
  Chapter 964 Sect Lord Token

If you agree to help, Li Jian will give them a righteous Identity, let them become the people of Sword Sect, become the masters of this pair of swords.

If you don’t agree to help, can you save your life when the time comes? Will it be discovered by the people of Sword Sect? It depends on their luck.

Li Jian is like this, it can be said that everything has been plotted against.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't understand. How could such a smart person lose so badly back then! Why can't I get Ling Yun's heart!

Is the IQ really too high? In order to balance it, is the emotional quotient directly negative?

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Guoguo feels sour and refreshing. Is she too high in EQ and lowered her IQ score?

"How did Ling Yun die back then?" Xiao Guoguo was still a little bit uncomfortable. After all, he was someone who had come into contact with a fantasy world.

"Yun'er, I'm afraid that I don't want to see me anymore, so I took the initiative to give up my vitality." When Li Jian said this, his heart began to hurt. He pressed it down and did not dare Make yourself too vulnerable.

Such a Li Jian made Xiao Guoguo wonder how to comfort him. He glanced at Chi Xuan, and Chi Xuan gently shook his head.

"Li Jian, don't be too sad. All this is not your fault. If Ling Yun can be stronger and open her heart, try to get to know you a little bit, maybe the end will not be like this."

Xiao Guoguo wants to say that Ling Yun actually bears most of the responsibility for this matter, but when she thinks of Li Jian's feelings for her, this can't be said.

"I'm not sad, you don't understand, I'm waiting for her to come back." Li Jian said, standing up slowly, his expression improved a lot, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

Listening to what he said, looking at his expression, it seemed that he was not lying or unconscious. Could it be... he has been searching for a way to bring Ling Yun back to life?

She doesn't understand the world of high level cultivator, let alone this cultivator, she is crazy about love. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo didn't understand and didn't dare to ask more, just took the sword in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"It's just that this Sword Art...I don't have it in my hands. I need you to be connected and comprehended by yourself." As Li Jian said, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

"What do you mean by this? In other words, you only gave us a sword, but you don't have a Sword Art worthy of this sword!" Xiao Guoguo asked, Li Jian was somewhat sorry, and then Nodded decisively.

"The senior who refined this pair of swords once said, let us create our own Sword Art. If we can get the recognition of this pair of swords, we will be the true masters of this pair of swords. These years There are naturally many Sword Art created by seniors, but none of them have succeeded.

Since it was unsuccessful, why bother to give it to you? After you learn it, it is of no use. It’s better to learn ordinary Sword Art, and from it comprehend, maybe you can create a set of your own."

When Li Jian said that, Xiao Guoguo felt that this matter seemed very strange. Not reliable!

In other words, for so many years, Sword Sect's group of full-time swordsman geniuses who have been holding swords for eat, drink, shit and piss since childhood are not comprehend. She is a layman and can have this ability. ?

"Why do I feel that it is so unreliable." Xiao Guoguo muttered so, Li Jian coughed twice.

"Senior said that as long as the destined person arrives, it will be done naturally! I'll say something blunt, it depends on your life. Anyway, I don't have this life." Li Jian finished speaking, it was slightly slightly smiled, it seems that there is no regret.

Xiao Guoguo feels helpless, but he still wants to be connected? Love each other? Hehe, I really don't know, how long will it take to become the master of this pair of swords, forget it, let's do it step by step, anyway, they can't even draw the sword now!

"Besides, this is the Sect Lord Token of Sword Sect. Now, I will pass it to you."

Li Jian holds a transparent token in his hand, which radiates After bursts of rays of light, Xiao Guoguo almost couldn't bear it. She just learned Sword Art not very long, and can see clearly, it is clearly one after another powerful sword intent.

"This Sect Lord Token... is so powerful." Xiao Guoguo said so, Li Jian did not expect to hear such a sentence.

"What do you say?" Li Jian asked immediately, looking at Xiao Guoguo's eyes with expectation.

"The sword intent on the Sect Lord Token can't open the eyes anymore. It doesn't seem to be a single person's sword intent, but it seems to have been accumulated from generation to generation."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Li Jian's eyes brightened. He didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to see it!

"Can you... really see clearly?" Li Jian asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"It's really clear, each represents a different meaning and color." Xiao Guoguo said that, Li Jian was ecstatic!

There is indeed a sword intent on the Sect Lord Token, and it is not visible to people with a higher cultivation base, but not to those with a low cultivation base. This sword intent will only be seen by the destined person, that is to say, the better the aptitude, the greater the possibility of seeing it!

That year, when he took over the position of Sect Master, he saw this Sect Lord Token, but he felt depressed and didn't dare to look directly at it! Where can I see the sword intent!

However, now Xiao Guoguo can see through it at a glance! Did you really pick up a sword dao genius by accident?

"Come here, apprentice!" Li Jianhao made the decision without hesitation, and Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

"Well, this is different from what I just said, you mean let me be the Sect Master, how come this has become your dísciple again?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Li Jian laughed heartily .

"It's not like letting you worship my Master or Master, which delayed your good future! I asked you to worship my Master Master and be my Little Junior Sister from now on." Li Jian said. Then, Xiao Guoguo was stunned.

It's okay! Collect the discipline for the fallen Master!

"Only if you are my Junior Sister, your status is high enough to allow me to pass the position of this Sect Master to you. This Sect Lord Token can give you a good insight!"


As Li Jian said, the whole person became energetic, and he finally did something worthy of Master and worthy of sect.

"That... okay." Xiao Guoguo can't think of any reason for rejection. Since they have agreed, there is no need to hesitate about the issue of seniority.

Hearing this, Li Jian took out the portrait of his Master and floated in the air. At the same time, he set up an incense table and tea futon in front of Xiao Guoguo.

Xiao Guoguo understood that this was a formal ceremony of apprenticeship. Then he knelt down, solemnly kowtowed his head, and offered tea to the portrait, and the ceremony of apprenticeship was counted.

And at this time, Li Jian has already taken out a brand new dísciple identity jade token for Xiao Guoguo from his storage bag, as well as countless Spirit Stones, medicine pills, magic weapons, among them, There is even an Immortal Artifact sword.

Xiao Guoguo saw it, his eyes will not blink! This is all money!

(End of this chapter)

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