It's time to record the third episode of "Please Love Me".

    The audience squatted in the live broadcast room early, because the guests had not arrived yet, and the chief director did not let the cameramen turn on the cameras, so the live broadcast room was dark, but it still could not stop The enthusiasm of the audience, everyone chatted directly on the barrage.

    The first person to arrive at the Fantasy Amusement Park was Xue Wu, followed by Ruan Qiu.

    Ruan Qiu was a little worried that Xue Wu's state would be affected by the previous bad things, but at least she looked at it on the surface, Xue Wu was no different from usual, she was still gentle, and her expression was light .

    Perceiving Ruan Qiu's gaze, Xue Wu turned his head and smiled at her.

    Ruan Qiu blinked, remembering the experience in the CP business manual, and bent his lips to Xue Wu, trying to draw his eyes.

    Xue Wu: ?

    Of course the director will not let this scene go. As early as when Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu arrived at the scene, he turned on all the live broadcasts. Now the audience can see Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu. Autumn laugh scene.


    【Thank you, Director Dog. 】

    【Thank you... pooh! The dog director does not deserve to let me thank you! 】


    Qi Yingying and others at the back also arrived soon. This time everyone came at a very uniform time. And because the director announced the location of the third phase of the recording in advance, everyone wore clothes that matched the theme of the fantasy amusement park, which were cute and youthful. Their looks are too high, and fans are busy taking screenshots.

    Some people noticed the full set of K's clothes on Ruan Qiu's body, but everyone knows that Ruan Qiu is already the global spokesperson of the K's family, and now the new favorite of the K's family is her. Two sentences, the rest are bragging.

    Six guests stopped at the gate of Dreamland Amusement Park, and the staff brought a large cardboard box with a smile and said to everyone: "Please draw lots to decide the grouping, and the same ones will be drawn. Two people with colored **** are in a group to experience today's project together, they cannot be separated, and they cannot form a team with others."

    [Batch by lottery? Wouldn't there be a black screen again? 】

    [Don't! Don't dismantle my CP! 】

     According to the staff, there are only three colors of **** in the box, and there is only one box here. It is still live broadcast. He wants to be shady, and everything can only be left to luck. 】

    【Only one day to shoot? It seems that the director was frightened by our sister Ruan, and was afraid to end the recording early hahaha]

    【The guests have no special identity this time? There will be no conspiracy, right? 】

    Ruan Qiu watched Xue Wu draw a red ball, and put his hand into the box to draw his own ball.

    I hope the bullet screen of her and Xue Wu's team has filled the screen, but Ruan Qiu actually already knows who she will be with.

    In the plot of the original book, Xue Wu was in a group with Qi Yingying this time, Bai Jinyao was in a group with Jiang Yan, and she was in a group with Ye Xingyu.

    The results of the first two groups have already come out. The last one, Ye Xingyu, knew that he must be in a group with Ruan Qiu before he drew the ball, but he still took the last ball symbolically. , showed himself and Ruan Qiu the same blue ball to the screen.

    The staff was a little surprised, and asked the guests to put the ball back in the box, and then said to them: "Okay, since everyone has found their fate, now please enter the fantasy tour Paradise, go check out your dating projects and complete a one-day romantic date, I wish you a happy date~”

    The barrage exploded.

    [? You call this no shady? I don't believe fate can be so lucky! 】

    【Would you like another draw? 】

    【This is too coincidental, Ruan Qiu directly avoided Xue Wu and Jiang Yan's Shura field, turned around and formed a team with Ye Xingyu? 】

    【It’s really a coincidence, don’t you realize that none of the people who were assigned to a group this time chose each other as their favorite guests? 】

    【Damn, I really avoid the exciting guests perfectly, and to be honest, this group is just embarrassing, because the two sides are not familiar with each other, I can't imagine how they will complete the next romantic date …]

    [The director is doing something! You dismantled my CP again! 】

    The chief director did not expect the result of their swipe to be like this. He simply filled up the contradictions and program effects. He watched the barrage and said that he was a shady man. Inexplicable injustice.

