
  Chapter 980 Conversion of sword heart

Life and Death Sword, because neither Chi Xuan nor Xiao Guoguo can pull it out When he came out, Li Jian took the charge and inserted the pair of swords on the rock again. Saying when they passed through the sword array and when to give them again is also an incentive.

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan everyday all can see the pair of swords, but neither of them moved. They knew in their hearts that it was not the time yet.

After that, Chi Xuan madly broke into the sword array every day. Before that, he might break into the word array once a day, but now, he can break into the word array twice in a day. .

Although every time I came out, it was riddled with scars that made people feel distressed, but the cultivation base also improved very quickly, especially the sword qi, which has reached more than 900.

Xiao Guoguo understands that it will not take long for Chi Xuan to pass the second test.

She is not in a hurry. After all, she has a shortcut. Her own sword qi can release more than 400 channels at a time, and the sword qi of Nascent Souls can also release more than 400 channels. , In other words, rounded up, the total is about the same as Chi Xuan.

However, she was not a real sword qi, so Xiao Guoguo couldn't help feeling guilty. She is not ready to pass the second test easily, and is working hard every day. When the body reaches the limit, she will come out. The degree of effort is no worse than Chi Xuan.

After another six months, the sword qi on Chi Xuan's body is close to a thousand dao, that is to say, the second test of the sword array, he is about to pass. However, Xiao Guoguo found that the scars on his body did not decrease, and he was very worried. Is it really no problem for Senior Brother to pass the second test like this?

She still remembers that when Chi Xuan had the first test, she was very elegant, without any scars on her body, just like a gentleman. But now, why is it like this!

So, Xiao Guoguo is not worried about Chi Xuan’s cultivation base, but worried about his state of mind. Could something be wrong?

But she was a newcomer to the cultivation world. She didn't understand this, so she asked Li Senior Brother Jian. He only assured himself that Xiao Guoguo felt something was wrong.

Chi Xuan came out of the sword array, and the whole person became quiet. The murderous aura remaining on the body in the sword array is gradually becoming calmer.

But, suddenly, Chi Xuan opened his eyes, and quickly raised the sword in his hand, blocking him.

With a ding sound, Chi Xuan's sword shook for a while, the silver sword light wiped his face, and a strand of hair was cut off, and Chi Xuan also spits out mouthful of blood.

This is a sneak attack! Chi Xuan's whole body was tense, and the long sword in his hand immediately fought back. A sword qi rushed out of the door, but it was like clay ox entering the sea, without any reaction at all.

Chi Xuan heart startled, only to see Li Jian walk in from the door, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Junior Brother, your progress is fast." Li Jian walked in, Chi Xuan also put down the long sword in his hand,

"You are not afraid that I am true Who came to take your life?" Li Jian was puzzled. It's too easy to trust others!

"Senior Brother's attack just now was just for testing and didn't mean to kill me." Chi Xuan said, his face still cold, Li Jian smiled.

"You should really let Junior Sister Xiao come in and see what you are like now. I think your recent sword heart has changed." Li Jian said, Chi Xuan's complexion changed, I want Control your expression, but you can't do it.

"Originally, I saw that you are repairing the Sword Monarch, and the sword qi is gentle and moist. It is to kill people without Slaughter Qi. But now everything has changed. This sword qi is also Become domineering, even become violent, the change in this is not a little bit." Li Jian's eyes were inquiring.

"That's because I found that Sword Monarch needs a long time to accumulate, which is not suitable for me. I don't have such a long time to wait!" Chi Xuan said, Li Jian looked He glanced.

"Transform your sword heart, aren't you afraid of giving up halfway?" Li Jian asked, Chi Xuan slightly smiled.

"I am not a candidate for Sect Master of Sword Sect, I don't need to carry so much." Chi Xuan's answer made Li Jian didn't expect. After understanding, he smiled knowingly.

He can see clearly. However, that Life and Death Sword, he always thought about being with Junior Sister Xiao! So, this guy deliberately found a sword dao close to Junior Sister?

"Why are you like this? Although Junior Sister's sword dao is fearless and dauntless, your gentleness may not be complementary to her." Li Jian seemed to see through Chi Xuan's thoughts and showed Chi Xuan's face One red.

Li Jian has already noticed that since Chi Xuan entered the sword array second test, he changed the sword heart. It can be said that it has a reverse change from the previous idea, and is closer to Xiao Guoguo's fearless and dauntless sword dao.

This is not a bad thing, as long as Chi Xuan is firm enough. In fact, Li Jian also felt that if the two swords Dao Idol were close, it would be more beneficial to control the pair of swords.

"I see your cultivation base, this is another breakthrough?" Li Jian asked Chi Xuan. Chi Xuan thought he had concealed it, but he never thought that it was discovered by Li Jian.

"Yes, the accumulation of the past few years, this time I have broken through one small realm." When Chi Xuan said this, he browsed tightly knit, and there was no surprise expression.

"Hehe, this is a good thing, why do you keep it?" Li Jian asked puzzledly.

"I used to think that I should ascend earlier and get revenge! But since I got here, I don’t want to. Now this Life and Death Sword, we can’t pull it out. If I soar, Junior Sister and I can’t meet each other. This pair of swords is probably more difficult to control."

Chi Xuan said that, Li Jian remembered that the cultivation base of these two people is too far apart. Up. Chi Xuan is about to soar, Xiao Guoguo, there is also Nascent Soul Stage. The gap in the middle can only be remedied by finding a way.

"Are you afraid that you won't be able to master the sword, or are you reluctant to be Junior Sister?" Li Jian asked with a smile, Chi Xuan's face turned red, so obvious?

"Chi Xuan, really, actually you don't want a breakthrough, just find me, why do you carry it yourself, if accidentally, something happens, what should I do?"

Li Jian said that, Chi Xuan complexion changed, is Senior Brother so good? Can he help him suppress the cultivation base without breakthrough?

"Senior Brother, is there any way?" Chi Xuan asked, Li Sword God secretly took out a medicine pill.

"Look, this is a precious medicine pill. Eating one can compress the cultivation base and make your breakthrough difficult! However, once the breakthrough, you will also get unexpected Good."

Li Jian finished speaking, Chi Xuan took the medicine pill and swallowed it without the slightest hesitation.

Li Jian: "..." Don't you ask me any surprises?

"You are too happy! You have to eat after asking!" Li Jian was very sad, these two children, how can people feel so worried!

"Senior Brother gave it, it must be a good thing!" Chi Xuan said so, Li Jian snorted, naturally a good thing, not a good thing, he can't take it out yet!

"This is naturally a good thing. I don't have many Great Family dísciples. These are the ones I asked for the Sect Master from Pill Sect back then! Normal people, I won't tell him!" Li Jian A face of arrogant unhappy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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