"It's time to shoot, it's time to shoot."

Lin Shubai put down his mobile phone, and now has a clue how to deal with the current passive situation, but it still needs to be tested when it is really determined.

But once this opportunity is lost, it will be extremely difficult to find it again.

Lin Shubai believes that the methods are often greater than the difficulties, and the current situation is not bad, and he does not feel pessimistic.

No matter how merciful he is, he dares to threaten him.

Now he wants a background without a background, money or not, and an ant can step on it.

The most cowardly thing is to feel how powerful you were before and how powerful you will be in the future.

The past is just experience, but now is the most important thing,

"start shooting."

There were cries from the audience, and the competition of millions of people has come to an end, and the next thing is the competition between the top five.

"Rong Dan, who was the most hopeful to win the martial arts conference, and Xie Jinghong, who conquered the Dragon Yin Sword with a blood-fed sword, I think Xie Jinghong can win."

"Needless to say, Rong Dan didn't dare to go up and pull out the Dragon Yin Sword."

"Both of them are the best in kendo, and no matter who wins, if you look good, you will definitely benefit a lot."

In the crowd, everyone looked at the competition platform with bated breath.

The man in white is handsome and elegant, obviously in front of him, but there is a feeling of inauthenticity.

Rong Dan is dressed in purple clothes, handsome and handsome, holding an ink-colored sword.

"Rong Dan's Moyuan Sword really lives up to its reputation, it is similar to having purple lightning on it, and it is worthy of being a divine weapon."

"This Xie Jinghong... I think he just has an ordinary sword in his hand, and you can buy it on the street for two taels of silver, hey, maybe you can pick one up when you walk around the street.

"That's the master."

Rong Dan glanced at Xie Jinghong's sword with a little meaning, and didn't see anything special about this sword.

At the martial arts conference, the fight was extremely fierce, and the audience was far away from the stage, and it was about ten meters away.

The top five matches have stretched the distance even further, and if it weren't for the Xi martial arts, the situation on the field would not be clear.

Rong Dan moved first.

He's going to draw his sword!

The heart was raised to his throat, and they all guessed what tricks Dao Rongdan would make first.

One is his specialty move, the Thunder Sword Technique, or it was just a temptation at first.

Thousands of people sat in the audience, forgetting to breathe, many of them were defeated by Rong Dan's subordinates, and naturally appreciated his awesomeness.

And Xie Jinghong conquered the Long Yin Sword, but no one had ever seen him make a move, and they were even more looking forward to Xie Jinghong's performance.

Rong Dan took Mo Yuan's hand and put it together in front of his chest and arched his hand.

"I throw in the towel."

As soon as the words fell, the audience exploded.

"I'll go, I'll admit defeat, I haven't fought yet."

The audience exploded, and Rong Dan, who was known as a rare genius in kendo for a thousand years, was not defeated without a fight.

It's a pity that I haven't seen the young man in white shoot so far, and I don't dare to imagine how amazing it will be.

"Can you show me the sword in your hand?"

In the next second, Rong Dan had an extra sword in his hand, and other than that, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Rong Dan's eyes lit up, and he was secretly surprised, and returned the sword to its owner.

Qin Zimo, who saw this scene, was shocked and a little unwilling.

He knew that Xie Jinghong would win, and winning without a fight was beyond his expectations.

He had watched Rong Dan's competition, and when Rong Dan had no knowledge of his tricks, he still had a slight upper hand.

His strength is at most tied with Rong Dan.

Damn, where the hell has he been.

"In the next game, Qin Zimo will fight Qi Chang."

Qi Chang's methods have always been disgraced by martial arts people who claim to be righteous.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed from Qi Chang's eyes, what about the genius of the sword, he wants to revive the poison sect and let the people of the world know that poison is the most powerful.

Qi Chang glanced at Qin Zimo and said mockingly.

"You are the Qin Zimo who was almost devoured by the Dragon Yin Sword, was helped to come back to life, and entered the top five because of this? Tsk, I don't know if you have that strength, be careful for a while and there are no bones left.

A burst of anger surged into Qin Zimo's heart, and he immediately calmed down, and in the past few days, he has studied all the paths of powerful people on the field.

As for Qi Chang...

Qin Zimo snorted coldly, and said no more, the raised Dragon Sword was his response.

Qi Chang's weakness lies in the body, and people who Xi poison deal with poison every day, and their own body is weak. As long as he can get in touch with Qi Chang, then he wins.

This is also the reason why poison art is not respected in the rivers and lakes.

But where would Qi Chang let people easily touch him.

His poison skills have reached the point of being superb.

A hundred meters away can infect the other party with poison gas.

If the usual poisonous gas can be resisted, Qi Chang quenched the poison with his body, the hair on his body was poisonous, and the blood turned into venom.

Coupled with the fact that he single-handedly made a supernatural secret weapon, almost no one could get close to him after hundreds of battles.

Without exception, Qi Chang's opponents all died of poison, and even if they surrendered, it would be useless.

In the back, as long as the opponent was Qi Chang's person, he complained bitterly and gave up the game directly.

If you are stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat, you will get all kinds of ways to die, which is extremely tragic.

At the beginning of the competition, a burst of invisible poisonous gas emanated from around Qi Chang, as long as Qin Zimo dared to raise his sword and approach, then he would definitely die if he inhaled the poisonous gas.

The corrosive power of the poisonous gas is very great, and before Qin Zimo can contact him through the poisonous gas, he will corrode his whole body and die, and there is not even a skeleton left.

Qin Zimo moved, he actually rushed straight towards Qi Chang, and his speed was so fast that there was only an afterimage left.

Qi Chang, who saw Qin Zimo's movements, smiled coldly, no matter how fast the speed was, it was useless, he thought that the person who could pull out the Dragon Yin Sword also had some strength.

It was stupid to rush directly into his poisonous gas.

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