    This is really not his arrangement!

    The six arranged guests looked at each other, and in accordance with the rules of the program group, they walked to the guests of the same team as themselves this time, ready to start "date", the atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while.

    Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu glanced at each other, she smiled at him reassuringly, then turned to Ye Xingyu and said, "Let's go in?"

    Since it is the program rules, it still needs to be followed. After all, although the director promised that there will be no murder this time, he did not say that the elimination link has been cancelled, so they will still have "deaths" risk.

    There is no chance to do business with Xue Wu this time, Ruan Qiu is a little disappointed, just want to finish the task as soon as possible and end the program recording.

    Ye Xingyu was still debating whether or not to talk to Ruan Qiu. He was a little afraid of being torn apart by Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu's CP fans. Hearing Ruan Qiu's voice, he nodded: "Okay."

    As soon as Ruan Qiu spoke up, others, especially Xue Wu, looked over and looked at him badly.

     Ye Xingyu's mental activity at this moment coincides with Ruan Qiu's: ... hurry up and end the dating project!

    He hurriedly followed Ruan Qiu into the amusement park, and the two groups of guests at the back immediately followed, and all three groups arrived in front of another staff member driving a small cart.

    The staff said to them while rolling marshmallows: "Hello, distinguished guests, welcome to Dreamland! I believe you have found your date today, and remember what you drew. The color of the ball, you can look at the small blackboard next to me, it has the items you need to experience today."

    The six people all looked at the chalk on the small blackboard, and the staff continued: "You must not go to the projects of other groups, of course, in addition to the projects of other groups, the amusement park also has There are a lot of fun things that everyone can experience. But remember, if you break the rules, the rabbit puppets will get angry and take you out of the amusement park!"

    The rabbit doll suddenly jumped out from the back of the cart. He akimbo made an angry gesture, and then raised his hand to show his "muscles" to the guests, indicating that he has the ability to push them send out.

    After showing themselves, the rabbit puppet waved goodbye to them, hopped away and disappeared from everyone's sight.

    The barrage recognized this rabbit doll as the one in the trailer. Some people praised him for being cute, but some people asked silently:

    【I said, don’t you really feel a little scary? 】



    Hearing the staff's words, Ruan Qiu thought to himself. Since the recording of this program, the word "rules" has been emphasized many times. It seems that this copy... No, this time The show should be rules-based, and she can't act rashly until she comes into contact with the core rules.

    "After everyone has completed the project experience, you need to find the rabbit doll in the amusement park, and he will take you to the final project that everyone needs to complete together!" The staff raised a big smile, I don't know where I took out a red nose, pressed it on myself, and said in a clown's comical tone, "I'll treat everyone to marshmallows!"

    The crowd looked at the grinning staff in silence.


    【I started to feel that something was wrong, Director Dog didn’t want the guests to have a good date! 】

    [This smile is so permeating... I passed Ruan Qiu! 】

    In the exclamations of the barrage, Ruan Qiu took a step towards the cart and asked the staff: "Are you giving us the marshmallows for free? Are there any conditions? ?"

    "Of course it's free!" The staff said with a smile, "There are no conditions! This is children's favorite marshmallow, do you really want one?"

    "Oh yes." The staff suddenly patted his nose, "Each person can only take one!"

    Ruan Qiu thought for a few seconds, then smiled at the staff: "Okay, thank you, I want a strawberry-flavored marshmallow."

    Others saw Ruan Qiu take the initiative to take the pink cotton candy in the shape of a rabbit from the smiling staff, nothing happened, and they also went to the staff to ask for a cotton candy Candy in hand.

    Qi Yingying tentatively took a small bite, and then exclaimed: "Delicious!"

    Seeing this, Bai Jinyao couldn't help but take a small bite.

    The boys all maintained their masculine image, they didn't lower their heads to bite the marshmallow, and Ruan Qiu didn't bite either. She recalled what the staff said just now, and thoughtfully said to Ye Xingyu: "We Let's go experience the project now?"

