
  Chapter 983 Suppression

"It’s okay, it’s okay, just take that medicinal bath, trust me, Just a moment!" When Li Jian said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at him, and then coldly smiled.

"Our sect medicinal bath should be called, it can cure all diseases! Sword wounds, bruises, internal injuries and traumatic injuries, as long as you go down the bubble, it will be good? Sword Sect dísciple Poor, it doesn't matter if you get hurt. Sect has been prepared for a while. Just soak in the medicinal bath. You can seize the time in the second day and continue to abuse." In a word from Xiao Guoguo, Li Jian suffered a pain in his chest.

They sect this medicinal bath is so magical! Specifically for sect disciple, various injuries that may occur during training are configured.

However, when Xiao Guoguo said so, how does it feel as if sect has specially prepared a healing medicine bath in order to abuse dísciple?

"What nonsense? This is the result of how many Old Senior sect learned from experience and lessons! As the beneficiaries, how can you talk like that!"

Li Jian sullen his face With that said, Xiao Guoguo's expression tightened.

She didn't think the medicinal bath was bad, she just watched Chi Xuan get injured, and Li Senior Brother Jian still looks nothing at the worst, so she couldn't help but want to fuck him.

"Senior Brother said, I will take him back." Xiao Guoguo suddenly died down and took Chi Xuan away, which made Li Jian very uncomfortable. What's wrong with this girl?

Xiao Guoguo took Chi Xuan away, and she also felt that she was too much. However, having said that, this Sword Sect is really cruel to dísciple, all kinds of training, there is almost no injury, medicated bath, that is a remedy, for fear that dísciple will be abandoned by training.

However, she also understands in her heart that only after bitter hardships, can be better than others, especially the cultivator. Normally, if you don’t practice well, if you encounter an enemy, you are waiting to die. Therefore, Sword Sect is so understandable, but Chi Xuan's injury caused her confusion.

"Junior Sister, I'm fine." Chi Xuan's voice was a little weak, Xiao Guoguo's heart tightened, and he held him into the room, took off his coat, and stepped directly into the medicated bath .

But Xiao Guoguo was still worried. He took out another medicine for the injury and let Chi Xuan swallow it. Then he looked at him, adjusted his breath and meditated, and healed his injuries.

Xiao Guoguo knew that it was useless to look at it by himself, but he still waited a full two hours before he left until Chi Xuan ruddy complexion, it seemed that there was nothing to hinder him.

Seeing Xiao Guoguo leave, Chi Xuan slowly opened his eyes with a gentle smile on his face. He did not expect that Xiao Guoguo would be so worried about his injury this time.

"Don't look, they are gone. tsk tsk, I really didn't see it, Chi Xuan Junior Brother, you are so cunning." Li Jian stood at the door watching the excitement, whispered.

"What did Senior Brother say? I didn't understand." Chi Xuan looked at Li Jian with an open face, and Li Jian shook his head.

"Okay, don't look like you don't know anything. Even your little tricks can only be hidden from Junior Sister, but you can't hide it from me. In love, it's okay to use a little trick It’s just fun. But you have to be careful, women are small-minded and caressed. These little tricks are used too much, so that she can see that they are not beautiful."

Li Jian, after that, she turned around. After leaving, Chi Xuan's face was dark, and he understood in his heart that what Li Jian said had some truth. Even more how, with Li Jian as a lesson learned, I should be more careful.

In order to let Junior Sister take care of him, he used spiritual power to inflict injuries on himself. If Junior Sister knew about it, he would be angry, right? After all, Junior Sister has such a straightforward temper.

Chi Xuan sighed, who was still a serious person, suddenly became concerned about gains and losses.

Xiao Guoguo entered the sword array two layers, and she is now full of curiosity about the third layer of the sword array. However, Xiao Guoguo knew in her heart that with her current ability, it was not enough to enter the third layer.

Although Nascent Soul can create sword qi, Xiao Guoguo is unwilling to obscure his true strength. She has to rely on her own ability to pass these two layers!

So, even if she is now able to deal with more than 900 sword qi with ease, and even harder, she may break through two layers at any time and enter three layers. However, Xiao Guoguo did not do this, instead, he is constantly training himself to increase his sword qi!

She wants to be the same as Chi Xuan Senior Brother, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of injury, what they are after is the road of powerhouse after all!


So, after another year, the sword qi that Xiao Guoguo can make has increased to more than 800, and Nascent Soul can also make it for her There are more than eight hundred sword qi, which is a total of one thousand six hundred.

But Xiao Guoguo didn't have breakthrough sword array two layers, but was looking for ways to increase the aura in his dantian and reduce the consumption of spiritual power by sword qi.

To increase revenue and reduce expenditure, while doing it at the same time, has some effect.

Xiao Guoguo's current thousand or six hundred sword qis, even if they are used instantly, will not completely deplete the spiritual power in their body, but will retain some for life-saving use.

As for her current cultivation base, she has to break through Nascent Soul and enter the Astral Projection Stage, but she has been suppressing it all the time.

In Secret Realm, Transcending Tribulation is not a good choice. Besides, they are still underground now, surrounded by molten slurry.

Xiao Guoguo always thinks, as long as she holds it again, she holds it again, maybe she can do a thousand sword qi at the Nascent Soul Stage.

I don’t know the meaning of doing this. However, Xiao Guoguo just feels that he will brag with the disciples and disciples in the future, which is very face-conscious.

"Back then, you Master and I, Nascent Soul Stage could release a thousand sword qi! No! Speaking of which seriously, it is two thousand sword qi!"

Xiao When Guoguo thought about the scene, he felt very cool inexplicably. She would never say that she was worried about Transcending Tribulation within Secret Realm, which was too risky and interfered with Chi Xuan.

Of course, she can also go out Transcending Tribulation, at least it is safer to go outside the cave. However, she is reluctant to bear this sword array, who knows whether she will retreat after this Transcending Tribulation!

In case of retreat, a ten-year period of failure, this Senior Brother has passed the sword array three layers, and she is still securing the cultivation base!

So, she endured, Xiao Guoguo continuously compressed the spiritual power sucked into the body, turned it into spiritual power droplets, and fell into the spiritual power lake, and the area of ​​the spiritual power lake is constantly increasing .

Every time when Xiao Guoguo has a kind of Transcending Tribulation, she meditates whenever she can't help it. In his own space, use Xiyue Clock to slow down the time and wait for that feeling to pass.

And at the beginning, that feeling will come anytime. It's like eating and sleeping as often.

For example, when you eat delicious things, think of delicious things, and see delicious things,...So later, Xiao Guoguo destroyed all the snacks stored in his storage bag. It was dropped, one can imagine how distressed she was.

And all this is so incredible in Li Jian's eyes. He is very surprised, Xiao Guoguo should be Transcending Tribulation tomorrow, why is there no movement at all on his body?

"Junior Sister Xiao, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with the fluctuation of spiritual power on your body?" Li Jian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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