"No. 1, Qi Chang."

The first person to come up, with an ice-blue shirt printed with white bamboo, shook a fan in his hand, and on the fan was an ink painting of his own inscription, which looked extremely gentle.

"Qi Chang, I didn't expect it to be such a heavyweight as soon as I came up."

Qi Chang is good at poisoning, and the weird techniques behind the ground are creepy, and the wind reviews have always been bad.

The inclusiveness of the martial arts conference is here, no matter what the nature of the spell is, the winner is king.

As soon as the fan was folded, it was pinned to the waist in the blink of an eye.

Qi Chang squatted slightly, holding the hilt of the sword in his hand.

There was a hint of panic on his always relaxed face, and he let go of the hilt of his sword as if he was fleeing.

Qi Chang was shocked in his heart, and his face almost returned to his usual appearance.

"Qi is not talented, he can't pull out this sword." He arched his hand and retreated into the crowd.

"Well-dressed beasts."

I don't know who muttered, and was heard by the person next to him and hurriedly stayed away from him, Qi Chang looked like a gentleman, but his heart was terrifyingly small, and the last one who scolded him like this had been...


Sure enough, the man let out a terrible scream.

"Save me, save me, please."

The man's body was crawling with dense black ants, eating his flesh and blood.

After a while, the man was silent and turned into a white skeleton.

If you don't know a person very well, you must not mess with it, this is the rule of everyone in the rivers and lakes, and the man in front of him lost his life because of four words.

"No. 2, Yi Feiyang."

A young man full of energy walked confidently towards the Dragon Yin Sword, and the moment he touched the sword body, Yi Fei raised his eyebrows and frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

He didn't let go, he held on, the bruises on his head suddenly rose, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing.


Yi Feiyang let out a miserable scream and wanted to let go, but he couldn't shake it off like he was glued to it.

Yi Feiyang's flesh and blood visibly withered slowly, and was finally sucked dry, and his body was still convulsing.

Everyone was taken aback by the situation in front of them and abstained from voting.

"The second hundred and the second pick up the third, Qin Zimo."

Even called more than two hundred, all of them were about to abstain, and they were about to call the next envoy, and a handsome black-clothed young man stood up.

Xie Jinghong couldn't help but look at Qin Zimo, it turned out that the little little dot who followed him had grown so tall.

Thinking of the fate of the person before, I couldn't help but be a little worried.

That kid was still so arrogant after all.

Qin Zimo stood in front of the Long Yin Sword, and as soon as he saw this sword, his heart ignited an unparalleled desire, this sword was born to belong to him. is the most primitive guideline.

Seeing the man in black holding his hand without hesitation, he couldn't help but hold his breath.

He seems to really can.

The body of the dragon yin sword shook, and it seemed to react to the young man.

"The dragon sword has moved!"

The crowd exclaimed at the same time.

For the first time in a hundred years, the Dragon Yin Sword has been shaken.

It can be said to be a great spectacle for thousands of years!

The young man in black was also uncomfortable, he was in great pain, but there was nothing abnormal on his face.

"Get up, get up!"

The blade of the sword, which had been buried for a hundred years, was pulled out of the dirt and continued to rise slowly!

The red light in front of the black-clothed young man was loud, and the sword body of the Dragon Yin Sword seemed to be burned red and had not yet cooled, and the blazing light reminded people of hot magma.


The dragon on the waist of the black-clothed young man hummed, and the two swords had a dispute.

The Dragon Sword repelled the Dragon Yin Sword, and the Dragon Yin Sword also felt the breath of the Dragon Sword, and the red light on his body was even worse, and he was about to destroy the Dragon Sword.

As a sword to protect the country, how can the Dragon Sword be so easy to provoke, but out of the protection of Qin Zimo, only a faint purple light floats around to protect his sword body.

The domineering of the dragon sword shattered the barrier of purple light, and the dragon sword let out a broken hum.

Qin Zimo also spit out a mouthful of black blood, the secret path was not good, and then he couldn't take it back at this time.

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