Lin Shubai got up early in the morning and prepared the breakfast of Lin's mother and himself.

The shopping mall is near the community, which is very convenient.

Lin Shubai looked around the environment of the mall, barely reluctantly, but there should be everything.

If others knew Lin Shubai's thoughts, they would definitely say that he was not self-sufficient, this is the largest shopping mall in City A, and what Lin Shubai said was worthless.

Lin Shubai: What kind of shopping mall do you want me to visit in person?

Lin Shubai has too many things to buy, and it will be much more convenient if there is a shopping guide.

Lin Shubai pressed the elevator on the 8th floor to buy new clothes.

The person wearing a certain nael and carrying a fashionable bag glanced at Lin Shubai with disdain, muttering in his mouth.

"I don't have the money to go to the eighth floor and pretend to be something."

Lin Shubai has been hated many times, but this is the first time he has been said to be poor.

Although tonight is different from the past, how can Lin Shubai endure it.

Lin Shubai smiled slightly, glanced at the other party and said the price of the clothes on his body.

"A certain Nair's new summer style, 30w, a certain Ao's co-branded shorts, 25w, a certain Li Shijia's diamond-studded silver-edged high heels, limited to 100 pairs worldwide, 100w."

"Cut, even if you know the goods, can you afford it?"

"If you're not mistaken, the pair you're wearing on your feet is a fake."

Yan Lier's face turned red instantly, he didn't grab the limited edition Mou Li family's high heels at all, so he bought the imitation, the materials and design are the same, this, how can this guy see it, he must be talking nonsense, and he will look good in a while!

"What a fake, if you slander me, I'll sue you! Really, a poor ghost is a poor ghost, and he has been a poor ghost all his life. The

elevator door opened, and Yan Lier stepped on her high heels and went out.

Lin Shubai glanced at the neatly displayed clothes and came to a conclusion.

"This silk is not silky enough, inferior."

Clothes produced in the land of silkworm farming: ....

"The logo design is too earthy, not level."

World-class designers:....

Lin Shubai commented: Barely able to wear it.

The shopping guide looked at Lin Shu Baiguang and didn't want to buy it, he didn't want to come up and introduce it, what happened after that would make them regret it for the rest of their lives.

"Hello sir, are you going to buy clothes?"

A student-looking, good-looking shopping guide stood next to Lin Shubai, with a clear light in his eyes.

Miao Peishan, a part-time student who came to work part-time during the summer vacation, believes that no matter what customers are wearing, they have the right to know and cannot be treated differently.

"Miao Peishan, this fool, hahaha, is going to work for nothing again, stupid and stupid." The other shopping guides laughed when they saw Miao Peishan go up to choose clothes for Lin Shubai.

"Sir, I see if you're picking out clothes for your mother."

"Yes, please help me pick a few." Lin Shubai told Miao Peishan the size of the clothes that Lin's mother was wearing.

Miao Peishan's face was a little embarrassed.

"How many pieces, these clothes are a bit expensive, each one costs more than 10,000 yuan, sir..."

Miao Peishan's eyes widened instantly, black... Black Gold Card?

A black gold card that only eleven people in the country have!

She...... She didn't dream.

Lin Shubai's words made Miao Peishan wake up like a dream.

"Wrap me up all the clothes you can see."

The people who laughed at Miao Peishan were also dumbfounded, black gold card?

All of them are top tycoons!

The few people who were sitting disdainfully stood up and wanted to slap Lin Shubai.

"I don't want to stay away from me because you're being fired for your performance today."

Lin Shubai said coldly.

Miao Peishan carried two bags and showed the clothes to Lin Shubai.

Lin Shubai glanced at it, and his vision was not bad.

Lin Shubai patiently repeated, "Wrap up all the okay clothes in the mall."

Lin Shubai looked at Miao Peishan a little stunned.

"If you want to go, you will go, don't ink."

"Mr. Lin, if you miss the distance, you call and say, we will also receive you, if you neglect, I will make amends to you."

When the manager of the shopping mall in a suit and leather shoes heard that the black and gold card users were coming to the mall, he immediately inquired about Lin Shubai's location and provided Lin Shubai with VVVVIP services.

"Second uncle, why are you here! It's you, the man, who kicks this poor boy out. The

manager's face turned red with anger, and he looked at Yan Li'er angrily.

"What nonsense, get out of here, I don't have you as a niece."

Yan Lier relied on the fact that the manager of the mall was his second uncle, and he couldn't get used to doing anything here, he was simply becoming more and more lawless, and now he dared to offend his black gold users!

"Second uncle, why are you facing this poor boy." Yan Lier's face was full of disbelief, and she looked abandoned.

"Security! Get him out! He is not welcome in our mall. The

mall manager's heart sank when he heard this, ouch my goodness, black gold card user! As long as he said it to the above, his position would be gone immediately, not to mention that his niece, who was missing half of her brain, was going crazy here!

"Finally, you apologize to me!!"

Yan Lier saw that the second uncle was so angry, and she had a bad premonition in her heart, the other party just said what she was doing, maybe it was really a big shot. But Yan Lier was not convinced, and she held her mouth and was unwilling to apologize.

The mall manager looked at Yan Li'er's beard like this, and he didn't know when he would go, so he couldn't delay the time of the black gold guests, after all, a delay could be millions!

"Security, throw her out of here! Yan Lier, remember, I don't have you as a niece in the future.

Yan Lier screamed frantically, was dragged away by the security guards, her hair was torn apart, her delicate appearance no longer existed, her hair was messy, and she was extremely embarrassed.

"Mr. Lin, the clothes are chosen, they are all in that room."

"Well, good performance." Lin Shubai said lightly.

The manager's eyes lit up instantly, and it seemed that the big boss had a better temper and was not too angry.

"What's your name, I'll give you a promotion and a raise."

"No, no, no, I'm just here for a part-time job, and it's a great honor for me to be valued by Mr. Lin."

Just the clothes that Lin Shubai just let buy, Miao Peishan's commission is hundreds of thousands!

"Mr. Lin, I will apologize to you on behalf of the mall."

"The new Rolls-Royce, although it is not worthy of your identity, but as an apology, please accept it."

Lin Shubai's consumption today is less than tens of millions, and a Rolls-Royce as an apology, it should be, not to mention a black gold card user.

Not to mention that Lin Shubai just bought clothes, and there are still many things that he hasn't bought.

Lin Shubai nodded.

"That's all for today."

"Okay, I'll send you back."

Lin Shubai told the manager what he wanted to buy, and the manager immediately took out a small notebook and memorized it.

More than a dozen staff members followed behind Lin Shubai, carrying large and small bags on their bodies, from summer clothes to winter clothes.

But this is not Lin Shubai's limit, it is the limit of the shopping mall.

Fortunately, this house is not small, 300 square meters, and the storage room can hold the things that Lin Shubai bought.

"Ah Bai, why did you buy so many things and come back."

"Mom, don't worry, I'm measured."

"The materials of these clothes are very expensive at first glance, Ah Bai, you still buy so much."

"Mom, don't worry, look at this dress, how good it looks to wear."

Lin Shubai's mother was a great beauty when she was young, and now she still has charm, but the usual coarse linen covers up the charm of Lin's mother. was lined with these clothes, as if to let Mother Lin see when she was young.

The sun is not big today, Lin Shubai changed into sportswear, and he hasn't started exercising today, so he went for a run after a while.

"Whew." Lin Shubai returned home, weighed himself, and lost 3 pounds, the amount of exercise today is relatively small, and it is really difficult after the base is small.

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