The spiritual energy in the body constantly nourishes the demonic energy in the body, and the demonic energy, like a spirituality, constantly devours the spirits that are being used, making them violent and crazy. .

The Fire Spirit Emperor continued to grow longer with the fighting time, and the old wounds on his body had begun to recur. Now the Fire Spirit Emperor could no longer support it for so long.

The sudden disappearance of Li Xuan made Luo Chengxue and Qin Muxue very worried, causing them to be in disarray and giving the guy on the opposite side an opportunity.

In the face of his daughter being knocked unconscious, the Fire Spirit Emperor was ready to rescue his daughter and burn his last bit of spiritual energy.

At this time, Li Xuan suddenly appeared in a mysterious space, and Li Xuan returned to his original state. In this space, Li Xuan could see everything that was happening outside.

Seeing Luo Chengxue and Qin Muxue being knocked into the air, Li Xuan was very angry and wanted to rush out. At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared and said slowly to Li Xuan.

"Boy, why do you want to go out? You want to know what you are like now, do you think you have a chance of winning when you go out?"? "

Li Xuan turned around and saw a muscular, tall man wearing simple clothes appearing in front of Li Xuan. Li Xuan was very curious when he saw it.

Li Xuan spoke slowly to the man.

"."Did you bring me into this place, what is this place?who are you? "After seeing Li Xuan, that person said to Li Xuan with a smile.

"Boy, you have too many questions, just ask a little bit, I can't answer your so many questions as an old man.


"It's true that I brought you into this place. What is this place in the small world of Kaitian Axe? How about it? (Lord Zhao) If you want, you can live here forever.

Li Xuan didn't want to hear him gossip so much and speak viciously to them.

"Who the hell are you? What purpose do you have for me here? Let me out quickly.


"Boy, did you talk to your savior like this? You have to know that without my help, you might have died there. It's good that I don't let you thank me, and even said that I have a purpose.


Chapter 370 Do you think you can become a hero by doing this?

"Since you want to know who I am, then I'll tell you, what's my name? How about I'm the Pangu you've been talking about? See if I admire me very much, come on, boy, don't be shy, hurry up Let me worship.


Li Xuan didn't think that the guy in front of him was the legendary Pangu. The image of this person was indeed similar to what he thought, but the character of this person was different from what Li Xuan thought.

Li Xuan had no way to believe that he was Pangu and then spoke slowly to Pangu.

"What kind of things do you have to prove your identity, why should I believe you.


"Boy, it's up to you to believe it or not, I'm just a wandering ghost in 217, I can't do anything right now, but now I have a way to help you solve things outside.

Hearing such news, Li Xuan instantly regained his spirit and said eagerly to Pangu.

"Is there any way, hurry up and say, now it's like this outside, we need your help.

"Panggu said to Li Xuan with a smile.

"No, you are wrong, the only person I can help is you, I can only help you alone, I can only bring you in, I can't control the others.

"Li Xuan was immediately stunned when he heard it, and said slowly to (bcb) Pangu.

"What do you mean, don't you say help me settle this matter?"

"Indeed, I helped you to come in. Now you only need to practice here. Haven't you survived the catastrophe?" Li Xuan said loudly to Pangu with great anger in his heart after hearing this.

"This is what you said, it really disappointed me. I thought that the ancient master taught me how to deal with people in the demon sect, but I didn't expect to let me run away. I'm really sorry that I don't want to do this.

"Li Xuan said to Pangu very eagerly.

"Let me go out now, even if I die outside, I don't want to live in a useless way here.

" Pangu looked at Li Xuan and said with a smile.

"Sure enough, young people like to be impulsive. If you want to die, I don't have to stop you, but I hope you know one thing, that is, if you go out to die now, you can't do anything except be beaten by them.


"You feel great like that, but do you know how much hope you lose by doing so.


"You have to know that the person I choose is the son of heaven, who wants to save the world, you can't fall here because of such a thing.


"Hmph, I said so much to let me escape, I'm really sorry if I was really the chosen one, I wouldn't give up part of my life to save the world.

" Pangu heard what Li Xuan said, and then smiled and said slowly to Li Xuan.

"Do you think you can be a hero by doing this? You think you can be a savior by doing this. You can't do anything. In the end, you just die with them and sacrifice them. You can save people all over the world.


"But if you choose to save them, it is very likely that the world will fall, do you understand?" Li Xuan said with a slight smile.

"I don't know why you give me the title of the Son of Destiny, for me, this title is optional, I don't know what this thing will bring me.

"But if the appearance of this thing makes me change my wishes, I'm really sorry, please find another person, I may not be suitable for this position.



