
  Chapter 962 Two Handbags

So, this wonderful flower is played in this lava pond. hour! Doesn't it know that they will be worried?

"Forget it, what about things?" Xiao Guoguo suppressed the powerlessness in his heart. Spirit Beast and people's thinking naturally did not move. They don't like restraint by nature, and she can understand.

"Master, wait a minute!" said the salamander, slowly opening his mouth, and then gently spit out two fiery-red lava bumps from his mouth.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." What is this! Didn’t it mean Divine Item? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like Divine Item!

"Hehe, I really let you find it. I haven't seen it for a long time." Li Jian said so, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, this is really true!

"Let me clean up the molten slurry on this!" Li Jian said, releasing the spiritual power in his hand, wrapping the two knots in a fire sea.

Xiao Guoguo saw the molten molten swiftly melted from the flame, and even flowed into the molten molten pool again. And as the flame disappeared, Xiao Guoguo saw it. It was a pair of swords, shining brightly, standing on the huge rock.

The red scabbard and the silver hilt, just look at it as if fire is flowing on it.

"This... are these two swords?" Xiao Guoguo asked incredulously. Is it a Divine Item?

"This is a pair of swords, the wide one is for men, and the slender one is for women." Li Jian said this, and pulled out the two swords. Come down and give it to Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo.

Xiao Guoguo has only now realized that these swords are a pair, and they are prepared for a man and a woman. She seems to understand a little bit. Why Li Jian said that this is a pity for him.

His favorite woman in this life is Ling Yun, but Ling Yun is obviously not a sword cultivator, so it is obviously impossible for the two of them to dance this sword together!

"This sword is the Sect Protecting Treasure of Sword Sect! It was refined by sect senior. Unfortunately, the senior was unlucky at that time. Because the sword was used to disperse his wife, he placed it in the Sword Mountain. In.

Until later, sect a pair of Dao Companion discovered and brought them out. Since then, Sword Sect has relied on this pair of swords to become famous! It’s just that although this sword is available, it never recognizes. Among the Master, sect, no one can let them acknowledge allegiance!” Li Jian said so, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, holding the sword in his hand, and wanted to pull it out, but found that the sword was completely motionless.

"Can't pull it out? Why is this?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Li Jian smiled.

"Your cultivation base is not enough, and Baojian will not agree with you! Divine Items have their own ideas. Although I can give them to you, they are willing to follow you, but I can It's the final word." Li Jian said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan.

Chi Xuan also gathered the spiritual power in his hands, slowly exerting force, but, although the sword was intact, it was completely motionless, and Chi Xuan couldn't open it either.

"Don't worry, as long as you are connected and love each other, sooner or later these two swords can be used by you." Li Jian said so, Xiao Guoguo's face turned green.

Wait, what you mean is, they want to be connected and love each other? Hehe, they are not the kind of relationship he thinks!

"I think we probably won't be able to pull out this sword in this life." Xiao Guoguo said dejectedly, and Li Jian smiled.

"It's too early to give up. You have to have confidence in yourself." Li Jian said lightly. Xiao Guoguo really wanted to tell him that he had some misunderstandings about their relationship.

"You said, this sword must be owned by a man and a woman at the same time, and be connected and love each other before it can be used?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Li Jian nodded.

"Then how did you use it back then... Could it be you and Han Meng?" Xiao Guoguo immediately thought of this, Li Jian was bitterly laughed and nodded.

"Sect each generation of masters will choose outstanding male female disciple for training, some succeeded, some failed. The Master also cultivated me with this mindset, but unfortunately, I let them down. "

When Li Jian said that, Xiao Guoguo seemed to understand a little bit, why he gave them this sword.

Because, when she entered the fantasy world, she became Han Meng, and Chi Xuan Senior Brother was the ancestor of Martial Uncle, and these two people, one made Li Jian full of guilt, and the other made him admire him greatly.

"So, in your life, this sword could not be pulled out?" Xiao Guoguo asked, seeing Li Jian nodded, he did not succeed.

"So, if these two swords can recognize you as masters, your future path will be limitless." Li Jian said so, looking at them with relief, as if they were helping him Completed an old dream.

"Don't worry, we will work hard." Chi Xuan said so, Xiao Guoguo didn't have much to say, people are so miserable, why should they hit him.

"Also, there is one thing I want to tell you. Although I gave this sword to you, it is the sect protecting treasure of Sword Sect after all. If you want to get it, become its true owner. , I have to promise me one thing!" Xiao Guoguo was ready when Li Jian said this.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. With the treasures of others, it is impossible to do anything for them!

"Senior, please tell me, as long as we can do it, we will certainly not refuse." Xiao Guoguo said, Li Jian nodded with satisfaction.

"This treasure was brought out by me without checking for a while. Now it is handed over to you. It is also your fate. There is nothing to say. But after all, this treasure has been in Sword Sect inheritance for so many years. The loss of sect is too great. If you want to hold it, please join me in Sword Sect."

As Li Jian said, Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan. In fact, she didn't expect that Li Jian would have this requirement. She thought that Li Jian wanted them to cultivation and help him go out to get revenge!

"Senior, we have sect." Xiao Guoguo replied, Li Jian frowned.

"Which sect?" Li Jian asked, Xiao Guoguo is naturally hard to conceal.

"We are Flying Immortal Sect dísciple." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, Li Jian laughed.

"Do you think it is better to be a Flying Immortal Sect dísciple, or to be a Sect Master of my Sword Sect?" Li Jian asked, Xiao Guoguo was stunned.

"Senior, don't be kidding, I don't know where your Sword Sect is."

Li Jian: "..." Who are we kidding?

"You don't know Sword Sect? You don't even know Sword Sect!" Li Jian felt that he was about to cry. How could anyone not know Sword Sect! He looked at Chi Xuan, and saw Chi Xuan smile helplessly.

"She is not very clear about the things in the cultivation world. We are the dísciple of the Level 2 plane. Naturally, we don't know much about the Level 1 plane." Chi Xuan said so, Li Jian secretly said in one's heart, it's no wonder.

(End of this chapter)

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