"What kind of opinion you have can be said now, if you say it later, you will have no chance. I believe you are all smart people and should know what to do.

"After these words, everyone dared not speak, and said slowly to Li Xuan.

"Li Xuan, the emperor, Li Xuan, the emperor.


Li Xuan did not expect that he would become the emperor like this, and the matter of the Longwu Dynasty would come to an end like this. Li 1.8 Xuan was thinking about the future development in his room at this time.

At this time, Luo Chengxue and Qin Muxue came to Li Xuan's room and spoke slowly to Li Xuan.

"Now what should you do next? It's not long before the wood ancestor witch came here, and he comes here every year at this time to get what he wants.


Chapter 386 No matter what the solution is, I can try it

"But with so many problems this year, we've run out of things to give them.

""If there is nothing for him, he will definitely start killing here, and he will suffer.


Although the Ancestral Witch of Wood is the weakest of the Ancestral Witches, Bi Jing is still an Ancestral Witch. Compared with those in the Saint Realm, he can be said to be an incomparably powerful existence.

Even the remaining saints of the Longwu Dynasty would not be his opponents. Now Li Xuan is also very troubled by this matter. He originally wanted to buy himself a year of cultivation by offering sacrifices for a year.

But because of all kinds of things that happened, it can be said that there are fewer and fewer things for the ancestors of the wood. Now Li Xuan has only one way after thinking about it.

Then Li Xuan spoke slowly to Qin Muxue and Luo Chengxue.

"The only way now is to let me break through to the strength of the Saint Realm in this short period of time, maybe there will be a battle at that time, otherwise we will only have to wait for the road of death.


Qin Muxue and Luo Chengxue didn't expect Li Xuan to want to do this, so they said worriedly to Li Xuan.

"No, it can't be done, it's too risky and I don't want it anymore.


Li Xuan really didn't want to do this in his heart, but he didn't think that he had no choice but to bite the bullet. This was not something he could decide for himself.

Li Xuan was constantly making fun of himself at this time. When the Fire Spirit Emperor was still there, he himself did not agree to fight against the Ancestral Witch of Wood, but he did not expect that he would eventually embark on such a path.

But such a change is too fast, fortunately, Li Xuan has accepted his destiny and is ready to fight against the Ancestral Witch of Wood.

But the current situation is that even if Li Xuan tries his best to be promoted to the saint realm, he may not be the opponent of the ancestor witch of the wood.

Li Xuan then came to the space and saw Pangu speaking slowly.

"What way do you have to defeat the Ancestral Witch of Wood, I need a way to defeat him, no matter what the price is.

"Panggu looked at Li Xuan and said with a slight smile.

"Boy, I don't think your fate is very good. You met this guy so quickly. Let me tell you that although this guy's cultivation is not very strong, he is good at controlling the power of trees and can be singled out for a top position. Saint Realm.


"Even if you try your best now, you may not be his opponent. Of course, you can't say it so deadly. If you want to win him, I do have a good way here, I don't know if you want it or not.


"I said, no matter what the method of 217 is, I can try, no matter what, I can protect this place.

"It's really interesting.


Pangu spoke slowly to Li Xuan.

"Boy, do you want to become stronger? If you want, I can help you, but this method is a bit dangerous, do you really want it?" Li Xuan said slowly to Pangu without thinking about it after hearing it. on.

"What do you think, do you think I'll decide? Of course I'm willing, hurry up and say what the solution is, hurry up, don't sell me here.

Chapter 387 This guy is indeed a bit rough, but this guy is Pangu

Pangu smiled and said slowly to Li Xuan.

"I really didn't expect you, this kid, to be so persistent, okay, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you.


"Now I have a secret realm in my hand, as long as you pass the test inside, you can get the inheritance inside, which allows you to obtain the existence that can rival the ancestor of the wood.


"But it's not that I won't tell you, there are vicious beasts in this one. The four ancient vicious beasts are all in it. As long as you don't pay attention, you may die in it. I will give you time to think about it.


