
  Chapter 987 Sword intent

How much the peak power of this continent is, they don’t say it is clear in their hearts Chu, it's not bad either.

In each Secret Realm of sect, there are several Old Guys hidden, they are the confidence of sect.

If they can take this opportunity to kill a few Old Guys in Flying Immortal Sect's Secret Realm, then sooner or later they can find a chance to take down this Secret Realm.

They are all savvy guys, Du Fei'er just mentioned the beginning, they think a lot, just about to destroy the Flying Immortal Sect on this plane directly.

In the end, all this will be counted on Cangge daoist.

Cangge Daoist is a loose cultivator, which is the Old Ancestor of Sect. They know it, at most they are hunting him down and avenging the dísciple below. What else!

Are there two more Level 1 sects, are they really fighting? That's just a few or even a dozen sect battles, and the number of participants may even exceed one million!

For a few dísciples, any small sect is unwilling to get to this level.

Therefore, they have spotted this opportunity and want to reap the greatest benefit, both for themselves and for sect.

A few Elders from Thousand Mountain Sect, sitting together, holding Spirit Stone in their hands, and medicine pill in their mouths... It looks a bit miserable, but it just works.

Even if the array is destroyed like this, it will take a certain amount of time. If it goes well, maybe three to five months, if it doesn’t go well, one or two years is possible.

This array was set by the former Sect Old Ancestors, so it is so easy to break.

However, the protection function of this array was not high at the beginning. Therefore, it would be good for them to keep the array open for a period of time.

Of course, it’s best if you can get the Flying Immortal Sect token, but in order not to leave a trace and not let Flying Immortal Sect trouble them, you can only use this stupidest method Up.


Xiao Guoguo doesn’t know that danger is coming. During this time, she feels that the spiritual power she can absorb is increasing. The size is still increasing.

The sword qi in her body has reached more than 980, Xiao Guoguo is very excited, thinking that in another two or three days, this second test will even pass.

And during this period, Chi Xuan Senior Brother has been insisting on the three layers of the sword array for longer and longer. She is really curious, what is in these three layers?

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo is more diligent. In the past few days, he would only come out when he was forced to the extreme point without any spare capacity.

And at this speed, Xiao Guoguo soon ushered in the third layer sword array, just because he was too excited to pass through the barriers this time, he gave it to him if he didn't hold it back.

I still want to hone my sword qi in the second test for a while, Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, that's it! At that moment, there was a slight disappointment.

This is really... so strange!

But, there is no way, since it's the third test, she will fight. Anyway, although she only took out one thousand sword qi to break into the sword array, her true strength is two thousand.

"So, the little bitch of the third test, I am hiding the attribute!" Xiao Guoguo said, looking at the third test expectantly, and then she was dumbfounded.

The first test is a hundred swords, and the second test is a hundred more powerful swords. Why does it shrink into a sword when it comes to the third test? This is not appropriate!

"Weng weng weng!" That Baojian made this sound, as if talking with Xiao Guoguo.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Li Senior Brother Jian, you are playing too much!

However, Xiao Guoguo hadn't reacted yet, he saw the huge sword move and attacked her quickly. Xiao Guoguo dare not take anything lightly, this giant sword looks extraordinary!

The sword in Xiao Guoguo's hand, when he saw the huge long sword, the fighting intent was immediately ignited, and it trembled in Xiao Guoguo's hand.

Xiao Guoguo can feel that the sword in her hand, Xiaojin, is not afraid, but excited!

As for Xiaojin's name, I don't need to mention it. The long spear of silver is called Yinshuang, what is the name of the golden sword, can't it be called golden sword! I called Xiaojin!

Xiao Guoguo feels Xiao Jin’s battle awareness, and thinks it deserves to be given by Senior Brother. This is a sword. So, she will see how long she can hold on!

Xiao Guoguo thought so, a thousand sword qi without the slightest hesitation was swayed out.

The rays of light with a thousand expressions make people unable to open their eyes. However, the huge long sword on the opposite side suddenly supported himself with something like a protective barrier.

Then, Qiandao sword light, all landed.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Are you still a sword?

However, Xiao Guoguo did not expect that this was not over yet, the huge long sword backhand gave her a thousand sword light, and it was stronger than the thousand just now.

Xiao Guoguo didn't dare to hesitate for a moment. The colorful Nascent Soul started to fight back immediately. This time, the entire sword array shook.

Outside, Li Jian looked at the sword array and was taken aback. Didn't expect Xiao Guoguo not only to break through two layers this time, but also to make such a big movement, which is not very scientific!

"This girl, it's really weird. When Chi Xuan went in, he didn't hold on for so long." Li Jian finished, laughed, and he has a good vision. This is the Sword Sect Sect Master of choice. ,really not bad.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo is also depressed, because she has released two thousand sword qi, the spiritual power in her body is only enough to release it again.

However, the long sword stopped attacking and stopped, looking at her as if thinking about something.

At the same time, Xiao Guoguo saw a small silver sword, which floated out from behind the long sword.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Are you a family?

"weng weng weng?" The huge long sword made a sound again, and Xiao Guoguo was helpless. She really didn't understand.

But, at this time, the little gold in her hand actually quit, it flew out of Xiao Guoguo's hand violently, and, apart from anything else, it was a burst of slashing at the huge long sword!

Xiao Guoguo: "..." These two swords had enemies before, right?

However, what makes people didn't expect is that the long sword doesn't even fight, but keeps giving in. Xiao Guoguo has a toothache! How can it feel that Xiaojin is chasing after the unsuccessful?

At this time, the little sword with silver rays of light suddenly arrived in front of Xiao Guoguo. To be honest, Xiao Guoguo feels that if he hadn't reacted quickly, or if he had entered a meticulous mode at the time, it would have been cold now!

She watched the little sword arrive in front of her, watched it pierce her mind, watched it kill her!

This cunning little thing wants to take advantage of his distraction and surprise!

Looking at its palm-size, who would have thought that it would seem to have an idea, and it would take the initiative to attack!

(End of this chapter)

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