Ruan Qiu didn't know that her behavior just now made the CP fans celebrate the New Year. She was supervising whether Xue Wu had breakfast.

    She exchanged personal contact information with Xue Wu before she left yesterday, and it is very convenient to contact her now. After Ruan Qiu got up from the bed, he was stunned for a while. After thinking of Xue Wu's anorexia, he sent a message to the other party and asked him if he had breakfast.

    Xue Wu, who was doing crunches, got up, stretched out his hand and opened the message from Ruan Qiu, and replied with a guilty conscience: "I ate."

    Ruan Qiu continued to ask: "What did you eat?"

    She palpitated when she thought of the scene where Xue Wu was pale and almost fainted in front of her, for fear that Xue Wu would suddenly starve to death one day.

    Xue Wu knew that he couldn't be fooled, got up and took out a bag of milk that Lin Hong stuffed in last time from the refrigerator, boiled an egg for himself, then took a photo and sent it to Ruan Qiu .

    Ruan Qiu was relieved, and continued: "Remember to eat lunch too!"

    Xue Wu leaned against the door frame of the kitchen, looking at the news from Ruan Qiu, and could imagine the look and tone of her words when she said this, she couldn't help smiling slightly, and replied: " it is good."

    The food doesn't seem so unbearable anymore.

    Ruan Qiu wanted to say something when Xue Wu's video call suddenly came over. Ruan Qiu hesitated for two seconds, walked to the table with his takeaway, sat down and connected the call.

      He took off the white towel wrapped around his neck, leaned his phone against the edge of the plate, reached out and took out the boiled egg, and said to Ruan Qiu, "Mr. Ruan will supervise my meal in person, I will finish it."

    Ruan Qiu took a bite of his steamed dumplings and asked him suspiciously, "Why are you calling me Teacher Ruan?"

    "Because everyone calls it that." Xue Wu calmly shifted his focus, "Mr. Ruan's reasoning is very powerful, he caught the real murderer by himself, and found the key, netizens. I want you to teach them. Teacher Ruan, will you teach me first?"

    Ruan Qiu's face was inexplicably hot, she took a sip of soy milk, heard Xue Wu laugh, and continued: "Mr. Ruan, do you think I still need to exercise?"

    "I heard that girls like it now..." Xue Wu paused, "Mother? Does Teacher Ruan like it too?"

    Ruan Qiu spent half a minute asking the Internet what "male mother" is, then shook his head to Xue Wu and said, "I don't like it."

    She doesn't have the backpack given by the infinite streaming system, and she can't get the props. If the opponent wants to hit her, she may not be able to beat her with all her strength.

    Safety is the most important thing, eh.

    "It's good to have some muscles," Ruan Qiu said to Xue Wu after thinking for a while, "You're not in good health now, you have to take good care of your body first, keep up with nutrition, and then exercise."

    Xue Wu, who is in poor health: "...Mr. Ruan is right."

    He saw that Ruan Qiu's eyes didn't stay on him for too long, he basically looked at the food in his hand, and his teeth were itchy, but he also knew that he couldn't be in a hurry, at least he won the future and the future. The opportunity for Ruan Qiu to exchange videos every time he eats is not considered to be empty-handed.

    The behavior of Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu is completely "showing love" in the eyes of Lin Jie and Lin Hong, but they are not aware of it, Ruan Qiu thinks that he is supervising Xue Wu's farewell Let him die, and Xue Wu thinks he is boiling a frog in warm water, and both of them are very satisfied with the current effect.

    On the third day after the end of the first episode, Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu's CP popularity was the highest as expected, leaving behind Qi Yingying and Ye Xingyu, who came in second place.

    The staff of the program first sent a message to inform them of the shooting location and shooting time of the next episode, which was still three days and two nights, and then asked Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu, the V family The two rewards of endorsement and the chance to cooperate with a great director, which one should they choose respectively.

    After receiving the news, Xue Wu opened Ruan Qiu's video call again. Ruan Qiu was wearing pajamas watching TV dramas in the living room, and heard Xue Wu say to her: "The address given by the program team is a famous Hengdian, where many large-scale costume dramas have been filmed, and the next episode should have an ancient background."

    Ruan Qiu nodded in understanding, and listened to Xue Wu while nibbling on fried chicken: "I don't recommend you choose the opportunity to cooperate with a big director. I looked at the director's recent filming, he This new film is in the style of a commercial film, and it is very likely to be a big-budget, bad plot film, which is not conducive to your accumulation of word of mouth."

    "V's family is mainly engaged in accessories. In recent years, they have taken the light luxury route, and the market is very large. The previous spokesperson had a scandal, so he was replaced, but there is no problem with the top management. Xue Wu said, "Choose this one."

    Sister Lin next to her: ...Xue Wu is trying to steal my agent's job?

    Ruan Qiu put down the chicken bones: "What about you?"

    "I don't need these." Xue Wu replied, "I may retire after a few more movies."

    Lin Hong next to him: ...why don't I know your plan?

    "Well, but I will also quit the circle in two months. Is there any problem with choosing an endorsement?" Ruan Qiu asked.

    Sister Lin finally interjected: "I'll contact the person in charge of V's house to see if they agree."