    Ye Xingyu was about to nod his head when Xue Wu next to him suddenly asked the staff, "Can a person only have one? Can I give the cotton candy to someone else?"

    The staff was stunned for a moment, but soon put on a big smile: "There is only one per person, but of course you can give it to others, good things are meant to be shared, maybe you will get Some unexpected surprises!"

    After Jiang Yan and Ye Xingyu heard it, they all looked at Ruan Qiu. But Xue Wu had already walked to Ruan Qiu one step ahead of them, and handed the cotton candy in his hand to Ruan Qiu: "Mr. Ruan, here it is for you."

    Ruan Qiu blinked, thinking again about the experience in the CP business manual, reaching out, pretending to touch Xue Wu's finger unintentionally, and then smiling: "Thank you, Teacher Xue. "


    【Am I the only one who cares about what they call each other! Teacher Ruan, Teacher Xue, is this something I can listen to! 】

    [As we all know, only young couples will call each other affectionately! I'm dying! 】

    [They touched their hands just now! I used a magnifying glass to see them touching their hands! 】

    [Xue Wu is quietly touching the place Ruan Qiu touched just now! They are real! 】


    The CP fans of Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu in the barrage have already died. Jiang Yan watched Xue Wu give the cotton candy to Ruan Qiu. He hesitated for a few seconds, but was still ready to follow his heart idea.

    He has already figured it out, his love for Ruan Qiu is indeed not pure, but the heartbeat that Ruan Qiu brings to him is real, they are still in this love variety show, Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu Qiu also hasn't determined the final relationship, so why can't he participate in the competition?

    What if... Ruan Qiu also likes him?

    So Jiang Yan also came over and handed the marshmallow in his hand to Ruan Qiu: "Sister Ruan, this marshmallow tastes like cantaloupe, I want to give it to you."

    Ruan Qiu was stunned for a moment, she subconsciously glanced at Jiang Yan's companion Bai Jinyao this time, the other party lowered his head and ate cotton candy, she could not see the other party's expression, but Jiang Yan insisted The cotton candy was given to her, but Ruan Qiu could only nod and accept it: "Thank you."

     Ye Xingyu next to him was really speechless.

    Shouldn't I send a marshmallow to my date this time? This is the standard answer, okay? Xue Wu and Jiang Yan made it difficult for him to do it!

    Ye Xingyu can't ignore his date like Jiang Yan and Xue Wu, and give cotton candy to his business partner Qi Yingying. Now Ruan Qiu's popularity is different from before, He has tens of thousands more fans on Weibo than him, and he can't afford to offend Ruan Qiu's fans.

    So Ye Xingyu could only give the cotton candy in his hand to Ruan Qiu, and said to her with a smile on the stage: "Ruan Qiu, today we are a group, and I am dating you. It's my pleasure to give you this marshmallow."

    Ruan Qiu:…

    She thanked her with a complicated expression, took the other party's marshmallows, two in each hand, and the rabbits were squeezed out of shape.


    [Shasha I love watching this so much, Ruan Qiu will accept it! Be the king of the sea! Raise the fish! 】

    【Do Xue Wu and Jiang Yan just ignore their date? Yaoyao is so wronged to eat cotton candy alone. 】

    【The male guest is too rude, can't you take care of your companions? It's so embarrassing. 】

    【No, have you forgotten that this is a love variety show? Shura field is the normal state of love variety shows, okay? Is there any problem for male guests to choose their favorite female guests? Stop being aggrieved and hypocritical for Bai Jinyao and Qi Yingying. 】

    【Yes, is there any problem with Ruan Qiu being so popular? She is worth it! 】

    In the barrage, fans from all over the world huddled together, and passers-by were also involved, but the strange thing was that no one criticized Ruan Qiu, as if she was supposed to get the marshmallow by default.

    Ruan Qiu, who got the marshmallow, turned his head, continued his original proposal, and said to Ye Xingyu, "Let's go experience the project first?"

    Ye Xingyu nodded: "Okay."

