Qin Zimo left as if fleeing, and practiced Xi like crazy for three days.

A charred silk thread floated to the ground, and there was a large pile of black ash on the ground.

It's good, I can already control the silk thread from being burned to ashes by the True Dragon Purple Flame.

Almost a little, Qin Zimo held an embroidery needle in his hand, wrapped the silk thread with flames, and threaded it into the needle.

Just a little bit, the thread is about to pass through.

It's done.

Qin Zimo's mood fluctuated, and the flames on the silk thread suddenly couldn't be controlled, and even the needle turned into ashes.

The dark sky outside the window also brightened, and Qin Zimo finally couldn't control his sleepiness and fell into a deep sleep.

When Qin Zimo woke up again, it was already the day of the decisive battle.

Qin Zimo couldn't tell what his mood was, he had never been so nervous in his life, so nervous that he couldn't hold the sword steadily.

But when the man in white stood in front of him, Qin Zimo's world suddenly became clear again.

The dragon yin sword was in Qin Zimo's hand, and the red light was great.

It's just a sword, and it exudes a coercion all over its body, like the brightest sun, and you will feel a pain when you look directly at your eyes.

Xie Jinghong stood in place, his unpretentious sword, and his snow-white body formed a huge contrast with Qin Zimo.

"Wow, an epic duel, I don't know what Xie Jinghong will be like when he makes a move, he can make Rong Dan admit defeat before he starts fighting, and his strength will definitely be extraordinary."

"The true dragon bloodline that has only reappeared in the rivers and lakes for thousands of years will definitely win."

"Not necessarily."

"It's on, it's on, it's on, it's on!"

As soon as Qin Zimo swung his sword, he actually raised a purple flame and flew straight towards Xie Jinghong.

The flames burst through the wind, crackling and exploding in the air as they were too fast.

In just one breath, the flames smashed to the ground, and a large pit was burned on the ground.

"I'll go, people, why is it gone."

Qin Zimo's pupils shrank, and Xie Jinghong disappeared from the spot.

Even though it was faint, Qin Zimo still caught the fluctuations of the air at the back of his neck.

Xie Jinghong appeared behind Qin Zimo, the snow-white tip of the sword reaching the back of Qin Zimo's neck.

There was a roar of applause from the audience.

I didn't expect this Xie Jinghong's strength to be so strong, worthy of being the one who conquered the Dragon Yin Sword.

Qin Zimo's body was instantly covered with a layer of purple flames, and the approaching tip of the sword was instantly retracted.

Xie Jinghong jumped into the air with the recoil of the purple flame and landed steadily.

Qin Zimo's heart panicked for a moment, and then forced himself to calm down.

Xie Jinghong's advantage lies in his body, and he...

"You're distracted."

A sword aura passed through his careless defense, shaving off a strand of hair on the side of his ear.

The sword, which looked light, passed through the side of Qin Zimo's ear, separating the ground with a huge crack.

He lost, completely lost.

"Sword Intent Transforms!! Sword intent transforms, he is really a genius!

"Legend has it that only those who have comprehended the way of the sword to the extreme can use the sword intent transformation, and only the sword immortals in the ancient books have comprehended it!" I thought it was a legend, but it really existed! "

Wonderful! The most wonderful martial arts conference!! "

The whole auditorium was in a boil.

Xie Jinghong, how strong are you, you always defeat me so easily, grasp my pathetic dignity and rub it on the ground again and again.

More and more purple qi condensed on Qin Zimo's body, and the scarlet in the black pupils gradually spread.

Everything around was blurred, and there was only a touch of white clothes left between heaven and earth.

And those eyes, what he hated the most...

This was Qin Zimo's last thought when he lost consciousness.

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