
  Chapter 990 dísciple Transcending Tribulation

Xiao Guoguo does not have a giant sword in his own hands, but this array of Yes, Xiao Guoguo fell in love with the hurricane. The hurricane wanted to resist. However, with Xiaojin on the side to help, Xiao Guoguo still held the hurricane in his hand.

"You behave, after I learn this Sword Art, I will let you go back. Otherwise, I will let the salamander throw you into the molten pool. The temperature will make you uncomfortable."

Xiao Guoguo's words fell. The long sword in his hand seemed to understand her words and didn't dare to struggle anymore. Obediently let Xiao Guoguo use it to practice Sword Art.

Sword Art is a pass through Belden. Although Xiao Guoguo is not a sword technique expert, there is still hope for painting a scoop according to bottle gourd.

After a while, Xiao Guoguo's Sword Art, even if it hasn't reached the point of comprehending the essence of Li Jian, is considered Full Mastery. Moreover, the hurricane can now follow Xiao Guoguo's heart and show more than a thousand sword qi.

In this way, watching Xiao Guoguo enter the sword array every day, and when he comes out, not only is not tired, but also refreshed, Li Jian is very curious, what is going on!

He didn't know that Xiao Guoguo not only comprehended his sword intent, but also learned his Sword Art, and even the other sword intents on the Sect Lord Token were also part of the comprehended.

These sword intents are all left by those senior experts. It is not easy for Xiao Guoguo to comprehend part of it in such a short period of time.

And these also gave Xiao Guoguo a preliminary understanding of the sword intent in her heart, but she did not make a hasty decision to choose her own sword intent. Rather, I am constantly comprehending, wanting to go with the flow, looking for my heart.

In this way, three months later, Xiao Guoguo is still working hard to comprehend sword intent, and within the Cave Mansion at this moment, Wei Feng suddenly opened his eyes, looking outside, his robbery Clouds are forming.

"Elder, I'm going to Transcending Tribulation." Wei Feng said so, Elder Feng was taken aback and reacted.

"Oh, okay, okay, I'll accompany you." Elder Feng said, looking at the other people sitting in the cave, there are five dísciples here, they are all attacking Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation.

Originally, Elder Feng wanted everyone to wait for Transcending Tribulation. After all, their time is up and it's time to leave Secret Realm. However, after waiting for several months, no one came to sect, and the disciplines couldn't help it.

Seeing that I can't get out for the time being, and with the Li Dan Master and Qingyun daoist guarantee and protect, everyone can rest assured of Transcending Tribulation. Therefore, Wei Feng and several people want to take this opportunity to concentrate on Transcending Tribulation, so that they can save some effort when taking care of them.

"I'll go with you." Master Li Dan said and stood up. He knew the importance of these dísciples to Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, so he naturally had to take care of them.

"many thanks daoist." Wei Feng is very grateful. He knows what Li Dan is Master, but there is no need to care for him in Transcending Tribulation.

"You are welcome, just concentrate on Transcending Tribulation." Master Li Dan finished speaking and took Elder Feng and Wei Feng out.

The place for Transcending Tribulation has long been selected. Master Li Dan has arranged the array so that Wei Feng can quietly Transcending Tribulation, and monster beast dare not approach it.

And he and Elder Feng are watching over. If there is any emergency, he will have time to make a move.

It's just Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, even if he directly helps Transcending Tribulation, he doesn't hurt.

"Many thanks Master." Elder Feng said very gratefully, Li Dan Master laughed.

"You don't have to say these kind words between you, master and disciple. I know you are very caring for these children and have a deep friendship. I naturally have to take care of them."

At this moment, Wei Feng has given up distracting thoughts and sat in the array. He has prepared enough. Over the years, he has worked hard to hone himself for this day.

He still remembers that when Xiao Guoguo Transcending Tribulation, with his own strength, he carried all the tribulation thunder. He dare not say that he has such ability, but he has to keep catching up with Junior Sister Xiao, and he can't fall behind too much.

When the first Dao Tribulation thunder fell, the entire Secret Realm was attracted.

The white clothed man looked at the direction of the tribulation thunder and suddenly realized. By the way, he should go to the group of dísciple and wait. If they haven't left yet, that girl will find them sooner or later!

Such a simple truth, how did he only want to understand it now? It wasted such a long time! After the white clothed man wanted to understand, he quickly moved towards tribulation thunder.

At this moment, Du Fei'er who has entered Flying Immortal Sect Secret Realm suddenly raised his head. Is that tribulation thunder?

"That direction! That direction!" Du Fei'er smiled, they were really good luck, and they found it all at once.

"Are you sure? The level of tribulation thunder is not high." Someone asked, Du Fei'er coldly snorted, what do they know!

Within Flying Immortal Sect Secret Realm, such Transcending Tribulation must be the group of dísciples!

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan have never been separated from those dísciples. When you find them, you also find Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan!

They have been here for one day, and they were still thinking about how to find them. It's good now, this tribulation thunder points the way for them!

"Come with me, you can't go wrong!" Du Fei'er said, heading in the direction of the tribulation thunder. They are closer to the tribulation thunder!

Xiao Guoguo didn't feel much movement, they were underground after all, but Xiao Guoguo still felt that the voice was a bit familiar.

"Could it be that someone is in Transcending Tribulation?" Xiao Guoguo couldn't sit still when he thought about it this way. In addition to Wenwen, there were Wei Feng and several people outside.

But in the recent information, no one mentioned Transcending Tribulation to her, Xiao Guoguo was a little uneasy. Is it possible for Wei Feng to hide from themselves Transcending Tribulation?

Of course there is! Who can you ask about this matter? Only Wenwen will tell her the truth.

Xiao Guoguo hurriedly passed the news of jade slip to Wenwen, and sure enough, it didn't take long for Wenwen to get the news back. It turned out that Wei Feng was in Transcending Tribulation. Next, Wei Ling and Young Master Pan were preparing for Transcending Tribulation.

Xiao Guoguo froze for a moment, she was a little entangled in her heart, is she continuing the comprehend sword intent here, or go out?

"What's the matter, it depends on how you feel at ease." Li Jian asked, seeing Xiao Guoguo's face not very good.

"Nothing, my friend is in Transcending Tribulation, I want to go out and have a look." Xiao Guoguo said so, Li Jian slightly smiled, and Divine Consciousness was released to see what was going on.

"It turns out that you two are not the only ones who come in, there are really a lot of people." Li Sword God's knowledge is naturally much stronger than Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and everyone can be seen clearly by him.

"He has an expert watching him, I don’t think you should worry about it." Li Jian naturally hopes that Xiao Guoguo stays in the sword array. Seeing that Li Dan Master is there, he thinks Xiao Guoguo can’t go out. There is no difference.

"Besides, you are not at a high level, how can you help?" Li Jian said with a smile, Xiao Guoguo didn't want to answer this kind of question.

"Spiritual encouragement, do you know?" Xiao Guoguo snorted, replied that way.

Li Jian: "..." This is the first time he heard that there is such encouragement, do you know?

"Hey, who are they?" Li Jian's Divine Consciousness swept a little away, and frowned fiercely. He didn't pay attention to the outside during this period. When did he come in with a few Stinking Insect?

(End of this chapter)

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