    The cameras were also divided into three groups along with their actions, because this time the guests were in two groups, and the individual live broadcast rooms of the same group were combined into one. Among them, in the live broadcast room of Ruan Qiu and Ye Xingyu, the staff thoughtfully hung up the two items they needed to experience this time—

    Big pendulum and bumper cars.

    The viewers who didn't read the blackboard carefully took the time to go to the live broadcast room of the other two groups, and learned that Xue Wu and Qi Yingying's experience project is pirate ship and teacup, while Bai Jinyao and Jiang Yan's experience items are roller coasters and merry-go-rounds.


    [Yes, if there are two consecutive stimulus items, there may be problems. 】

    【Are the people in the amusement park performing in groups? I seem to have seen a small child. 】

    【Let me see what the director has done this time... Ruan Qiu and Ye Xingyu have to go to the big pendulum first! 】

    Ruan Qiu in the camera held four marshmallows, and instantly got the envy of the children. In addition to the staff who manage the amusement projects, there are also some group performances in the amusement park. The children are also one of the group performers. Ruan Qiu thought about what the clown said before, and then bent over to the two children in front of him and asked, "What do you have? Can you tell me the clue? I'll exchange it with you for cotton candy."

    The children stared at the marshmallows in Ruan Qiu's hands, and when they heard Ruan Qiu's words, they looked at the beautiful sister in front of them, bit their fingers and thought for a few seconds, then nodded happily , the chief director didn't have time to stop them, he just told Ruan Qiu all the clues like they were pouring beans in a bamboo tube.

    "I know!" The little girl raised her hand and said, "You will meet a strange person, no, there are many, the director said to listen carefully to them!"

    The little boy said not far behind: "I also know that the director said that the place where you will go is terrible, and he will eliminate you all."

    Backstage director:…

    Ruan Qiu nodded, thanked them, and then gave them a marshmallow, watching them leave happily, turned to Ye Xingyu and said, "Let's go, there are still two marshmallows left. When you’re done, continue to ask the child.”

    How did Ruan Qiu come up with the idea of ​​exchanging cotton candy for clues? Ye Xingyu tutted twice in his heart, thinking that the other two groups either gave the marshmallow to Ruan Qiu just now, or ate it by himself. It seems that they couldn't find a clue.

    Thinking of Ruan Qiu's performance in the previous two episodes, Ye Xingyu also knew that he held his thighs firmly this time, his head twitched, and he clenched his fists at Ruan Qiu: "I admire and admire."

    【Hahaha Ye Xingyu, Ruan Qiu is your date, not your idol】

    【Exquisite boy Ye Xingyu, human elf Ye Xingyu, boy group facade Ye Xingyu! 】


    [So the dog director still has to do scary things and eliminate all the guests, it's really a dog. 】

      Get clues. 】

    There are signs with maps everywhere in the amusement park, and they also used pinyin for children. Ruan Qiu found the position of the big pendulum and continued to walk with Ye Xingyu.

    On the other hand, the two groups of people who had already eaten the marshmallow naturally failed to get any clues, but they all chose the exciting project first, and then went to the mild project.

    Xue Wu and Qi Yingying arrived at the project site of the pirate ship first, Qi Yingying looked at the pirate ship, and was silent for two seconds. The painful memory of being deceived by her own brother in childhood came to her mind. , she turned her head and asked Xue Wu, who had not spoken, "That, are you afraid?"

    "Not afraid." Xue Wu replied.

    Qi Yingying now has no filter for this stingy man Xue Wu, she pouted: "I'm not afraid, don't call it out later, or I'll record it to soften Listen softly and let her laugh at you."

    Xue Wu: " don't have a cell phone."

    Their phones are still handed in before the show starts.

    Qi Yingying asked again: "Hey, have you played this?"

    Xue Wu was silent for two seconds: "No."

    This is his first time at the amusement park.

    "Then you will be frightened later." Qi Yingying said firmly, "Let's go, let's go, hurry up and find Ruan Ruan."

