowly to Luo Chengxue,

Chapter 404 I really didn't expect the pride of the dignified human race to lose in the hands of a woman

"I know you know that what that guy said is wrong, but let him think so now, you should know that if the seal is lifted, only the blood of the caster can lift it.

"You must already know who it would be to impose such a sealing technique on them.


Luo Chengxue was very surprised when she heard it, she covered her mouth and kept saying that it was impossible to speak slowly to Qin Muxue.

"How is this possible, how is this possible, you must be talking nonsense about such a thing, it is impossible to happen, I don't believe it, you must be talking nonsense, I don't believe what you said~

"Li Xuan turned out to be the original winner, how is this possible-?


Qin Muxue looked very calm and said to Luo Chengxue slowly.

"It is indeed a little reluctant for you to accept this fact now, but what I want to say is that what I said is true, otherwise why do you think Li Xuan will become the child of destiny, and why he can lift such a seal.


At this time, Kai Tianshi had lifted the seal. When they saw the person in front of them, they could be said to be quite ferocious, but when they saw Li Xuan, they could say that they saw cuteness on their faces.

Li Xuan was very confused at this time. He wanted to ask them what the situation was, but the other people shook their heads and said they didn't know. Li Xuan thought that they recognized their own blood, and they would tell him about their own blood.

Very kind.

Li Xuan was then pulled into the inside by two Kaitian lions, and everyone followed Li Xuan into the inside. After they entered, they saw a magnificent hall appear in front of them.

Everyone knew that this hall should be the original hall of Qin Tianchao. Li Xuan and the others were very curious about why they appeared in this place.

Just when Li Xuan was thinking about what the situation was, suddenly Kai Tianshi didn't know where to find something and shouted loudly at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan picked up this thing and wanted to see what use it was, and waited until the blue bead appeared in Li Xuan's hand.

Suddenly, a picture appeared on this, which was the picture before Ying Zheng was born. A woman appeared on the picture. This woman made Li Xuan feel very familiar.

???Ask for flowers?・・・・・・

Qin Muxue was quite shocked when she saw such a picture, but fortunately, the picture was so blurry that she couldn't see who was on it. Luo Chengxue, who was standing beside her, didn't know why she felt such a picture. These pictures are very familiar.

Li Xuan didn't know why he always felt that he was very similar to this winning government. Li Xuan didn't know what the situation was and said slowly to Pangu.

00g0 in 00

"What the hell is this thing for.

"Panggu said slowly to Li Xuan with a smile.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to know why the winning government suddenly disappeared? That's why the winning government failed.


"Originally, when Yingzheng led a hundred gods and was about to overthrow the heavens, suddenly Yingzheng was killed by a person he liked, resulting in the lack of a leader of the gods, who could only leave with Yingzheng's body. .


After Li Xuan heard it, he seemed to suddenly realize that he spoke slowly to Pangu.

"I really didn't think that the pride of the dignified human race was finally lost in the hands of a woman, it's really a pity.


Chapter 405 Is what you said true?Is there really such a place?

"I'm a little curious now who this woman is and why this woman looks so familiar.


When Li Xuan touched this crystal ball and wanted to see who was inside, the crystal ball suddenly shattered.

When Li Xuan didn't even realize what was going on, Pan Gu spoke slowly to Li Xuan from the side.

"Okay, "Two, Three, Three", now your focus is not on this now, what you have to do is to participate in the trial here, and then get the inheritance inside, get ready, and now I will send you to go inside for the trial Refinement.


When Pangu finished speaking, he used his strength to push Li Xuan into a magic circle, and the two Kaitian lions opened the mechanism as if they had already negotiated with Pangu.

When Luo Chengxue saw such a situation, she spoke slowly to Pangu.

"Why do you do this, and what are the benefits of doing this?" Pan Gu said slowly to Luo Chengxue.

"Don't worry, there is also your chance here, are you ready now? I'll take you to that place now.


After talking, Pangu sent Luo Chengxue to another magic circle, and then disappeared. At this time, there were suddenly three people left, and Pangu spoke slowly to the neighbor.

"Little guy, it's really good, I really didn't expect you to be so good, now how about I send you to a place to practice, a good place, you can restore your own strength and at the same time, maybe it can let you break through to the King of Saints.


After hearing it next to him, he didn't know whether Pangu was a good person or a bad person, so he was already hooked, and said slowly to Pangu.

"Really? Is what you're saying true? Is there really such a place?"

"Don't worry, I'll lie to you again? The third room on the left here is that room, so hurry up and go.


The neighbors went without thinking much. Now there are only Pangu, Qin Muxue, and the two Kaitianshi. When Kaitianshi saw Qin Muxue, it could be said that he was very excited. Qin Muxue was indeed calm, facing Pangu. said slowly.

"I really want to know what you want to do? Pangu, I can't understand what you are doing now." Pangu said slowly to Qin Muxue with a smile.

"I really didn't expect such a thing to come out of the mouth of a young lady like you, I really didn't expect it.


"What I'm doing now is just to want Li Xuan to get his original things, is it wrong? Or is it that you are very afraid that the person who killed him is you, Jiutian Xuannv.

"Enough, don't say it anymore, I warn you, if you talk to me about this kind of thing again, I will definitely make you go to pieces, and you won't even have a chance to be reborn."

"I'm really sorry. I didn't want to be resurrected when I came back this time. This time, we just want to completely overturn the domination of 1.8 in the past and start the next era."

"On hearing this, Qin Muxue understood why Pangu did so many things, and said slowly to Pangu.

"I said you have forgotten, your original plan has failed, and now you want to repeat the same mistakes, do you really want to let Li Xuan's soul fly away?",


Chapter 406 It seems that you are the most unworthy, leave here for me now

Pangu said slowly to Qin Muxue with a slight smile.

"You can rest assured that this time is the most complete plan we have made in thousands of years, and even we have been approved by Li Xuan, who approved our plan.

"We are confident that our strategy will be successful this time, and I hope this time it won't happen.


"You should have dropped this crystal ball. I really didn't think that I didn't want to let Li Xuan know about myself, but I can do these 12 things. I really didn't expect it.

"Okay, I still have a few things to deal with now, I advise you to leave here quickly, the people here don't seem to welcome you very much, look at these four guys have come out, it's really fast


Suddenly, a middle-aged man in armor appeared in front of them. When the man saw them, he spoke to them calmly and slowly.

"I really didn't expect to wake up and see the murderer who killed His Majesty in the first place. It's really fate. In that case, let's understand the bill now.

"Qin Muxue did not expect that Bai Qi, the number one general who won the political affairs, would actually come to life, and said slowly to Bai Qi.

"Bai Qi, I should have explained it to you once, that time I really didn't mean it, I really didn't mean to hurt Yingzheng, I did it because I was controlled by others, you have to believe me.


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