
  Chapter 906 His own person

The senior brother Hu is very clear about his position, even though he is the Master Take in as a disciple, but, to be honest, from the beginning to the present, he has positioned himself as a master's little assistant, a decent logistics staff.

At the beginning, it was because of Elder Feng's unreliable ability and needed a dísciple to deal with, so he had this opportunity to apprentice.

In fact, he has been following the Master for so many years, and there is really no improvement in pill concocting. All these years, he has eaten the medicine pill refined by the Master.

So, the senior brother Hu doesn't have high demands on himself, as long as he can be down-to-earth. And he also knew that Lord Chi Xuan and Junior Sister Xiao were incomparable to him.

He just missed them a little. However, at least everyone is in Secret Realm and will be able to see it sooner or later, as long as they work harder.

"I have heard that even if we have been there for ten years, we may not be able to reach the core area of ​​this Secret Realm." Guan Jia said suddenly, making everyone stunned. a bit.

"What do you mean?" Ning Suxin felt uncomfortable in her heart. Could it be that they could not become a high level cultivator after staying here for ten years?

"I've inquired, this Secret Realm is very big, the more you go inside, the richer the spiritual power, the general dísciple can’t enter that area. When we came in, it was the Core Formation dísciple. Even if he became the Nascent Soul Stage, he couldn't get to the center."

Guan Jia still found the dísciple of this sect and inquired about it with his own wisdom. Everyone thought that the dísciple in Secret Realm was ascending to the skies with a single leap, but they didn't know that even if it was the Nascent Soul cultivator, it could only turn around near the middle area.

If you really want to enter the central area, it must be a higher cultivation base, Astral Projection Stage, or even Divine Transformation Stage.

"Then this Secret Realm exists, isn't it for the disciplines?" Su Mu asked, and everyone immediately understood.

The core area of ​​this Secret Realm is not prepared for the disciplines. Otherwise, why did ten dísciples come in for a hundred years? This is clearly prepared for the high level cultivators in the sect. Maybe the Elders?

Maybe, there is their real retreat! Because the core area spiritual power is strong, maybe every time the Elders want to break through, they will come in to retreat!

Even though I think so, everyone's complexion is still not very good. In such a comparison, they feel that they are really too small. Moreover, sect said to the outside that this is the Land of Trial of the disciplines!

"Don't be discouraged, sooner or later you can become the Elder of sect, and you also have the opportunity to enter a more core place." Wei Feng said, closing his eyes.

Thinking about this now is just a futile effort. If it is really speaking of which, sect will not treat them badly. Other dísciples have no chance to come in yet. They are now one step ahead of others.

"Wei Feng said that everyone works hard and knows that we will not become Elder one day!" Ning Suxin said, and calmed down. She doesn't want anything now, just I think that all these years of hard work is.

When everyone saw Ning Suxin like this, they closed their eyes one by one. They didn’t have time to think about other things. The most important thing now is to have a good cultivation, raise the cultivation base, and go inside. Take a walk.

After they go out, they will definitely give sect a big surprise to Dongcheng branch campus.

They remember, they represent the face of Dongcheng branch school. They can stay in the school or go back to the branch school. However, in any case, their presence in the future will only benefit the Dongcheng branch school.

Wenwen slowly opened his eyes and looked at the dísciple of the Dongcheng branch school, slightly smiled. She could have gone to the boss, but the boss made sense.

She is now closed for pill concocting, and it is of no use to go by herself, so it is better to cultivation outside. But the boss said to let herself go to the core area, but she stayed here.

In fact, she also knows in her heart that the spiritual power here is lower than the core area, but think about the three Wei Feng and Young Master Pan outside here. They are the bosses, so she naturally Take care of it.

And the rest of the people, no matter what, are fellow villagers! They came from Earth, and if she can take care of them, she will naturally take care of some.

The main reason is that these dísciples are of good quality, and she is willing to take care of some, otherwise, she will not have to work hard.

"Wenwen, let's go inside, the spiritual power here is not rich enough." Qingyun daoist doesn't understand what Wenwen thinks, but feels that the spiritual power here is not rich enough, they obviously can In-depth.

"If the Master is in a hurry, you can go first." Wenwen said, and glanced at Qingyun Daoist.

"No, I'll stay with you, otherwise I don't worry." Qingyun Daoist looked at several silhouettes in the distance and said.

Seriously, there is still some distance between them. However, Qingyun Daoist just feels uneasy, always feel that there are shameless people who want to hook up her discipline!

How could he not guard, and finally left Chi Xuan, finally spending time alone!

Besides, there is one more thing, Qingyun Daoist is very puzzled. He doesn't know what medicine pill the discipline eats, but he feels that the cultivation base of the discipline seems to be improving rapidly, which is really weird!

It's just that he can't ask about all this, because Wenwen won't tell him.

Thinking about it this way, Qingyun Daoist felt regretful. He had known this a long time ago. He didn't embarrass her when he said anything, so she now has such a deep defense against herself.

Thinking of what I did back then, Qingyun daoist sighed, I really won’t die if I don’t die!


At this moment, Xiao Guoguo is sitting in front of the alchemic furnace with a serious attitude. I have to say that this Li Dan Master is worthy of being a Pill Refining Master. Although this method looks like a tough one, it is really effective.

Ten medicine pill recipes and 3,000 medicine ingredients. In this year, they have refined a total of more than 900 medicine pill, which is cultivated day and night.

During this period, her medicine pill grade has finally been a breakthrough, and it has directly passed from Grade 5 medicine pill to Grade 6. Although it is still in the low-level stage of Grade 6, the obvious improvement is because of the many medicine pills they have refined!

"Junior Sister, are you tired? Do you want to take a break?" Chi Xuan asked Xiao Guoguo as he came out of a medicine pill, and Xiao Guoguo shook his head.

In the beginning, she had to refine a medicine pill for at least five or six hours, but now, it only takes four hours. Even so, she can only refine three medicine ingredients and three medicine pills a day.

"Senior Brother, don't worry about me. Take a break. I will restore some spiritual power." Xiao Guoguo said, holding a Spirit Stone in his hand and began to restore spiritual power.

Don’t look at Xiao Guoguo normally being lazy, but I really made up my mind to cultivation properly, and after raising the alchemy level, the whole person seems to have changed!

Although she still insists on eating one meal a day and sleeping for two hours, she doesn't waste any pill concocting the rest of the time.

This is not a simple matter for a foodie like Xiao Guoguo. Although she doesn't feel bad for herself, Chi Xuan feels bad for her.

(End of this chapter)

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