After Ruan Qiu said that he wanted to find the seal, the barrage all shouted for the director to spoil the seal.

    The chief director is numb.

    Although Ruan Qiu did not explicitly say where she thought the seal was, the director had a very bad feeling in her heart. He touched his chin, frowned and stared at the live broadcast screen in the background, his brain was running wildly, and he wanted to direct the group performers to stop Ruan Qiu from looking for the seal.

    But the problem now is that Ruan Qiu and their conversations were not heard by the group performers, and the gardener was still in the wine cellar, the alcoholic hadn't come out yet, and the people in the parlour were not aware of it , if he insists on stopping Ruan Qiu, it will destroy the integrity of the entire plot, and there will be huge logical loopholes.

    The director-in-chief hesitated for a second between smashing his signboard and letting Ruan Qiu look for the seal, and finally turned off the headset and did not interfere with the development of the show for the time being.

    Other guests expressed their cooperation after hearing Ruan Qiu's words. Ruan Qiu and the five walked down the stairs pretending to be indifferent and came to the reception room in front of everyone, Ye Xingyu cleared his throat and told the group: "We have caught the murderer of Miss Bai, and he is the one who looks after the wine cellar. servant."

    "But hasn't Miss Bai been taken to heaven by Madam?" the head butler asked in shock.


    Ye Xingyu took a half step back silently, his momentum weakened a lot: "Anyway, we have confirmed that the drunkard is the murderer, you should take him out of the wine cellar now and gag his mouth. , watch him in the parlour, and don't go anywhere."

    When some people in the parlour went to the wine cellar to catch the alcoholic, Ruan Qiu also took other guests to the locked door again.

    [? Did I miss something? Why did they go straight to the gate? Did they find the seal? 】

    [There is a flower room over the gate! The seal will not be in the flower room! 】

    【Why? 】

    The director watched Ruan Qiu open the door of the flower room and closed his eyes in despair.

    In the flower room, Ruan Qiu picked up the small shovel in the corner, squatted down in front of the white rose bush, and started digging.

    Xue Wu picked up the gloves on the flower stand, bent over and handed them to her: "Wear this, be careful with your hands."

    Ruan Qiu thanked him, then put on his gloves, watching Xue Wu take the other remaining flower shovel from Jiang Yan's hand, squat down and dig with her.

    [I declare that Xue Yingdi won this game, Jiang Yan is completely uncompetitive, what's going on! 】

    ["Be careful with your hands", tsk tsk tsk, do you care so much? 】

    [Jiang Yan is a sincere boy, he took another pair of gloves and wore them himself, and began to dig soil with his hands to help. 】


    Qi Yingying and Ye Xingyu looked at each other and decided not to join the three of them in the Shura field. And the rose bush is so big, the three of them squatted and there was no more space, Qi Yingying could only bend over behind Ruan Qiu, and asked without disturbing Ruan Qiu: "Ruan Ruan, is the seal here? ?"

    "It's just my guess." Ruan Qiu said while digging, "The gardener carefully arranged such a killing, and he must also know that the master's seal is fake. This may be told by the head servant. His, but I'm more inclined that he knew about it in the first place, and he hid the real seal."

    Ruan Qiu continued: "He is the most loyal servant of his wife, and he has the privilege of entering the room to send flowers to his wife. It is not impossible to get a seal. Continuing to speculate on this basis, he thinks If you hide things, you will definitely hide them where you can see them and monitor them all the time. Now almost everything about the lady has been burned, only the pure white rose that symbolizes the lady is still there, so he is likely to put the seal Hidden here, after all, the white rose is of great significance, so big that he would [kill] people for a rose."

    "Of course, he may also carry the seal on his body." Ruan Qiu dug down another shovel, "Anyway, I have to give it a try."

    The shovel caught in the mud suddenly made a crashing sound, and the movements of several people stopped at the same time.

    Ruan Qiu twisted the shovel in his hand, digging open the soil next to the other people's surprise, and took out the small iron box hidden in the soil, hanging on it Lock.

    Ye Xingyu was about to ask if he wanted to find the key, when he saw Ruan Qiu lift the shovel in his hand, knocked the small lock with a shovel, and opened the box.

    Inside the box is the complete seal.



    【Hahaha Bai Jinyao is really unlucky】

    [I thought Ruan Qiu would look for the key, but I didn't expect her to be so rude, so she just used a shovel to open the lock. 】

    [After watching this variety show, I really think that everyone misunderstood Ruan Qiu a lot before, anyway, I like her very much. 】

    【Are you going to open the door now? 】

    [Wait, I have a question, doesn’t this show say the shooting time is three days and two nights? It's only two days and one night, right? 】

    [Blind student, you found the Chinese dot. 】

    Ruan Qiu who got the key immediately stood up, took off his gloves, pushed open the door of the flower room, and led the people behind him to the door, ready to open the door and leave.

    Qi Yingying couldn't help but say: "Ruanruan, that, shall we go now?"

    "Well," Ruan Qiu stopped, wondering why Qi Yingying asked such a question, "Yes."

