
  Chapter 947 The Salamander in Trouble

The monster beast is too small and swallows a monster beast that is too big inner core, the consequences are difficult to predict.

The little monster beast does not need too much energy. It can be said that there is too much energy and it simply can't bear it. This is why, the salamander did not eat the inner core until the last moment, because it also knew that the risk was too great.

However, after eating the monster beast inner core, the little salamander still fell into the Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven...Bah, it is the realm of fire and fire within the realm. In the end, there is no doubt about it. Bye.

So, we must listen to the experience summaries of the predecessors, they are all lessons of blood and tears! Some even got their lives in exchange, how precious!

However, when the salamander was probably hanging up silently, a mysterious man appeared. With a smooth hand, the little salamander was saved, and the energy in its body was shunned.

"This is what I call, if you survive a catastrophe, you must be lucky!" The salamander said, and Mo Yu couldn't help but glanced at it.

How about returning to the future, do you think you are satisfied with your current state?

"Someone suddenly appeared and gave you such a great kindness, don't you have the slightest doubt?" Wenwen asked, and the salamander was taken aback.

"No, what do I want to do so much?" The salamander looked puzzled, and everyone was silent.

They were wrong. For such a powerful and simple monster beast, they should have been outsmarted in the first place!

"Think about it, why did he save you for no reason?" Wenwen continued to ask, and the salamander thought for a moment.

"Perhaps because it's easier? He said at the time that I happened to fall at the intersection. He didn't know which fork to go, so he saved me and led the way. "

After the salamander had said this, everyone felt that this guy was dead!

"You were really lucky! What happened later?" Wenwen continued to ask.

"Later? Later, my cave was requisitioned by him half! He also knew that this was my home, and I didn’t have to leave. I worked in ding ding dong dong for three months. , It’s finished.

Then, he left. Before leaving, he killed all the monster beasts around this area. Fire Spirit Power’s monster beast inner core was given to me. Just one request. Let me look at the array, don't let people go inside, it is very dangerous!"

After Salamander finished speaking, everyone finally understood the general structure of the story. The story should be that a mysterious man found a cave underneath in order to hide treasure. Because of the road idiot, he saved a comatose little monster beast, and then borrowed other people's territory.

In the process of getting along, this little monster beast is quite simple, so I designated it as the monster beast of the guard of the array, and also a lot of money...Bah, using the monster beast inner core as a reward.

"Wait, I see, there is no one in the array! Not to mention there is no monster beast, not even a bone! Hasn't anyone discovered this cave for so many years?" Qingyun Daoist asked so, and saw the salamander look at the fool's expression.

"How is it possible! This is a place where Flying Immortal Sect dísciple cultivation often comes, how can no one find it? Every time there are some people who want to die and run here." Thinking of the time, the salamander I'm in a good mood.

"Where's that person? Did you let you go?" Qingyun daoist didn't expect, this salamander was kind.

"Me? Why should I let them go? They didn't bring me anything delicious?!"

Everyone: "..." So they brought you delicious food That's fine! Your request is too low!

"What about them?" Qingyun Daoist is interested in this.

"Those that can be scared away will be scared away, and those that can't be scared away will be killed!" The salamander finished speaking. I don't think I have done too much. It is a monster beast, and they are a human cultivator. , The identity relationship between them is already very embarrassing!

"Understood." Xiao Guoguo smiled bitterly after saying this.

he he he, this is the site of Flying Immortal Zong. It is estimated that the salamander kills are the dísciple of Flying Immortal Sect, right? I just don't know what the identities of these dísciples are. I really caused another big trouble this time!

"Don’t worry, master, don’t worry about me doing things, I have nothing left except their storage bag!"

The salamander is very pleased after saying this. Going deep into the cave, he took out five or six storage bags.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." At this moment, the desire to die is all there!

"Hehe, this sect experience, it is normal to die a few dísciples every year, so overestimate one's capabilities, naturally we have to bear the corresponding consequences, we can't beat this guy, why do they have this confidence!"

Qingyun daoist persuades him like this, hehe smiles in his heart, it would be a big trouble if it doesn't work this time.

"Junior Sister, don't worry, no matter what, I am here." Chi Xuan said so, Xiao Guoguo smiled bitterly and looked at the flame dragon.

"What kind of cultivation base are these who were destroyed by you?" Xiao Guoguo only cares about this matter.

"There is nothing at worst, there are Divine Transformation Stage, and Integration Stage, the most powerful is only a soaring period!" The salamander finished speaking, Xiao Guoguo almost kneeled. When you are picking people, you are really particular about it!

"It's okay, give me the storage bag." Xiao Guoguo said. After taking the storage bag, the Qingyun daoist was stupid. For such a big thing, you are still in the mood for a storage bag.

"I said, you are so generous! Do you know how big a basket this is?" Qingyun daoist asked, Xiao Guoguo looked at him.

"Then what do you say to me? It's too late to get rid of it now. For the sake of this plan, we must first tidy up this thing, destroy the corpse and evidence, at least, these things can comfort me I feel broken."

Xiao Guoguo said, the things were directly placed in the artificial space, and the remaining storage bags were thrown into the lava and ruined, thoroughly.

"Don't worry, no one can move you with me!" Chi Xuan said with a murderous aura. If who dares to attack Xiao Guoguo, he would kill someone!

"Hehe, yeah, don’t worry, this is not Salamander’s fault at all. It’s awkward. I wanted to take treasure, without ability, and was killed by the monster beast guarding treasure. Yes, you can’t blame others. If you don’t pursue this opportunity and don’t be greedy, how can you kill me?" , This matter has to be kept secret, absolutely must not let sect know.

"Everyone, please keep your mouth open about today's affairs. Don't say it to the outside world. I really can't help it." Xiao Guoguo said so, Li Dan Master and Qingyun Daoist were also nodded.

Let alone Xiao Guoguo, this is because they might not be able to handle it after a change. They are all their own people, they would not do things like hit a person when he's down.

"Did I do something wrong?" the salamander asked, Xiao Guoguo took a deep breath.

"Yes, what you did is good. By the way, what did that person say before he left?" The Salamander interrupted, and Xiao Guoguo almost suffocated his breath, let alone ask. This matter.

"Oh, he said, to break the formation, there is only one prerequisite, that is, two people go in together, one man and one woman."

(End of this chapter)

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