    The two of them got on the pirate ship with the help of the staff, fastened their seat belts, and Qi Yingying nervously thought: "I'm not afraid, don't call out to affect it later. I."

    Xue Wu was speechless.

    [Where is Qi Yingying a primary school student! 】


    [No! Qi Yingying and Xue Wu are both Ruan Qiu's! 】

    [Stop arguing, they started, wait for Qi Yingying to scream. 】

    Qi Yingying screamed as expected, her lung capacity exceeded that of ordinary people, the soprano pierced the sky, and the whole amusement park heard her scream and turned their heads one after another Look towards the pirate ship.

    Xue Wu sat next to her calmly, in stark contrast to Qi Yingying who waved her hands and closed her eyes and screamed.

    When the pirate ship swung down from a height for the second time, Xue Wu heard Qi Yingying take a deep breath next to her, thinking she had calmed down, but Qi Yingying took a breath, Refilling the air in his lungs, he continued to scream again.

    [Xue Wu: My mother tongue is Silent. 】

    [Xue Wu: This world is really noisy. 】

    [Qi Yingying: I'm not afraid. Qi Yingying: I won't scream. 】

    【Wait, is there something wrong with the person next to Xue Wu? 】

    Not only did the barrage notice it, but Xue Wu also sensed what the other man beside him was saying. He tilted his head hard, covered his ears with his right hand, and tried his best to block Qi Yingying's screaming interference. , and asked loudly to the man next to him, "Excuse me, what did you say?"

    The man also answered loudly: "Her husband is a robber!"

    Xue Wu frowned: "Can I trouble you to say it again?"

    "Her husband is a robber!" the man shouted again.

      The calls were a little lower.

     There is something wrong with this amusement park! 】

    【Go and see Ruan Qiu! They also met such a strange person! 】

    On the other side, while Xue Wu and Qi Yingying boarded the pirate ship, Ruan Qiu and Ye Xingyu also reached the location of the big pendulum.

    Ruan Qiu looked at the four children who were staring at him, thought about it, and said to them: "So, I only have two marshmallows, you can take them and share them. In exchange, each of you tell me some secrets about the amusement park, okay?"

    "Okay!" the children said in unison.

    The clues given by the children this time overlapped with the previous ones, only an older boy said useful clues: "I know the rabbit dolls here are very powerful, and everyone here If you don't obey him, you have to leave here."

    The boy thought for a moment and added: "The director said that everyone has a chance to call the rabbit doll once... or twice. Just call his name and he will appear."

    Ruan Qiu nodded and gave them the marshmallows in his hand. Ye Xingyu looked at her thinking and asked, "You wouldn't want to call the rabbit doll over, would you?"

    "Not for now." Ruan Qiu shook his head, "What if everyone only has one chance."

    The chief director of the backstage is about to cry.

    Why! It's all to blame for Xue Wu and Jiang Yan, what are they doing with all the marshmallows to Ruan Qiu! Let her get the clue in advance!

    Ruan Qiu and Ye Xingyu got on the big pendulum with the help of the staff, and they heard Qi Yingying's scream before they could sit still.

    Ruan Qiu and Ye Xingyu were silent for a moment, Ruan Qiu looked at the strange man next to him, and heard Ye Xingyu ask her, "Are you afraid?"

    Ruan Qiu shook his head: "Not afraid."

    [This picture seems familiar. 】

    【Hahahaha scene reappears! Let's look forward to Ye Xingyu's scream! 】

    The big pendulum began to spin to the sky, Ye Xingyu felt that his whole body was turned upside down, he restrained his panic, turned to look at the hungry Ruan Qiu, and found that the other party looked calm, as if she was not sitting A big pendulum, but a smooth-running high-speed rail.

    With the mentality of "I'm a man, I can't lose", Ye Xingyu forcibly suppressed the scream in his throat, and received unanimous praise from the barrage.

    When the big pendulum revolved for the second time, Qi Yingying's scream became much smaller, Ruan Qiu's ears also got a temporary clean, she heard the strange man next to her speak Said, "She doesn't like red clothes."

