
  Chapter 997 Crazy Sword Cultivator

Why does she know Charming Technique? This speaking of which is really not complicated, she knows it is more reasonable.

"You forgot, who killed the broken red door! How could I not leave anything behind when I caught so many Elders from the broken red door? You are not good at learning, Cang Ge’s state is clearly just some simple reaction, you actually think that you have succeeded, you are really stupid!"

Xiao Guoguo said that, Du Fei'er didn't even have the strength to hate. Up.

She is inferior to this woman, and that Charming Technique, Xiao Guoguo just got a little understanding and saw that Cang Ge was inappropriate. As for her, she didn't know until now that she was still awakened by someone, how sad it is!

"Cang Ge does this, it seems to be bound to you! Haha, you kill me, anyway, you will not end well!"

After Du Fei'er finished saying this, Xiao Guoguo sighed: "You think it's good. It hurt us so miserably, and you died thinking about it so happy?"

Xiao Guoguo just said this. After falling, Du Fei'er shook, what she wanted to do!

"What are you going to do!" Du Fei'er trembled all over, Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"Are you now the cultivation base of Divine Transformation Stage?" Xiao Guoguo looked at Du Fei'er with contempt in his eyes.

A Nascent Soul Stage, who despises a Divine Transformation Stage, if you see this, you have to feel crazy.

However, Xiao Guoguo used absolute battle strength to prevent Du Fei'er from speaking out.

"Yes. So what!" Du Fei'er didn't know what Xiao Guoguo was thinking, he didn't know, Xiao Guoguo's hands were cruel.

"It's okay, just use everything."

Xiao Guoguo said, grabbing Du Fei'er's shoulder, Du Fei'er wanted to resist, but Xiao Guoguo's Her fist was like iron, she couldn't open it, but she felt as if she was about to fly.

She actually threw her away! How dare she do this! What is she going to do?

However, in the next moment, Du Fei'er understood, because she felt the lightning hit her whole body.

"no! Xiao Guoguo!" Du Fei'er roared angrily, and she was thrown into the tribulation thunder.

Now the Transcending Tribulation is Wei Feng. If she is thrown in, she will be regarded as interfering with Transcending Tribulation. Those who interfere with Transcending Tribulation will naturally be punished, and Du Fei'er was struck by lightning. The level of lightning is much higher than Wei Feng's tribulation thunder.

"Ah!" A scream, that is the result of Du Fei'er being punished by the tribulation thunder.

"Use everything to the full, and use waste." Xiao Guoguo said, no longer paid attention to Du Fei'er, she won't die so easily. When the Wei Feng Transcending Tribulation is over, we will go back and calculate the ledger!

Wei Feng was taken aback, he really didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo would be so. He had thought of starting to carry the magic weapon and medicine pill behind, but now it seems that this magic weapon and medicine pill can be saved.

Wei Feng watched the tribulation thunder all moved towards Du Fei'er, she carried the tribulation thunder with a look of lovelessness, and even had to take out the magic weapon to save her life. For some reason, Wei Feng felt refreshed and in a good mood.

This woman, who caused so much trouble for them, is now paying the bill. Seeing the enemy being hit by thunder and lightning, this mood is not so good.

"By the way, younger sister and Young Master Pan also need Transcending Tribulation, otherwise, let her help." Wei Feng said this, watching Du Fei'er ruin another magic weapon , Sneered in my heart.

Xiao Guoguo no longer pays attention to Du Fei'er. She looks at Chi Xuan. Now Chi Xuan is different from when he entered the Secret Realm. At that time, the Chi Xuan Senior Brother was just ascending to Early-Stage, facing the Cangge daoist, only to escape.

However, Chi Xuan Senior Brother now has enough ability to protect itself. His Sword Art is superb. He has become a sword cultivator and can even compete with Cangge Daoist.

However, even so, Xiao Guoguo can see that if it weren't for the Salamander's help, Chi Xuan Senior Brother would have been defeated now.

However, Xiao Guoguo is just laughed and not worried. Because Chi Xuan Senior Brother couldn't beat that Cangge daoist, the body refinement and sword array training during this period also made him resist a lot and he was completely able to protect himself.

And, if they really can't beat them, they can still run!

To put it ugly, Li Senior Brother Jian is there. If it is really dangerous, they can lead Cang Ge into the cave and let Li Senior Brother Jian deal with him!

However, Chi Xuan Senior Brother did not do so, which shows that he has dealt with it.

Moreover, Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, his expression was firm and Sword Art was sharp, others might not understand it, but Xiao Guoguo knew that Chi Xuan was treating Cangge as a sharpening knife stone!

Their sword cultivator needs a whetstone. Every enemy is a whetstone. If they survive, they have completed the First Transformation! Now, Chi Xuan Senior Brother is trying himself.

So... sword cultivator is definitely a self-abuse industry! At this moment, Xiao Guoguo in the heart sighed, they were sighed by Li Senior Brother Jian.

In the past, I encountered this situation, for the same sect, for the friend, I had to work hard even if I was unable to. However, I can't help but feel a little sad in my heart.

But now, they are desperate for the same, but they are stunned by the illusion that these enemies are all whetstones. And there is a life and death battle with the enemy, which is the feeling of taking advantage of yourself.

This is the same thing, why is there such a change in mentality? It is because they are now sword cultivators.

So, the sword cultivator is the person who makes the entire cultivation world a headache, someone who wants to fight with you if nothing is wrong, and someone who will thank you after doing so! Just ask if you are afraid!

Chi Xuan’s Sword Art is superb, and sword qi is even more overbearing. Before this, Cang Ge Daoist also wanted to use his superb acting skills to cover one or two, take Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo away, and pour dirty water on Du Fei'er.

If someone asks in the future, they will say that they are controlled by Du Fei'er.

However, with the battle with Chi Xuan, Cangge daoist became more and more surprised. how can that be possible! How did Chi Xuan do it? In a few years, he turned from a magic cultivator to a sword cultivator.

This is really painful, sword cultivator, that's a bunch of crazy!

It is impossible to take people away intact, and he has a kind of intuition. If he doesn't show true strength now, I'm afraid it will be fatal.

So, under Chi Xuan's step by step, he saw Cangge Daoist's complexion changed, his aura gradually improved, and his attack was not only improved by a little bit.

"hmph hum, this can't help showing the original face. What is said to be affected by the Charming Technique, it is clearly a shameless plot against people!"

Xiao As Guoguo said, the people of Thousand Mountain Sect who were playing against Master Li Dan almost lost their spirits.

Everything is in front of you, what else is there to say, this Cang Ge, it turns out that it is really a disguise! He just wants them to help clear the obstacles.

Du Fei'er is a chess piece and a slut, it hurt them so badly!

(End of this chapter)

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