Gong Tong stood on the tallest building of the financial building with a dead face, his arms outstretched, looking at the traffic coming and going below, he thought mockingly.

If you jump like this, you will definitely scare a lot of people.

It's best to scare them to death, Gong Tong said with a smile.

was in the prime of life, failed to start a business, and his pregnant wife threw the divorce certificate to him yesterday.

Now I have a debt of 10 million, and I have no chance to pay it off in my life.

Mom, I'm sorry for you, I really can't fulfill my filial piety in this life.

Downstairs, I saw a person standing on the financial building, and it was not surprising that there were a few who wanted to jump down every year.

Some of them indifferently picked up the phone to call the police, and generally jumped from the financial building, and there was no hope for the rest of their lives.

What's more, that person is almost on the top floor, and it will take time to dispatch personnel to go up, so it is basically for nothing, but you can't just watch people jump down.

Tears ran down the corners of his eyes.

Looking back on the first half of his life, Gong Tong's family was originally a rich second generation, but he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and he shouted that he wanted to benefit mankind.

took 20 million to start a business, and swore that he could succeed.

His fiancée has been a childhood sweetheart since he was a child, and he has always supported him unconditionally.

Every day he was busy until late, and he was at home with a good meal waiting for him to come back.

He took her hand and said that it would be the most meaningful project in the history of all mankind, and that his and his fiancée's names would be remembered by the whole world.

After getting married, he was pregnant with his child, and he was so busy in the company that he hardly accompanied his wife at home, but his wife did not complain.

If only he weren't so arrogant.

Take 20 million to buy a few houses, one for his wife, one for his marital room, one for his future children, and one for collecting rent for the family's expenses, and then he will go to work again, and his wife will be responsible for being as beautiful as a flower.

He wanted a girl, as beautiful as his wife.

But it's still a boy, he can help his mother when he grows up, and if he becomes a bastard at some point in the future, the boy who gave birth can still beat him.

Finally, an artificial eyeball was developed, and the company was also on the news for a long time, and the first patient ushered in turned out to be someone who other companies intended to buy.

The national live broadcast, at the moment when the eyeballs were loaded, the moment when tens of millions of people burst into tears, thinking that countless people could restore the moment of light.

Gong Tong has almost seen a bright future, his greatness will be praised by all mankind, and his wife will be proud of him.

The man died of convulsions after attaching his eyeballs.

Gong Tong originally invited countless high-tech personnel to do research, and he also bought various high-tech technology patents.

For such a huge project, 20 million is far from enough, and he also borrowed a lot of money and pieced together to continue the project.

This time, Gong Tong was directly in debt of 20 million from the beginning of 20 million.

If...... If...... If.

There are no ifs.

The boy doesn't flick when he has tears, but he hasn't reached the sad place.

Tears poured out of his eyes, wetting his wrinkled shirt.

There is too much unwillingness in his heart.

A message came from the phone, and Gong Tong's leaning body down paused.

Is it Xian'er?

A man like me, what else do you have nostalgia for?

I love you these three words, he doesn't deserve to say them.

After he dies, everything in the company will be taken away by his killers, that is his hard work in the past five years, Su Xian followed him despite the opposition of his parents, if he jumps off the building again, ......

And his parents endure all this ......

Gong Tong's expression was painful and struggling.

He drove people away, Xian'er would be sad if she knew about him jumping off the building tomorrow, and he was the only one to get out.

The whole person's body was suspended in the air, and Gong Tong took out the mobile phone tremblingly, making people afraid that if the tremor was a little bigger, the person would fall.

It wasn't Xian'er's news, Gong Tong's eyes flashed with a hint of loss, and then his eyes widened.

Here's ......



I am willing to invest 50 million, transfer the company to me, and pay off the debt to you.

He is saved, he will not die!

Gong Tong, what are you thinking, it's just that others are looking at you and deliberately tricking you.

The phone prompt sounds.

"Bank card arrival, 5 million yuan.

Gong Tong was in a trance for a while, and he almost forgot where he was.

His feet slipped, and he fell straight forward.

Gong Tong saw the traffic below, and he didn't feel anything just now, and his heart seemed to be held by death at this time.

"Gong Tong!" Su

Xian's voice sounded.

Su Xian held her stomach and threw herself forward, and Su Xian, who had never had a lot of strength, actually grabbed Gong Tong's arm.

There was a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, and Su Xian's body was also dragged forward.

Gong Tong didn't dare to move, for fear that Su Xian would be pulled down by him.

"After letting go, Su Xian, let go!!Please, there is still a child in the belly. "

Gong Tong, you humiliated me in every way and asked me to divorce you, is that it, is this your solution, I really wish I had never been with you. "

Gong Tong didn't hope so, Su Xian followed him, just to endure hardships.

Su Xian was about to lose it, and the whole person leaned towards him.


Su Xian!" Gong Tong roared with the greatest strength in his life, he knew, he knew Su Xian, if he struggled, Su Xian would jump down with him.

"They're there!".

As soon as JC went to the rooftop, he looked at Su Xian, who was small in size and had a big belly, and grabbed a hand.

"Hurry up and help them!" said

the inflatable mattress had already been erected under the financial building.

There were people around who were questioning.

"There were so many people in this financial building before, and I had never seen a safety cushion before.

"Yes, the person who is saved should be killed.

"I heard them say that someone spent 5w specifically to find someone to ride.

Lin Shubai mingled in the crowd, watching the crumbling man being pulled up by the joint force. Silently left.

Even if he had much more debts than Gong Tong in his previous life, he never had the idea of committing suicide.

There is hope in life, and he himself does not allow himself to fall, not to mention that there are so many people who do not want him to fall.

Lin Shubai turned around and left, disappearing in the crowd.

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