"The results of the monthly exam came out, I didn't dare to look at it, this monthly exam is so difficult, I heard that Li Muyu did badly. "

Do you believe that Xueba's exam is bad?!When did Xueba's exam finish there, he didn't wail that he was bad in the exam, and he was bad in the exam.

"Yes, this time he must be the first.

"What do you know, Xueba and your pursuit are different.

"I'll go, I just went to the office and saw the results, a perfect score of seven hundred and five, can you believe that I got 180?"

"Hahahaha, forgive me for laughing immorally.

"You laugh and tell you good news, you're behind me.


Muyu has been winning the first place since he entered the school and was taken down, and the battle situation was extremely tragic.

"Which bull person, throw Li Muyu a hundred points? Impossible, absolutely impossible, even if the provincial champion comes, it is impossible. "

Li Muyu's strength is obvious to everyone, so the provincial joint examination has also passed the third place in the province, and the first is only one point away!"


You just blow it, you can't get a full score when the king of heaven comes

!" "You can see it yourself!"

"This is the first ...... Lin Shubai ?!!I'll go, I really got a full score in the exam, 745! The devil, he's, he must be copied the answer!

""I think it's a mistake, even if I give me the answers to each subject, I can't copy such a high score, and the composition of this Chinese and English will have to be deducted somewhat......"

Lin Shubai, who was sleeping on the table, sneezed.

The students of the whole school have already exploded.

"Eh, do you know the one named Lin Shubai, yes, yes, yes, he looks handsome and has good grades, this monthly exam is so difficult, he scored 745 points! Li Muyu, the god of learning, only scored 645 points!" The

head teacher came in from the door and walked straight to Lin Shubai.

"Lin Shubai, come to the office. Lin

Shubai had expected it, but he didn't expect the teacher to come so quickly.

"Come in.

Lin Shubai glanced at it and found that the teachers of the seven subjects were sitting there waiting for Lin Shubai to come.

Lin Shubai's scroll was sitting on the table.

When Lin Shubai wrote, he imitated the words written by the original owner according to his memory, and the words written were almost the same as those of the original owner, and the five points deducted by Lin Shubai were all English and Chinese deductions.

"Shubai, we called you here this time because you did so well in the exam, and every subject is close to a full score, let's say, did you copy the answers.

Lin Shubai had already thought of his rhetoric.

"After I lost weight last summer, I found that my brain suddenly became brighter, and I didn't know what was going on, but when I did the questions, it suddenly became much clearer. "

Oh, isn't that amazing.

"There's a paper here, a question from each of our seven subject teachers, seven questions, and it won't delay you too much if you know how to.

Lin Shubai glanced at it slightly.

You don't need to put pen to paper, just say the answer to each question.

The teachers present were dumbfounded.

"This terrifying calculation ability, perfect answer format, 745 points, terrifying, no, if it weren't for your paper, the score would have been closer to a perfect score.

"Genius, Lin Shubai, are you interested in participating in the competition?

"I'll think about it. "

Lin Shubai: Thank you, I'm not interested, I just want to fish well.

The math teacher looked at Lin Shubai amiably.

"Okay, then you can go back and rest.

"If there is no accident, it is estimated that the provincial champion is Lin Shubai, and Li Muyu also has hope, but this Lin Shubai is too terrifying.

"The future is terrible, the future is terrifying, our class has produced a provincial champion, I can blow for a lifetime!"

"The provincial champion is not the limit of that child, and the whole country may not be able to find Lin Shubai's opponent."

"Universities all over the world, Lin Shubai, pick at will. "


A few days after the exam, Lin Shubai always felt that there was a "gloomy" gaze staring at him.

If Lin Shubai didn't feel wrong, that gaze came from Li Muyu.

Didn't you just rob him of the first, boring little ghost.

Lin Shubai was on his way home when he felt someone following him.

He wanted to see who was so bored and stalking him.

Lin Shubai took a bite of the fish ball he was holding in his hand and turned his head away.

"Come out. The

person who came out made Lin Shubai a little surprised.

Li Muyu !?

although Lin Shubai had thought that it was him, he was still shocked when he really saw him.

Li Muyu and Lin Shubai are about the same height, and when they walked in front of Lin Shubai, they had a feeling of confrontation.

Lin Shubai: The fish balls are going to scare me.

Li Muyu shook his head when he saw Lin Shubai's puzzled eyes, very beautiful, very clear eyes, and then remembered the purpose of his visit.

"I read your paper, you used calculus for the finale of physics, have you already learned calculus on your own?

The corners of Lin Shubai's mouth twitched, big brother, don't do it, follow him after class to discuss physics problems?

Lin Shubai was curious about what Li Muyu would say next, but he couldn't imagine what Li Muyu would say.

"You have a nice voice. "

This will not be done to Lin Shubai, which one and which one is this.

"Thank you, nothing happened to me and I went home. "

Do you live in Agady, I also live in Agady, we can drop by."

Lin Shubai was about to refuse, when he suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders.

"Brother Shubai, I bought you your favorite food, Dangdang Dang, cheese corn kernels.

Ouyang Qing held Lin Shubai in one hand and handed the corn kernels to Lin Shubai.

The golden corn kernels are wrapped in cheese and have a rich aroma.

Seeing that Lin Shubai's attention had shifted to his side, Ouyang Qing turned his head and grimaced at Li Muyu.

Hahahaha, Li Muyu actually has this kind of expression on his face with facial paralysis, she can laugh at him for the rest of her life, and she really wants to take a picture of him with her mobile phone.

Li Muyu stared motionlessly at Ouyang Qing's hand holding Lin Shubai, looking like an abandoned original partner.

Envy, envy, Brother Shubai can only have me to save it, what about other people's children, don't talk to me, go on the side, and want to kidnap her Brother Shubai.

Hmph, Brother Shubai is the best, and he spoils her so much.

Lin Shubai stretched out his bony hand and rubbed Ouyang Qing's head, a soft glow in the sun, and a smile climbed up the corner of Lin Shubai's mouth.

When Lin Shubai is not smiling, he gives people a sense of distance that rejects people thousands of miles away, and laughing is like the first ray of sunlight shining down when the iceberg melts.

Li Muyu only felt that this smile was extremely dazzling, and left by himself.

Ouyang Qing watched Li Muyu leave his back and smiled proudly.

Brother Shubai, it's hers.

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