    Ruan Qiu turned his head and looked calm: "Don't like red clothes? Who?"

    No one in red is their guest today.

    Ruan Qiu carefully recalled the pedestrians he met on the road, and suddenly realized that none of the group performers seemed to be wearing red clothes, most of them were pink.

    The man opposite didn't seem to hear Ruan Qiu's question. He looked straight ahead and continued to repeat, "She doesn't like red clothes."

    Ruan Qiu asked the other party several times, but the man kept repeating that sentence, Ruan Qiu knew that there was nothing to ask, so he didn't ask again.

    The conversation between her and the man attracted Ye Xingyu next to her, Ye Xingyu turned and asked Ruan Qiu: "What does he mean?"

    "I don't know." Ruan Qiu replied, "There are still too few clues now. We have to go to the next project as soon as possible, and there should be clues there."

    [Ruan Qiu is so calm... Not to mention that she was sitting on a big pendulum without screaming and dumping a lot of people a few streets, she can still ask strange men questions without changing her face, as expected of her . 】


    [Bai Jinyao and Jiang Yan also have clues! 】

    Bai Jinyao and Jiang Yan's experience project is a roller coaster. Because the roller coaster requires a relatively large space and the location is a bit remote, they only arrived at the project site now.

    Bai Jinyao and Jiang Yan were completely unfamiliar, they didn't speak along the way, and they were visibly embarrassed.

    The two sat in the same row, and they sat in front and back for group performances, which made Bai Jinyao feel more secure.

    She is not afraid of roller coasters, nor screams, and maintains expression management when the camera turns. When Jiang Yan and Bai Jinyao were together, they returned to their original sullen gourd character, tightly shutting their mouths. Although their face was a little pale, they did not scream.

    The response of the two of them was too bland, the bullet screen felt meaningless, and the traffic was lost quickly.

    The director saw this and asked the group behind them to speak their lines in advance.

    Bai Jinyao was about to raise her hand and press her flying hair when she heard someone behind her say quietly, "She's blind."

    Bai Jinyao's back was cold, she shook her hands, did not dare to look back, and gently tugged Jiang Yan's clothes next to her.

    Jiang Yan also heard the man's words, and nodded to Bai Jinyao to indicate that he knew. The roller coaster just entered the dark tunnel. The group actors invited by the director were all people who were not afraid of these projects at all. They sat quietly in their seats, and only a man's voice sounded in the dark tunnel: "She is blind."

    Bai Jinyao and Jiang Yan had goosebumps.

    When the roller coaster stopped at the end, Bai Jinyao and Jiang Yan were already full of the words "her eyes are blind", their faces were almost pale, and they even climbed down the roller coaster, I didn't dare to look back, so I walked out of the project site and quickly went to the next experience project, the merry-go-round.

    The barrage also understood their fear, because many of them felt the gloomy coolness through the screen, Bai Jinyao and Jiang Yan did not call it out, it was a good performance.

      ? 】

    [This is the third issue, don't you understand that this love drama is different from ordinary love drama? 】

    [Family, I have a major discovery. The routes of the three groups of experience projects do not intersect at all, that is to say, they cannot exchange clues in time. 】

    [This must have been arranged by the dog director, but even if we only have these clues, we can blow up the director's dog head! 】

    Ruan Qiu didn't know that she was almost a **** in the hearts of many audiences. She walked to the bumper car venue with Ye Xingyu in the high voice of the barrage [exploding the director's dog's head].

    The bumper cars that were driven in the venue were all red. Ruan Qiu thought about it, picked a large yellow bumper car for himself, and took Ye Xingyu into the car.

     Ye Xingyu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, had long regarded Ruan Qiu as a golden thigh.

    When he saw the parent on the opposite side driving a bumper car with a child wearing a hard hat sitting next to him, he finally realized that he was very unmanly now, but it was too late to change positions. Ye Xingyu could only curl up in his position, watching Ruan Qiu drive into the audience and dominate the field, while he was shaken and dizzy, and had to endure the impact of vehicles from the side.