    "But," Qi Yingying whispered, "the show hasn't finished recording yet."

    The chief director of the backstage almost burst into tears, thinking with emotion that he has a reliable guest!

    "Ah." Only then did Ruan Qiu react, "Then let's stay here for another day."

    She just subconsciously acted according to the habit of the infinite flow world, because in the infinite flow dungeon, as long as the system task is completed, she can leave this dungeon at any time. Those who pass the level will choose to leave after completing the task, because no one knows whether they will encounter any danger if they stay, and no one wants to make fun of their own lives.

    But since this is just a recording location for a variety show, they have also found the murderer and the real seal, and the later time will definitely be safe. Ruan Qiu figured this out, handed the seal in his hand to Xue Wu, and said to him, "Master, here it is for you."


    【Come here, this **** ambiguous feeling! 】

      Love his heart! 】

    【How is the upstairs so earthy and sweet? 】

    The people who got the seal returned to the parlor again. The alcoholic was surrounded by the group and sat on the sofa, symbolically stuffing a clean cloth into their mouths. When he saw Xue Wu holding up the real seal on his hand, the drunkard made a series of "uuuuu" sounds, but no one paid any attention to him.

    Ye Xingyu pointed to the seal on Xue Wu's hand and said to the crowd: "This is the seal representing the identity of the owner of the manor and the key to open the door. We have identified the real murderer, he is now Hidden in the cellar in the basement!"

    The real seal has appeared, the group performers have changed their skeptical and sloppy attitude before, and even the movements of catching people are a lot easier, and they soon brought the gardener up.

    Seeing that the gardener with inconvenient legs was also pressed on the sofa, the drunkard's eyes were cracked.

    "In this incident, Ruan Qiu made the most contribution and maintained the safety of the manor." Xue Wu said slowly, "I am now exempting her from slavery, and from now on, She is the guest of the manor."

    Everyone looked up in surprise.

    The head maid's mood is particularly complicated. Ruan Qiu's performance in the show was so dazzling that other guests surrounded her. Even Qi Yingying, who had eyes above the top at the beginning, was now holding Ruan Qiu, and the actor Xue also made no secret of his partiality. Ruan Qiu is as annoying as the fans say.

    But... Yaya won't lie to them, how could such a kind person slander Ruan Qiu. The head maid's heart was swaying, and her reason and emotions were torn apart. In the end, she decided that she would continue to strive to be a group performer in the next issue and continue to observe Ruan Qiu!

    After listening to Xue Wu's words, Ruan Qiu had a momentary vigilance: Her identity as a passerby cannot be changed!

      Thank you Lord... thank you."

    [? Help is so sweet! Ruan Qiu looks so good when he smiles, woohoo! 】

    [The master is still the master, but the maid is no longer a servant, but his lover. 】

    [? Upstairs, why is it so good, teach me, teach me! I beg you! 】

    【However, why didn’t Xue Yingdi exempt Ruan Qiu from being a maid in the first place? 】


    【Love Jiang Yan fiercely again, he really has no chance of winning in this episode. 】

    The housekeeper Ye Xingyu then explained the case to the group performers, and also reminded everyone that these were inferred by Ruan Qiu and did not take the credit of Ruan Qiu. The audience responded to his performance are satisfied.

    The gardener sat on the sofa without saying a word, no matter how the people around him pressed him, he kept his mouth tightly shut. After listening to Ye Xingyu's words, he sneered and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't you all know, why are you still asking me?"

    This is an admission in disguise.

    "But they... no matter how guilty we are, you can't [kill] people in this way. It's not right." Qi Yingying frowned and said, "You can send us to the judge. ."

    "Oh." The gardener mocked in a low voice, "I'm afraid I will be [killed] by you before I leave this manor. Evil people like you are not worthy of appearing in Madam's manor, She won't take you to heaven either..."

    "You are brainwashed!" Qi Yingying said angrily, "There are no angels and no heaven in the world!"

    The gardener did not refute her words, closed his eyes as if he had not heard, and refused to communicate.

    Ruan Qiu shook her head from Qi Yingying, indicating that she and the other party couldn't make sense, and then let the other group performers take turns to watch over the gardeners and drunkards in the living room until the end of the show.

    The real murderer has emerged, has been controlled, the key has been found, and the guests can finally fall in love with peace of mind. The deputy director thought happily that their romantic variety show has finally returned to normal, so there must be more audiences now than before.

    The assistant director confidently opened the background, checked the real-time traffic, and was horrified to find that the traffic started to decline after Ruan Qiu and the others found the key and caught the gardener, and immediately took a sip of tea to suppress the shock.

    The chief director found his shock and said: "I told you, there must be a drawbridge effect, and the audience must eat the candy to get the heat, so that the candy is delivered to their mouths No, they have a saying that "candy is sweet only when you pick it out"."

    Associate Director: that so? !

