
  Chapter 956 Leaving

This Ling Yun is very spineless, saying that he will not take away a single bit , I really didn't take anything away.

In her storage bag, the Master gave herself something when she went down the mountain. It is estimated that she can insist on returning to Pill Sect.

However, she didn't know that Li Jian in that small room was stunned at this moment, desperately trying to charge ahead to keep her, but she couldn't move at all. Only watching Ling Yun helplessly, Yu Jian left.

"I'll follow to watch the excitement, you take care of this, we will meet again."

Xiao Guoguo jumped up from the stone bench, patted the grape skins in his hands, and faced each other. Chi Xuan said with a smile behind him. Looking at the female disciple around that way, one by one is stupid. Is this the calm and ruthless Han Meng just now?

"Okay, you go, pay attention to your own safety." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo has already flown away, and he can't wait, just like a child.

And Chi Xuan gently waved his sleeves, and saw that the door of that thatched house opened when he touched him, and inside was Li Jian with an angry and distorted expression. The moment they saw Li Jian, everyone in this yard felt that their legs were soft and fiercely trembled twice.

It's impossible, he is impossible to know what they are doing, it must be a dream!

"I want to kill you!" Li Jian roared, and the women scattered and fled. They already felt the murderous aura. If they didn't run now, they would really be killed here.

"Martial Uncle ancestor, please help me." Li Jian looked at Chi Xuan, not daring to impudent, begging.

"Is it worth it for a woman? The position of Sect Master is rich and powerful. You don't want it?" Chi Xuan asked, looking at Li Jian.

"It's worth it. Without her, everything would be meaningless." Li Jian said so, Chi Xuan slightly smiled, idiot.

"Then you made people so miserable? I think you are stupid, you deserve it, you deserve to be abused." Chi Xuan said with a smile, Li Jian heard this, the whole person No, this is his Martial Uncle ancestor?

"What does Martial Uncle ancestor mean?" Li Jian looked at Chi Xuan in confusion.

"Meaning, we have been helping you. If you want to succeed in catching your wife, just listen to Han Meng, she has many ideas, trust me."

Chi Xuan smiles softly I looked at Li Jian and my sword heart was tingling. This is a fake Martial Uncle ancestor! That's fake, Little Junior Sister! Can this work?

Can it be done? Xiao Guoguo can't guarantee that she thinks it is fun and interesting. If it is not, it depends on luck.

Sure enough, Ling Yun, a weak woman, didn't get far out of Pill Sect before she ran into a group of bad guys. Ling Yun's face was very ugly, she was holding a sword in her hand, but her heart was shaking.

She seems to have gone back to the last time, and not far from sect, she ran into a bad person. If it weren't for that person, her destiny would not have such a turning point.

"Brothers, take this back and be your sister-in-law!" The man laughed heartily as he said, seeming very proud. Ling Yun face deathly pale, she would never let herself fall to this point, she would rather die!

At this time, I don't know what happened, Ling Yun suddenly thought of Li Jian. If he were here, he would definitely not allow these people to insult herself so much!

"Oh, I'm crying, I just like this weak look, it's so distressing, I don't need to start!" The man said, taking the lead in attacking, and Ling Yun, The cultivation base is too weak, it's time to catch it after only a dozen attempts.

"Little lady, this figure is soft enough, but her ability is too bad." Another man said so, twitched his lips, such a woman, he doesn't like it!

Being despised by a group of thieves, Ling Yun is ashamed and angry. However, she didn't even have a chance to dictate herself, so she was sealed spiritual power, she was desperate.

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it, the boss likes it, everyone's taste is different." One one-eyed said, everyone laughed heartily, Ling Yun only now knows how small she is.

In the eyes of a group of bandits, she was so not worth mentioning, but Li Jian was like a jewel and held her in her palm for several decades. Isn't Li Jian inferior to these bandits? Ling Yun felt sour and uncomfortable, and spits out mouthful of blood came out.

"Aiya, this body is not strong." Another bandit said disgustingly.

"Yes, this body is too bad, it's okay to cry, something to vomit blood, this tune, hey."

Xiao Guoguo came out, the bandits face deathly pale, although Han Meng is beautiful and alluring, but the moment they watched Xiao Guoguo, they turned and ran without the slightest hesitation, and as soon as Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand, several people were fixed in place.

"You, why are you here?" Ling Yun looked at Xiao Guoguo in surprise, very puzzled.

"Do you think I'm getting in the way? Don't you want me to come? Then I can go." Xiao Guoguo said that he really wanted to leave, so scared Ling Yun didn't say anything, pulling her skirt.

"Don't go, you help me!" Ling Yun said with tears on her face, really panicking to the extreme.

"You let go of my skirt first, don't pull it." Xiao Guoguo snatched his skirt, and then looked at Ling Yun who fell on the ground.

"I heard that Senior Brother has rescued you in this situation?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Ling Yun seemed to remember the past, her face pale.

"When Senior Brother rescued you, what is it like to be killed now? If I saved you, would you not treat me the same way? Are you grateful, and still feel that I am being forced? You want If I feel a loss, I won't save it."

Xiao Guoguo said so, Ling Yun suddenly raised his head.

Yes, back then, he could have stood on the sidelines, but he saved himself and liked himself. About her, she feels wronged!

"Are you aggrieved by my Senior Brother? Or should you be aggrieved by this group of bandits?" Xiao Guoguo seemed to know what Ling Yun was thinking in his heart. After asking gently, he stood up and walked over there. In front of the bandits, this group of bandits, will you be scared to pee?

"Look at this boss, does he look the same as the person who kidnapped you back then? What is he going to do to you? Be his wife?"

Xiao Guoguo said each one With words, Ling Yun's body trembled, showing Li Jian who was hiding behind the tree very distressed. However, because Chi Xuan isolated them from the outside world, he couldn't move or get out.

"I was wrong, I know I was wrong!" Ling Yun cried bitterly, as if she really felt wrong and heartless.

"Come on, remember what you promised me, leave Sword Sect, and never go back again!" Xiao Guoguo said, killing all the bandits.

Not to mention that this is an illusory world, it is the real world. She hasn't been in a hurry to get rid of it. This is a group of scourges. Killing them is considered to be an enforcement Justice on behalf of the Heaven. .

"I..." Ling Yun didn't know where she should go. She didn't think she had the ability to return to Pill Sect safely. What a sad thing.

"You said that for so many years, you are the wife of Sword Sect, why didn't you have a good cultivation? And there are no two confidants? I have never seen you such a failure!" Xiao Guoguo said. Ling Yun couldn't lift her head.

"Forget it, I'll be a good person, and I will send you back." Xiao Guoguo said, turning on the fan he carried and looking at Ling Yun with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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