    【Ye Xingyu: Weak, pitiful, and helpless. 】


    【This lens makes me dizzy, even more dizzy than a big pendulum. 】

    [It's better than this, calm and reliable female boss × weak sand sculpture male star liJia, you can take a sip. 】

    【Come and come! Strange people are here! 】

    In the bumper car venue, others consciously couldn't hit Ruan Qiu, and silently retreated to the edge. And suddenly a new red envelope bumper car was added to the venue. Ruan Qiu took Ye Xingyu and passed the man driving the bumper car. She heard the other party say, "Someone once broke her legs."

    Ruan Qiu drifted abruptly, and Ye Xingyu next to him almost didn't fly out. He looked at Ruan Qiu, a **** driver who could drive a child's car, and grabbed his seat belt in shock.

    Ruan Qiu drove the bumper car to the man again and rammed the man, but the man was still like the last person, repeating that sentence, and couldn't ask anything else.

    Ruan Qiu drove the car slowly to the edge of the venue, returned the bumper car to the staff, and prepared to take Ye Xingyu to the final experience project.

    Ye Xingyu's out-of-body soul finally returned to his body, he recovered and asked Ruan Qiu: "We are going to find the rabbit doll now, let him take us to the last project, right? Do we just have to shout and he'll show up?"

    "I don't think I should use this opportunity for the time being." Ruan Qiu frowned, "I have a strange feeling that this opportunity is very important."

    "Then let's start looking for him in the amusement park now?" Ye Xingyu asked.

    Ruan Qiu nodded and asked the passing group show, but the other party waved and said that he did not see where the rabbit doll was.

    The actions of Ruan Qiu and Ye Xingyu were temporarily stagnant, and the other two groups were also stuck on the second experience item.

    Xue Wu and Qi Yingying have been around the teacup for the third time, but they still haven't triggered any clues.

    Qi Yingying couldn't help but say: "If the second project is just for us to play, let's go first."

    Xue Wu's intuition was not right: "There must be something we didn't notice."

    He mused: "There are fifteen teacup seats here, and we tried three of them all and none of them were right. There must be a special teacup, but we didn't find it."

    Qi Yingying didn't want to use her head, she leaned on the seat and sighed: "Then we can only try one by one?"

    Jiang Yan and Bai Jinyao on the other side also sat on the merry-go-round twice, and like Xue Wu's group did not get any clues.

    [? Why? Can someone explain to Ruan Qiu why they got the clue? 】

      And Ruan Qiu was able to find clues because she knocked off other bumper cars by herself, and no one could beat her. 】

    [Yes, the man who gave the clue came only after Ruan Qiu cleared the field. The other two groups have to cheer up! 】

    【Has anyone guessed which is the special teacup and Trojan horse? 】

      . Jiang Yan and Bai Jinyao on the other side also got off the merry-go-round and began to discuss countermeasures.

    Xue Wu recalled the first clue, the man said "her husband is a robber", suddenly a flash of inspiration, said to Qi Yingying: "Look for something missing on the table in the middle of the teacup. seat!"

    Qi Yingying didn't ask Xue Wu why, she didn't like to use her brain, she just followed Xue Wu's instructions, and it was Xue Wu's problem anyway.

    They finally found a seat where the decoration on the table was obviously forcibly taken away, Qi Yingying looked up and down Xue Wu in surprise, and had to admit that Xue Wu was still a bit capable, pouting sat down.

    This time, the tea cup turned around slowly for half a circle, and a man sat in the seat behind them and said, "She didn't have an affair with anyone else."

    [This is really the location! Xue Wu Niu! 】

    [? I'm running out of brains, can someone tell me why? 】

      Of course it's a robbery! That's why Xue Wu began to look for the seat with less decoration. The trace was quite obvious, but if it wasn't linked to the first clue, everyone might just think that the seat was in disrepair for a long time. 】

    [This session of netizens is really amazing, I just watched it without thinking. 】

    【Oh, according to this rule, Bai Jinyao and the others should find a Trojan horse with closed eyes, right? 】



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