"Hey, the No. 2 box is full of big stars, ah, ah, I'm so excited, aren't you going to serve them food in a while, ask me for an autograph, I'll be on duty for you for the next month."

"The autograph was given to you what I wanted, I heard them say, Director Zhang, Feng Yinghou, and Gu Yingdi are all inside, and they are all big red stars!"

"My God, the lineup is so luxurious, is it Director Zhang's new work, I didn't expect so many big names, I bought the movie tickets with this lineup."

"Don't say it, you may not be able to grab movie tickets, which movie is not full, not to mention that this time it is a bloody investment."

"I'll go, look over there.

", so handsome, not a person, wait, so familiar, isn't he the Lin Shubai who has been very popular recently." "

Ahhhh "

Inside box 2.

A huge round table, on top of which is a luxurious crystal chandelier, the various celebrities are full of aura, and the undercurrent under the harmonious surface is surging, and there is a silent collision.

On the main seat sat Director Zhang with black-framed glasses, which was very cultural.

There was an empty seat next to Director Zhang, and Feng Xinyi sat in the other place, and Feng Xinyi looked towards the door from time to time, as if she was waiting for someone.

You are all so-called old drama bones, you have been in the entertainment industry for a few years, you say it's funny, this time the protagonist is a work without a work, and he is not even a person in the entertainment industry.

The people present have their own ghosts, although Director Zhang's choice of people is reasonable, but there are still grievances in their hearts.

After a while, everyone looked at the door, shocked in their hearts, and finally understood the reason why Director Zhang chose him.

The protagonist, no one can play except him.

The male protagonist in the script and the person in front of him coincide, and there is almost no sense of disobedience, and this character seems to be born for him.

The people in the script seem to be standing in front of them alive, making it impossible to tell for a while whether they are in or out of the play.

Wonderful, wonderful.

I thought that the photos of him uploaded on the Internet were all retouched, how could anyone see that kind of thing, but I didn't expect the real person to be more handsome and thrilling.

Along the gray sweater, upward is a slender and white neck, straight and just right mountain roots, distant mountain-like eyebrows, beautiful peach blossom eyes seem to be amorous, but there is indifference in the eyes.

The more unprofane, the more lustful people are.

Lin Shubai had long been Xi to being paid attention to, looked around, and saw that only there was a place next to Director Zhang, and sat down calmly in front of everyone.

"Young and promising, young and promising, come on, Xiaolin have a drink. "

The people who attended the opening ceremony were not only celebrities, but also producers and investors.

The meaning of toasting at this kind of dinner is self-evident.

Beneath Sven's surface, the gaze under the gold-rimmed glasses is extremely obscene.

"It's going to be turned on tomorrow, and we're not going to drink tonight.

Seeing that the investors coaxed Lin Shubai to drink, Zhang said in front of him.

With Director Zhang's fame and the strength of his works, as long as he invests, it will definitely be a sure deal, and Director Zhang's previous attitude was to turn a blind eye.

The crowd was completely opened, which was something that had never been done before.

In addition to those who are illustrious in the entertainment industry, who else can be clean.

His move was completely in favor of Lin Shubai.

Everyone was taken aback by Director Zhang's attitude, and Director Zhang's expression was to show how precious Lin Shubai's status was in his heart.

The investor's hand raised forward is not forward, nor is it withdrawn, not to mention how embarrassing it is, his face is red and white for a while, and finally he retracts his hand stupidly.

With Director Zhang's status, who dares to provoke in the circle.

Since Director Zhang wants to protect him, almost no one in the circle can move.

Fortunately, the atmosphere was enlivened by the ridicule of the stars, and then they all continued to drink as if nothing had happened.

After the dinner, when Lin Shubai was about to leave, he was stopped by Feng Xinyi.

"Yo, handsome man, don't you remember me. Feng

Xinyi is wearing a pink knitted dress today, gentle and bright.

At 170, a pair of white stiletto heels make him even taller.

"I remember you, Empress Feng Ying.

Lin Shubai pulled away a little to prevent him from being eaten again.

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to eat you, and we will partner together in the future, Xie Daxia.

The character played by Lin Shubai is called Xie Jinghong, who saved the second princess in the script, and was called Xie Daxia by her.

The tone is ambiguous, evoking reverie, and the listener's bones are crispy.

Rao is Lin Shubai, and his ears can't help but reddened slightly.

"You're still so easily shy, it's so cute, I want to eat you quickly, and I'm hungry for my sister.

Feng Xinyi looked at Lin Shubai's eyes like silk, stretched out her lilac tongue and licked her lips.

Although Lin Shubai didn't feel anything, he had an irrepressible fever physiologically.

I have to say that Feng Xinyi is indeed beautiful, beautiful, and dazzling.

"I'm going back, see you tomorrow.

Feng Xinyi took a step forward, and Lin Shubai took a step back.

"It's still so indifferent, alas, it's so sad, forget it, you go, I'm fine, I can continue to love you with sewing and mending, I'm not hurt, you don't have to care about me.

"Hey, if I let you go, you'll really leave, really...... But, my sister just likes you like this.

Lin Shubai went to the bathroom after Feng Xinyi, and as soon as he entered the cubicle, a bony hand blocked the door of the cubicle that was about to close.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon. "

He had half-long dumb blonde hair, a white shirt with a wide open collar and lipstick marks on his exposed collarbone.

The corners of the eyes are wantonly open, and the desire in the eyes is not concealed in the place where no one is.

Lin Shubai frowned, it was the kid who let him take a ride just now.

"After meeting you, I can't mention sexual interest to anyone, how do you say you want to compensate me, huh?"

The space in the compartment is small, and the height of the two of them is more than 180 years old and cannot be stretched out at all in the compartment.

"Tsk, don't look at me like that, I'm so excited...... Exploded. The

last two words were long and ambiguous, and there was not much left of the distance between the two, and the two faced each other, almost sticking together.

Lin Shubai was frantically negotiating with the system, and the system reacted.

"The system, it's not working, what's going on.

"After systematic investigation, it is because the host's emotions were out of control a few days ago, and the value of strength was lost. "

Blanching, didn't you say it earlier, I already knew that I was staying at home, how could I be perverted everywhere.

The young man's pretty face still had no expression, just looked at him coldly, as if he were looking at garbage.

Pei Yue, who saw this scene, was shocked, and put one knee between the young man's legs and pinned him against the wall.

"You goblin, I wanted to have a good night with you on *, but I can't help it. "

Pei Yue opened the meat early, and the affairs of men and women have always been just a pastime for Pei Yue, who wants the wind and the rain, and has never been like today, the excitement fills the brain, the body trembles with excitement, and the hustle and bustle of the uncontrollable completely possession of the teenager.

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