
  Chapter 935 Finding

Xiao Guoguo After hearing this, he froze for a while, and then looked at Mo Yu, asked: "This is the story you tell you in your bloodline inheritance?"

"Yes, my bloodline inheritance records a lot of things, and there are several such stories. "

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Why do you feel that these stories are not very reliable!

Or, these powerful magic weapons are actually everywhere? Just came out once, and bumped into a flame skin lizard who was suspected of carrying treasures?

"Among your parents, there are probably some who like to listen to or tell stories, right?" Wenwen asked, wanting to laugh.

Otherwise, how little Spirit Beast, bloodline inheritance is not Legacy Cultivation Art, not inheritance family history, it turns out to be a story like inheritance!

"Master, this is only part of my memory. It's true or false, and whether it is a rumor or not is still uncertain. But if the master has the opportunity, you might as well give it a try. After all, this Flame Skink , Also very rare."

Xiao Guoguo didn't quite understand what Mo Yu said. Is this Flame Skink very rare?

"Are there few flames? It doesn't seem to be too special!" Wenwen said so, causing Xiao Guoguo to roll the eyes to her.

She has become a cultivation base, and she naturally feels that although this monster beast is powerful, it is only this. However, for those cultivators who are still in the mix, this is already very difficult to deal with a very special monster beast, okay!

"This flame monster beast is a high level monster beast, it is Chi Xuan side Xiaoqi, the owner is side fatty, and it is a little worse."

Mo Yu just finished talking. With this, I felt that a small paw was sticking out beside me. Obviously this was fatty and I was upset!

"I'm worse than him for anything! I'm like this now, that's because I'm still a young bird!" Fatty said, Mo Yu took a deep breath.

To tell the truth, why is it so difficult!

"Okay, that is, the flame lizard is of the same grade as the fatty. However, this guy is already an adult, and if I read it correctly, it will surely soar within a hundred years. In that case, It must be rare! It is estimated that there is no more powerful Flame Skink on this plane!"

Mo Yu's words have to be said, very reasonable!

However, this is only possible. After all, this is the impossible flame lizard in the world. People have already soared, and I don’t know how many!

Moreover, this flame lizard is so powerful, they seem to have nothing to do with it!

"Even so, it's just luck. If there is a sword, we can't beat it!" Xiao Guoguo said so, and Mo Yu smiled.

Is it easy? It knows a lot of things, but it can’t say it!

In any case, whether it is better to improve Xiao Guoguo's strength or Chi Xuan's strength now, there are only benefits, no harm!

"Master, don't be afraid, I know the weakness of this flame lizard!"

Mo Yu said that, Xiao Guoguo was slightly taken aback, how could he feel that Mo Yu was unreliable , Suddenly it's reliable!

"Are you sure?" Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but ask. Although he wanted to believe in his Spirit Beast, it was a monster beast that was going to ascend. Some of them, really can it's OK?

"If there is only you, the master, of course it won't work! If there is no strategy, in the face of absolute strength, there is nothing to do! But now that there is a Wenwen girl, there is definitely no problem !"

Probably because of the previous experience of feeding the text, in the eyes of Mo Yu, the text is indeed a terrifying existence. Of course, Xiao Guoguo is also terrifying. When she is cruel, she is simply not a human being!

"That said, I can believe you a bit, what do you think Wenwen?" Xiao Guoguo asked Wenwen, Wenwen smiled.

"Boss, I was going to have a look. Chi Xuan and the three of them are trapped, and we are not helpless. Now we can only find the flameneck and talk about life. , Let it release the people, is the best solution!" Wenwen said that, Xiao Guoguo also feels right, and if they start, they can’t beat it. If you do, you can still run!

"Okay, let's go and see, what kind of monster beast is this!" Xiao Guoguo said so, and followed Wenwen into it.

I have to say that the inside of this cave is very hot. Before that, Master Li Dan had just dug a cave on the ground and it was already too hot for them, let alone the bottom.

It's not a fight, it's also sweaty. Thanks to their spiritual power to protect their bodies, it doesn't feel difficult. Xiao Guoguo is just worried about Chi Xuan, Senior Brother and Ancestor Master, and don't know what's wrong.

At this moment, Chi Xuan stabilized his body in the array, and then slowly took out the jade slip.

When he heard Xiao Guoguo's prompt, he smiled helplessly, except that he was thankful that Xiao Guoguo and the others did not come in, there was nothing to do, they were trapped.

"We can't use spiritual power now, and we don't know how to get out of here." Master Li Dan said so, looking at the jade slip in Chi Xuan's hand, very lucky. Xiao Guoguo's cultivation base is not high, but he can't be involved.

"There will always be a way. There are formation eyes in this array. Although our current cultivation base is blocked, it is a cultivator and will not die easily!"

Qingyun daoist said so, looking at Chi Xuan, looking at this guy is not pleasing to the eye. If it weren't for fighting with him, he would definitely be beside Wenwen, comforting her outside!

This is better than being trapped in this place and being hit by an array, but it's so much better! It's a pity, this regret is of no avail, so I still think about how to get out and find Wenwen.

And at this time, Xiao Guoguo's sound transmission has arrived again, Chi Xuan heart startled, hurriedly opened it. He can't send out sound transmission now, but can only receive it.

"Chi Xuan Senior Brother, Ancestor Master, don't worry, let's go find the monster beast and save you!" Xiao Guoguo's voice came through the jade slip, but Chi Xuan was surprised Cold sweat!

"Naughty! What kind of cultivation base is she, how can she find that monster beast!" At this time, Master Li Dan was worried, but that was his own disciple and grandson!

Chi Xuan's face is ugly to the extreme. He never thought that Xiao Guoguo would be in danger because of him. Even with the text, he didn't dare to imagine the result.

Qingyun daoist is much more relaxed, he also thinks Xiao Guoguo has some overestimate one's capabilities. However, they are very kind in the end, can't say anything nasty, let alone Chi Xuan's face, like a murder!

"I said, don’t worry too much, she may not be able to find it! The monster beast is very cunning. I guess she can’t even find other people’s caves. When the time comes, she can only go back. That's it!"

Qingyun daoist's comfort made Chi Xuan fiercely take a look at him!

(End of this chapter)

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