    Without the support of the suspenseful plot and the threat of life safety, the guests all relaxed. Ye Xingyu and Qi Yingying chose to go to the study room to read and work alone, and Jiang Yan was taken to the kitchen to make lunch. Ruan Qiu originally wanted to go with her, but Xue Wu stopped her and did not give Jiang Yan anything to talk to her at all. Opportunity to be alone.

    Xue Wu invited her without revealing a trace: "Want to go for a walk?"

    [! Sisters, pay attention, there is a big candy here! 】

    【What is it? Please tell me sisters. 】

    [Remember when Bai Jinyao and Xue Wu left together at the beginning of the show, Xue Wu was a little impatient? Because Xue Wu once said in an interview that he likes a quiet walk alone. 】



     (knock the bowl)]

    Ruan Qiu thought about it and replied, "Okay."

    So Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu walked towards the door, Xue Wu took out the seal in his pocket and pressed it on the door lock.

    After a "click", the door lock was opened, Xue Wu put away the seal, pushed open the door, and walked towards the soft lawn with Ruan Qiu.

    Perceiving that Ruan Qiu was always half a step behind him, Xue Wu slowed down and walked side by side with Ruan Qiu on the green grass. Today is also a good day. The April sun is not scorching, but pours warmly from their sides, pulling the shadows of the two on the lawn, slowly approaching, and finally overlapping.

    【I’m really stunned, I can even drink shadows now. 】

    [To tell you the truth, so am I. 】

      I took a screenshot, I want to cherish it. 】

    [I don't even dare to think about how I will live after the variety show ends, they are closed, I will really cry...]

    [? Don't say such things! They will definitely last forever! 】

      Confused, I thought I had entered the wrong studio.

    The two horses fluttered their tails leisurely on the grass, Xue Wu turned to ask her, "Want to ride a horse?"

    Ruan Qiu hesitated for a moment: "No need."

    It's still a little dangerous.

    【Very well, Ruan Qiu, a woman who rejected Xue Wu three times. 】

    【Hahahaha what, why do you even remember this kind of thing! 】

    [Damn, I still want to see Xue Yingdi and Ruan Qiu ride a horse together (the little face turns yellow)]

    "I thought you would want to ride." Xue Wu had no special reaction when he was rejected. He noticed that Ruan Qiu was in a state of plain makeup now, and he probably didn't even apply sunscreen, so he suggested, " Would you like to sit under the tree?"

    Ruan Qiu glanced at Xue Wu, thinking that even a high-level vampire can't stay in the sun for too long, he nodded according to Xue Wu's meaning: "Okay."

    This tree is very old, with luxuriant foliage and great shade, and it is not crowded for two people to sit.

    There was a polite distance between Xue Wu and Ruan Qiu. They quietly listened to the rustling of the leaves. Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

    Xue Wu leaned against the tree trunk. He hadn't had such a relaxing moment for a long time. He raised his hand to cover the sunlight that leaked from the leaves and sprinkled on his eyes, and asked Ruan Qiu softly: "go?"

    Ruan Qiu turned his head: "Huh? Have you gone back?"


    Xue Wu looked at her absentmindedly and thought, with such a gorgeous face, why is her eyes so good?

    Being so good... I can't help but want to see her being annoyed.

    Feeling that his emotions were on the verge of being out of control again, Xue Wu suppressed the bad desire for destruction that came out of his bones, and eliminated all those who wanted her to cry, and wanted her to fall into the abyss with him. Thinking, put on the gentle gentleman's coat at the beginning of the show, put down the hand covering his forehead and said to her, "Not going back."

    "Leaving the manor." Xue Wu smiled and said something that made the chief director collapse, "Do you want to go home early to rest? Anyway, everyone is safe now, they can come out anytime they want, It's okay for us to go first."

    This episode is no longer interesting. Staying with Ruan Qiu will make him feel a lot better, but he can't guarantee that if this continues, he will not do anything outrageous to her. He needs to return Go there and calm down.

    Ruan Qiu thought about the soft bed at home, the timetable for not getting up early, and the fun mobile phone, nodded and said, "Okay."

    Xue Wu is right, everyone is safe anyway, and her main quest has been completed.

    Xue Wu stretched out his hand, gently pulled up Ruan Qiu, and then walked side by side with her along the way he came to the manor.

    [It's an elopement! This is an elopement! 】

      Now who dares to say they are not real? ! 】

    【The teacher upstairs is really good at nibbling woo, the previous master × maid said "No matter how colorful the surroundings are, how many people come and go, he only looks at her" The famous saying is also what you said, right! 】

    【The God of CP! Kneel down to my wife! 】

    [They are real! They are getting married tonight! 】

    The chief director of the backstage covered his face again: ...Xue Wu, what's the matter with you!

    He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't think that Xue Wu, who had always been modest and seemed very obedient, would kidnap Ruan Qiu and leave the manor, so that the program could not go on.

    The chief director choked and instructed the staff: "The filming team has finished filming, and we will quickly make the tidbits in the later stage. Remember to release my original script. You go and pick up the two people who ran out, Let them come and choose the exciting guests of this issue, as well as the group performances, let's go."

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