
  Chapter 995 Anti-killing

This Transcending Tribulation Stage cultivator is located far away from Xiao Guoguo, However, it is very close to Du Fei'er. She seemed to hear the man's cry for help, and she seemed to feel the flame stinging her skin.

No, this is not an illusion, it is really the temperature of a flame!

What is the origin of this huge burning monster beast? How could it kill a Transcending Tribulation Stage cultivator with one paw!

And that originally stayed in Du Fei'er side Integration Stage cultivator, it was still smart, and the moment the salamander appeared, he ran away quickly.

When the Salamander appeared, the old man of Integration Stage knew that he was not the opponent of this monster beast, it was better to escape! However, where the Salamander didn't give him such a chance, with a flick of his huge tail, he drew the man back!

These scenes happened too fast, Elder Feng simply didn’t react. By the time he understood, Xiao Guoguo had already got together with the Transcending Tribulation Stage, and the Salamander was battling the old man of the Integration Stage. Filmed on the ground.

It is very willing to slap this Integration Stage cultivator to death, but when I think that if I slap this guy to death, I have to help Chi Xuan fight. The other party is still a Level 1 fairy. Not very willing.

However, Xiao Guoguo was furious when he saw this scene. This guy is not obedient at all.

'Deduct your ration! 'Xiao Guoguo said this in his mind, and the salamander's body trembled.

Then it quickly threw the old man of the Integration Stage fiercely into the air, slapped it in the air, and the flame was like a wind, with amazing power, it directly shot the Elder to the opposite mountain. Inside, it is estimated that I can't find it back.

Everyone: "..." This monster beast is too powerful.

Du Fei'er climbed up and stood up, she only now knows how powerful Xiao Guoguo is! When did she receive such a monster beast again!

Du Fei'er was going to run, just when Xiao Guoguo was playing against the man in the Transcending Tribulation Stage.

She doesn't want to die! No one is protecting her now, if Xiao Guoguo wins, he will kill her backhand!

However, Xiao Guoguo did not look at Du Fei'er, it does not mean that no one looked at her, Mo Yu looked at fatty, fatty looked at Wangcai, three monster beasts stopped Du Fei'er In the middle.

"Is this woman always making trouble for her master?" Mo Yu asked, fatty nodded.

"It's not a good thing. I think I have brought the heroine halo. I always jump out to death like this!" Fatty said very heartily, but after seeing how powerful Salamander is, Du Fei'er said that he didn't dare to deal with the fatty.

She was shocked by the salamander killing two powerful cultivators one after another. She thought that a few fattys were also extremely powerful monster beasts.

"Then kill it." Mo Yu finished saying that, without hesitation at all, he was about to start.

"Wait, let the master do it yourself, otherwise, how can the bad breath in the master's heart come out?" Fatty persuaded that, and Mo Yu felt somewhat reasonable.

"Okay, then do what you mean." Mo Yu reluctantly agreed.

And Wangcai from start to finish didn't speak, it just stared at Du Fei'er. If Du Fei'er had any idea of ​​running away, it would attack immediately.

This woman, but caused a lot of trouble to the owner, this time I can't let her go!

Du Fei'er was very desperate, and only hoped that Cang Ge Daoist could come back quickly and save her life.

On Xiao Guoguo's side, the battle has ended, although the opponent is the cultivation base of the Transcending Tribulation Stage, it cost Xiao Guoguo hundreds of sword qi. However, because of the fear in the opponent's heart, he felt that Xiao Guoguo would kill him sooner or later regardless of winning or losing, so he lost his fighting spirit.

An opponent without fighting spirit is the easiest to defeat.

Xiao Guoguo saw that this side was cleaned up and looked up at Wei Feng. At this moment, Wei Feng's Thunder Tribulation has just begun, and it only looks like a lot of things, Xiao Guoguo slightly smiled.

Wei Feng's expression warmed. He had been watching Xiao Guoguo's situation, and seeing her safe and sound, he felt fiercely sighed in relief. From Wei Feng's point of view, the other players are quite capable, but Xiao Guoguo is the only one, which is simply scary.

But who would have thought that it would end up like this. Junior Sister Xiao is powerful, and he is surrounded by a powerful and strange Spirit Beast. She still guarded them, guarded Wei Ling and the dísciple.

And fortunately, she is fine too!

Wei Feng's heart calmed down and continued Transcending Tribulation. In the previous Thunder Tribulation, he resisted hard, and simply didn't have the mind to plan well, and finally suffered a lot of injuries. Now, for the sake of my own life, it's time to do Transcending Tribulation.

And Xiao Guoguo turned his head and glanced at Wenwen, Wenwen seemed not to lose the wind at all. Because of strong as an ox, the opponent who hits the opponent covered head and sneaked away like a rat!

Xiao Guoguo: "..." It's worthy of text, this battle strength, leverage.

Wenwen doesn't need to worry about her, then only Chi Xuan Senior Brother should be extra careful.

Chi Xuan is now playing against the daoist of Cangge. Obviously, Chi Xuan is also at a loss. Although there are not many scars on his body, there is blood on the corner of his mouth, and Xiao Guoguo's heart is tight when he is watching.

Of course, the image of the Cangge daoist at this moment is not very good. The sword marks on the whole body and the clothes are broken, which looks very embarrassed.

Although Cangge daoist is a Level 1 fairy, Chi Xuan’s cultivation base plus Sword Art unexpectedly increased his cultivation base during his ascension period.

'sword cultivator! It is really a terrifying existence, and it makes people feel trembling in fear more than the body cultivator! This Chi Xuan is Flying Immortal Sect dísciple, when did they become another powerful sword cultivator! Cangge daoist muttered in his heart, but couldn't figure out how.

When Xiao Guoguo saw such a scene, he sneered, and watched that the two were on a par with Chi Xuan Sword Art. Fortunately, they also have salamanders.

Although this guy is a bit delicious and lazy, he is very reliable when fighting! It was originally a monster beast to ascend, and its strength was extraordinary.

Because of Salamander’s help, the pressure on this Cangge Daoist is even greater! He couldn't think of it, where did this salamander come from?

"You'd better not move." Xiao Guoguo said softly, Du Fei'er, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to break through and escape, didn't dare to move.

She thought that Xiao Guoguo had been watching Chi Xuan all the time, and she hadn't seen her small movements at all. She didn't think she was looking at herself all the time!

Du Fei'er who does not have Spirit Beast naturally cannot understand. When Spirit Beasts look at her, it is equivalent to Xiao Guoguo looking at her. Xiao Guoguo can see her every move clearly.

Just like the Cangge daoist today, Xiao Guoguo can see his every move more clearly, because the salamanders are fighting against him.

Through the salamander, Xiao Guoguo carefully observed the Cangge daoist, not only his attacks, spells, but also his current state.

After reading Cangge daoist carefully, Xiao Guoguo smiled coldly.

This Cangge daoist is really wily old fox, not only playing Du Fei'er to the applause, but also deceiving the people of Thousand Mountain Sect.

"You are really stupid." Xiao Guoguo said while looking at Du Fei'er like this, Du Fei'er trembling with anger. She used this look and tone to speak to her again, why is she Xiao Guoguo!

(End of this chapter)

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