"Little white, it's time to start, let's go. When

everyone sat in their seats, the invigilator came in with a sealed bag of test papers, and his eyes reflected a white light.


invigilator set his eyes on Lin Shubai, are the contestants so good-looking this time, it seems that the living standards of these children are getting better and better, the Mediterranean teacher with glasses couldn't help but sigh.

The invigilator looked at the paper, and there were many questions that were out of the syllabus, and the more the candidates at the bottom continued to do it, the more frowning their brows became.

It stands to reason that good grades and good looks can't be both, but when the invigilator saw Lin Shubai's ease of writing questions, a sense of trust arose spontaneously from his heart, and his eyes frequently turned to Lin Shubai.

When Lin Shubai handed the scroll to him, he was still a little stunned.

Didn't he write fluently and just give up?

But when the invigilator saw Lin Shubai's vigorous handwriting, every answer was perfectly in line with the topic.

When the candidates below saw someone getting up to hand in the papers, they all looked at the figure.

Yu Boyuan's gaze under black-rimmed glasses was not as surprised as others, as if he had expected it.

He looked down at the paper he still had half left, and he smiled sarcastically, there was no way he could catch up with him.

"Wow, someone has come out, let's see who is the first to come out.

"This figure is so familiar. Oh my God, it's a handsome guy.

"Handsome guy, ahh Let me take it slowly, and look more handsome up close!" Lin

Shubai: ............ Let Lao Tzu go home.

"Well, you ask, I'm in a hurry. The

reporter's sister looked at Lin Shubai's face intently, and the microphone almost stuffed his mouth.

Lin Shubai tilted his head back slightly and looked at the reporter in front of him lightly.

She finally remembered what she was going to ask.

"Handsome guy, why did you come out first, is it that this year's questions are too difficult, making you feel hopeless. "

It's not difficult, I finished it in advance, I don't know how the test went." The reporter's sister saw that Lin Shubai said everything, and she was speechless for a while, and when she came back to her senses, Lin Shubai only had a back.

"Let the handsome guy run away, I want to ask more!"

"Let's wait for the next group of people to come out." "

An hour and a half later.

A large number of people came out unified.

"I'll go, this year's question is really difficult."

"It's hard for everyone, and everyone won't be able to do the ones that don't know.

"You said that Lin Shubai handed in the paper in half an hour, how many questions can he do?"

"I can't look at him anymore, he looks like a dog, at this level, it makes people laugh to death when he says it."

"Don't say it, you spend a lot of time without ideas, you just can't, it's better to be white-faced."

"Winning the gold medal is not about the score, just wait and see."

Lin Shubai, who was drinking beer at home, didn't expect him to be on the hot search again.

A news article titled "Xueba? Yan Ba!" grabbed tens of millions of eyeballs.

Among them, the reporter's sister mistook Lin Shubai for a robot.

The barrage exploded in an instant.

What kind of fairy appearance is this.

It's me and I admit it, it's too handsome.

What kind of competition do you participate in if you look so handsome, come to my sister's arms, support you, and cover you for the rest of your life, and the money can't be spent.

In short, it has reached the point where no one can see it when the barrage is opened.

But they were reluctant to block the faces of the handsome guys, and they were all speaking with the barrage closed, looking like they were talking their own words.

Seeing the back, the reporter's sister didn't wait long, and when someone came out after only half an hour, netizens were a little shocked.

This competition also came out so long in advance, and sure enough, the big guy is different.

Coming out so early, everyone must have been confident, everyone looked at the figure that was about to come out, and the image of a science man wearing glasses had already appeared in their minds.

But as they saw more and more clearly, they realized that something was wrong.

The youthful figure gradually materialized, and the proportions of this body are really perfect, as if it were .........

"It's too explosive, it's so handsome and it's the first one to come out.

"I'd like to call him the most handsome student in history.

"In front, the two top students can be removed. "

Agreed. "

I don't agree, Xueba plus more bullish, okay. "

It's amazing to participate in the competition, and the first one to come out is really God chasing after you to eat." "

There are so many barrages that the screen is covered, and the comments are full.

Lin Shubai glanced at it, what was he going to marry him, whether there was any account and information about him, and so on.

One of the comments claiming to be the contestants was out of place and was given a hot comment, and after that comment, there were different voices in the comment area.

"How can there be such an evil door, I am a participant in this competition, it's rare to die, don't say it's done in half an hour, it's enough to do a page, I don't think he will come out directly, steal the limelight." "

Someone immediately started to fight at the bottom.

"Yo yo yo yo, there will be a scene so soon to blame, dark people, look good at people Xi learn, look handsome, and start to complain, right? The

person who posted this comment guessed that someone would question it, and he had already thought of a reply.

"If you look at my homepage, you can see if what I said is fake. "

I'll go, it's true upstairs.

"If it's true, what he says must be true?"

"Hey, be sober, even if you have half an hour of math college entrance examination questions, it's enough to choke, and the competition questions are even more difficult to say, I think the landlord has a point."

Lin Shubai was a little confused in shock when he saw this.

In his last life, he heard that people traffic can make money, and he has been on several hot searches, and this wave of traffic is definitely a huge amount of money when converted into money.

Lin Shubai was thinking about how to cash in on this traffic when his phone rang.

A calm male voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Lin Shubai, very good, as a person who has not debuted, you have been on several hot searches in a row, and the company is very optimistic about you.

"Well, how do you monetize all this traffic. Lin Shubai said lightly.

"I've already helped you register an account, and when the time comes, someone will be arranged to tell your account, and then S will swipe to the hot comments.

"You send me a selfie of yourself and use it as your profile picture, and they'll believe it's your account.

Lin Shubai didn't say a word, and took a picture casually.

The casual eyes and the cold temperament make the whole person even more charming.

The person responsible for cultivating Lin Shubai also sighed, he brought so many people, and Lin Shubai's condition was that he had never seen it before.

There is no need for a spotlight, the light on the teenager's body is dazzling.

If it weren't for Lin Shubai still studying, and the winter vacation movie was still being prepared, he couldn't wait to dig Lin Shubai onto the big screen immediately.

He was born to stand in the limelight.

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