    Lin Hong finally found an opportunity: "Then let's do it first, hang up."

    When Xue Wu hung up the phone, Lin Hong pointed at him and jumped up: "When did you plan? Why didn't you tell me!"

    Xue Wu did not speak for a while.

    The time he originally set to quit the circle was half a year later, which was also after Xue Nanjing became an adult. He had planned for a long time that at that time he would leave a suicide note, leave enough money for Xue Nanjing, and share the money for Lin Hong's studio, and then leave quietly without disturbing anyone.

    But now...

    "I have been filming for so many years," Xue Wu said to Lin Hong, "I want to rest."

    Lin Hong was speechless.

    Of course he knew how tired Xue Wu was. When he first took over Xue Wu, he always thought that the other party liked filming, so he worked so hard, one after another, all year round . Later, he learned that Xue Wu was trying to prevent himself from getting sick, so that he could fall asleep when he was tired, so that he would not have nightmares all night.

    "Forget it." Lin Hong was discouraged, "I don't care about you, just be fine."

    "Thank you Brother Lin." Xue Wu looked at him sincerely, "Thank you for your care for so many years."

    Lin Hong punched his shoulder, nodded and left.

    Sister Lin on the other side told the love variety show team their choice, and then got the contact information of the person in charge of the V family. After talking to the other party, the other party doubled Ruan Qiu's endorsement fee , but with one requirement —

    I hope Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu can shoot a commercial together.

    Sister Lin then relayed the news to Lin Hong. Lin Hong agreed after talking to the other party, but also added the conditions proposed by Xue Wu—

    Xue Wu hope and Ruan Qiu shoot a couple model.

    The lady in charge of contacting the agents almost fainted.

    It's true! She knew that Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu were real!

    The person in charge really wanted to tell the sisters in the group this industry news, but out of professional ethics, she still held back until Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu came to the studio to take promotional photos. Seeing that Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu arrived at the shooting location in the same car, she kept pinching her fingers to prevent herself from giggling, and led them in with a decent smile.

    The photographer hired by V's family is also well-known in the industry. When he saw Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't stop saying that the shooting effect today would be very good. The two put on the accessories that need to be promoted this time, and then instructed the two to pose in various poses and slapped them.

    After the filming, the photographer found that he was reluctant to delete one, none of them could be regarded as a waste film, each one had a special feeling, so he simply took another short film and ended work ahead of schedule .

    Since Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu leaned together to take pictures, the raised corner of her mouth never came down. It was not until they finished shooting and left the shooting venue that she regained her senses, and then in the group Screaming frantically, he told the sisters in the group Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu that they were shooting couple accessories, and then shouted happily with them, waiting for the advertisement to be officially released.

    【I never thought in my life that one day I would expect an advertisement, **** it. 】

    [This is not an advertisement, this is their wedding video! 】

    [The upstairs is right, with the money, five hundred. 】


    Under the promotion of the person in charge, the V family took advantage of the popularity of Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu CP, and sent out photos on the night of shooting, which is the fastest in history from signing an endorsement contract to releasing advertising process.

    In the picture, Ruan Qiu is wearing a black suspender dress, a collarbone chain with black lace ribbons around her neck, the ruby ​​in the middle of the necklace is as warm as her red lips, she is sitting in a black leather On the sofa, his slender legs were exposed, his face was propped up with one hand, and he looked lazily at Xue Wu who was standing behind the sofa.

    Ruan Qiu was originally a gorgeous appearance. The collision of black and red made her beauty full of aggression and radiance.

    Xue Wu was wearing a black tuxedo, half of his body was hidden in the dark, the medieval white shirt with lace and ruffled collar did not look feminine at all, with his slightly curly hair and deep facial features, Perfectly created a moody and dangerous temperament.

    But Ruan Qiu's other hand pulled the edge of his coat, forcing him to bend over, let him put one hand on the sofa, put his hand close to his ear, and then looked at him , as if to order him to do something.

      He also wears a silver bracelet, but with black onyx inlaid in the middle.

    The official name of this series is [Night Witch & Vampire], and within three minutes after the picture was posted, the comments were captured by the CP fans of Ruan Qiu and Xue Wu.

    【What did I see! what is this! This is a wedding photo, right? 】


    [In the show, it's the manor master × personal maid, here is the witch master × vampire manservant! I can also reverse my status! 】


    【Who died? It's me, that's fine. 】



    【Are they so sweet? This is too happy! Is it too late for me to get in now? 】

    [Put out the purchase link, if I have money, I will be a follower. 】

    V's Weibo operation is the first time I have seen this kind of scene with 10,000 comments in less than an hour. Clavicle chain.

    [? Gone in a minute? What is the speed of the sisters in the comment area? 】


    [No, why did everyone even rob Xue Yingdi's men's models? 】


    Sister Lin also felt relieved when she saw the heat. The person in charge of V's house had already applied to call the negotiated money. Seeing that the time was almost up, Sister Lin turned to ask questions on the sofa Nestled, Ruan Qiu, who was watching the movie starring Xue Wu: "Ruan Ruan, I have made a clarification announcement now?"

    "Yeah." Ruan Qiu nodded.

    She can now use her endorsement money to fight a lawsuit.

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