Chapter 371 I won't make trouble with you anymore, congratulations, you finally passed my test

"I don't have as many thoughts as you, all I want to do now is save them and send me out.


Li Xuan spoke to Pangu with firm eyes, the momentum in his eyes instantly made Pangu a little scared, and Pangu spoke slowly to Li Xuan at this time.

"Boy, don't be in such a hurry, how about we talk, maybe your mind will change by then.

"Even if you say it a thousand times, ten thousand times, quickly send me out, if you don't send me out, then I want to see how powerful the ancient master is.

"Pangu didn't expect that Li Xuan already wanted to take action on him, and then laughed wildly at Li Xuan, Li Xuan said slowly to Pangu after seeing it.

"Why, do you think I'm not your opponent? I'll let you know how good I am now.


After speaking, Li Xuan leaned on Pangu with a weapon, and Pangu suddenly calmed down and spoke slowly to Li Xuan.

"I really didn't expect you to be so persistent, well, I won't make trouble with you, congratulations you finally passed my test, congratulations you didn't choose my option at that time, now it seems that I chose you as the child of destiny, yes a correct choice.


After Li Xuan heard it, the whole person was stunned. He didn't know what happened. Pangu said slowly to Li Xuan.

"There is not much time now, since you want to save them, there is a way, I can lend you my current power, but to obtain this power, you will have to pay the price of your own body.


Li Xuan was very shocked when he heard it. It seemed that Li Xuan had already made a choice in his heart, and then spoke slowly to Pangu.

"What do you want?"

"It's not what I want, it's Kaitian Axe, my power resides in Kaitian Axe, but if someone wants to gain powerful power from Kaitian Axe, they need this person and lose something to Kaitian Axe.


"This is the law of heaven and earth, which is often referred to as the law of cause and effect. As for what you will lose when you gain this power, there are many things I can say.

"Besides, now is the last time I see you, you have to walk the road behind you, I am not the only one who can help you.


???Ask for flowers?・??・・

After speaking, Pangu's power disappeared in a blink of an eye, and then scattered into aura that flew into Li Xuan's body continuously.

Li Xuandun felt that the strength of his body was very abundant.

Then Li Xuan's mind came up with a practice method of opening the sky axe, and another method on how to eradicate demon cultivators.

In a short period of time, Li Xuan's spiritual energy left by Pangu erupted from Li Xuan's body, and Li Xuan then appeared in the sky above the martial arts field again.

Along with Li Xuan's appearance, there were also fiery rays of light, illuminating the dark cloudy sky once again, and then Li Xuan rescued Luo Chengxue and Qin Muxue with lightning speed.

But Li Xuan dawdled in the space for too long, and the Fire Spirit Emperor used his last aura to blew himself up because he wanted to destroy Tianqing, but Tianqing used his own practice to escape.

After the death of Emperor Huo Ling, basically all the nobles relied on Tianqing, but Tianqing could not easily let them take refuge. If they wanted to take refuge in Tianqing, they needed them

Take a black pill


Chapter 372 When You Die, I Can Leave Here Safely

As long as someone eats this thing, as long as Tianqing has a thought, they can die. In the face of such conditions, many people do not want to rely on him.

They wanted to resist, but in the face of Tianqing's ceiling-like strength, they were like little ants, as long as he wanted to, they would lose their lives in time.

Faced with such a situation, many people could only swallow the pills. Now, there are basically no "XNUMX" people who have taken the pills, only Qin Muxue and Luo Chengxue are left.

If Li Xuan can't appear in time, both of them will encounter such a thing.

Luo Chengxue personally witnessed the death of his father, and was immediately uneasy, unwilling to believe such a fact.

Li Xuan knew that Luo Chengxue could only calm down now, Li Xuan said slowly to Qin Muxue.

"Mu Xue, take care of her, I'll deal with those guys.

Qin Muxue nodded to Li Xuan after hearing this. After seeing Li Xuan appear, Qin Muxue's heart instantly calmed down, and then Li Xuan appeared in the center of the martial arts field.

The power that Li Xuan exudes can be said to be comparable to that of Tian Qing. Tian Qing thought that Li Xuan had escaped and wanted to end it, but he did not expect Li Xuan to come again.

And now Li Xuan's strength is stronger than his own. Facing such a situation, Tianqing was a little flustered and then said loudly to the people behind him.

"Give it to me and take this kid down.


After finishing speaking, everyone looked at Li Xuan in the air, and when they saw Li Xuan, they were very scared and didn't know what to do. Now, in their eyes, Li Xuan was like a god.

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