"It's still a month before the Ancestral Witch of Wood arrives here, I'll give you a day to think about it.


After speaking, Li Xuan returned to the outside again. At this time, Qin Muxue and Luo Chengxue were very curious about why Li Xuan could disappear out of thin air, and why he could appear out of thin air again.

But both of them knew that this news was Chen Feiyu's secret, but when Chen Feiyu came back, he suddenly felt that one of his eyes seemed to be a little unclear, but the hearing in his ears also decreased a lot.

Li Xuan now understands in his heart the sequelae of using a lot of power that does not belong to him. Fortunately, he is not completely deaf.

"Li Xuan, Li Xuan, Li Xuan, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you, don't scare me.


Luo Chengxue's tone kept getting heavier as she spoke, Li Xuan only heard what Luo Chengxue was saying, Li Xuan smiled and said slowly to Luo Chengxue.

"It's okay, it's okay but I was just thinking about something.


But such things are in Qin Muxue's eyes. She knew that there must be something wrong with Li Xuan's body. Just when Luo Chengxue was away, Qin Muxue came to Li Xuan's room.

Li Xuan did not expect Qin Muxue to suddenly come back and speak slowly to Qin Muxue.

"What's the matter with Mu Xue? Tell me."

"Qin Muxue looked at Li Xuan and said slowly.

"Tell me how your body has changed since the last time you used power, and I want you to tell me.

"Li Xuan didn't expect such a thing, Qin Muxue knew that he was talking to Qin Muxue slowly.

"I really didn't think of such a thing, you still remember, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you.


"This time I only have a little loss of vision, a little hearing loss, and no other problems at all, don't worry, there is no problem.

After hearing this, Qin Muxue said slowly to Li Xuan for some unknown reason.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, you must be hiding something from me, what else are you hiding from me, aren't we good friends? If there is anything, we can discuss it together.


Li Xuan saw that Qin Muxue wanted to ask the question to the end. He had no choice but to tell Qin Muxue about himself, but he didn't know why Qin Muxue was very excited and spoke slowly to Li Xuan after hearing it.

"What did you say you're going to that place, no, I can't allow you to go to that place.


Li Xuan didn't expect Qin Muxue's tears to fall like this, Li Xuan said slowly to Qin Muxue, not knowing what to do.

"Don't do this, I don't know what to do anymore, Mu Xue, you have to know that we only have one month left. If I can't reach the realm of saints within a month, we will be witched by the ancestors of wood. kill.


"Now I finally have an opportunity in front of me, I can't just give up, although I know it's very difficult here, but I want to try, maybe I can get the inheritance, at least I promise I will come back alive.


Qin Muxue said slowly while crying.

"I won't believe you, so this time I'm with you, I want to be with you, otherwise, I won't let you go.

After hearing this, Li Xuan said to Qin Muxue slowly.

"No, I can go to this secret realm alone.


"No, I just want to go, it's useless for you to say anything, that's it.


"Did I say you two guys don't worry about me? Have I not agreed to go in? I'm the one who brought you into the secret realm.

"Qin Muxue suddenly heard someone talking, and she was so frightened that she said slowly to Li Xuan.

"Li Xuan, have you heard someone talking, is it haunted here?


At this moment, a golden shadow suddenly appeared in front of Qin Muxue and spoke slowly to Qin Muxue.

, "I said little girl, you are also a cow, I said that there are many beasts in this place, you still have to go.

"Qin Muxue suddenly felt scared when she saw Pangu's shadow and said slowly to Li Xuan.

"Who is this person, why is he like this, so ugly.

"Hey, little girl, who am I talking about, do you talk like that? I'm Pangu, Pangu.

" Qin Muxue looked at Li Xuan and said slowly when she heard the name.

"Is it true that he said he is Senior Pangu?" Li Xuan said helplessly to Qin Muxue.

"Although this guy is indeed a bit rough, this guy is Pan Gu.


"I really didn't expect that the senior Pangu I always thought was such a person, I was really disappointed.

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